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(New page: Hi Hi! This is Natalie Lin ^^ I'm a nomore, but I was a third year at CTY this year. Yeah, it sucks a lot to be missing out on my nevermore year :( My parents are not letting me come back...)
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Revision as of 13:16, 6 August 2007

Hi Hi! This is Natalie Lin ^^

I'm a nomore, but I was a third year at CTY this year. Yeah, it sucks a lot to be missing out on my nevermore year :( My parents are not letting me come back. But CTY = Life, and w/o CTY, there's no love :O

I guess there's always RA at 19 ^^

Skidmore is my preferred campus. I love it there ^^ It's not too small (like Siena), yet it's not so large that there isn't a sense

Sessions and Classes

05.1 Siena - Crafting the Essay 06.1 Skidmore - Critical Essay: Lit & Art 06.2 Skidmore - FPHS Chemistry 07.2 Skidmore - IPMS :D

Talent Show

If anyone remembers me, it's usually through the Talent Show. In all my sessions at Skidmore, I played the piano, and in addition in 06.2 I was also in the little "Chorus" group ^^

Talent show of 06.1, I played Libestraum by Liszt, which went well. Talent show of 06.2, I sang "Scarborough Fair" with the Chorus, and played a sonata by Beethoven that ended up pretty badly considering at one point, my pages fell down, and when we propped them back up, it turns out they were in the wrong order. Yeah, my best fried there that turned pages was close to crying, since she though it was her fault -_-;;; Talent show of 07.2 also went pretty well, I plated Granada by Lecouna, with the exception that when I walked out from backstage, I stared at the piano for ages since there was no piano bench there. Yeah.....a friend in the audience had to point out that is was behind me....

Oh, and Talent Show of 07.2 is the one that featured Dave a.k.a. K(backwards R)PT and his "crap" story....


First year in Siena, I took Crafting the Essay A, with teacher Brian and TA Chris. Siena campus now looks pretty small to me, and to be honest, kinda boring 0_o. My roomate was Jen, who was infamous for being plowed down during soccer and receiving a concussion. Crafting the Essay was alright: to be honest, I kinda sucked at writing and annotating. Ah well. Sienna is good for having a bathroom inside our very large rooms :)

Second year is when the fun beings. 06.1 I took The Critical Essay: Literature & Arts, Teachers Liz and GRAHHHH forgot the TA's name 0_o. We went to the museum on campus (Tang), and also to another museum somewhere by bus. Again, I sucked, but at least this time I knew how to annotate 0_o|| I had fun learning all the traditions, and I was happy that I'd have 6 weeks at CTY, since I knew I was going to be at Skidmore for 2 sessions. I was in Howe 2, Mai's hall. Yes, 06.1 = Synergy!

06.2 was the BEST session EVER :D (though I must say, 07.2 does rival)My class was FPHS Chemistry, and we had one of the coolest classes around. Art and Kate was great, and we enjoyed blowing stuff up. (When in doubt, set it on fire). People in my class includes Edison, Deb, K(flipped R)PT, etc. etc. Oh, and I earned the nickname "Naughty [Nurse] Natalie" due to my "whore" dancing >< I was in Rounds 2, but I can't remember my RA's name -_- One of my best friends in camp was in my hall, taking IPMS at the time, Teresa Li, and we enjoyed shouting at these guys flexing outside her window, until she yelled "YOU HAVE NO MUSCLES!!!" and they stood on stakeout waiting for us to come out........ Oh of course, who could forget the guys in drag dancing to Everytime We Touch, and Peter dancing the Shakira dance. Then there's the guys in out class hobbling around in fishnets, and cocooning Deb with LOVEEEE tape ^^

07.2 was just a few days ago, but already I miss it so much :( I took IPMS (Alg. II), with instructor Jeremy and TA Pam. Great things happened this session, such as the Sexy Six (lmfao) and my friends. There were so many inside jokes this session, I can't even remember it all. I didn't forget Anorexic Devani, chasing chipmunks, Duck Boy, and all that good stuff. I was again in Rounds 2 (same hall as last year!) with RA Sam. Our class was basically math and poetry, with an occasional rocking of chairs and Charlotte falling down the stairs, and laughing as she continued to roll down. I made ramen (w.o blowing it up!)There's the jumping out of the window (which I did not participate in. I was too scared :O)Great times, and of course there's the crazy butt sex at Passion Fruit! ^^