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*... can you completely be the nerd that you are inside and not be judged, in fact, be loved all the more for it.=]
*... can you have synchronized showers
*... can you have deep conversations in the shower
*... do friars supposedly have cross-shaped lightsabres.
*... is guessing a person's ethnicity a good icebreaker at dinner, when the basketball girls have taken all the seats and you have to sit with random people.
*... can a guy accidentally have four girlfriends (BRI.08.2)
*... can guitar amp feedback be an alarm clock (BRI.08.2)
*... can hugging strangers be an activity (BRI.08.1)
*... does the world (somehow) make sense.
*... does the world (somehow) make sense.
*... can you see two guys dress like girls and lipsync "Stars Are Blind"
*... can you see two guys dress like girls and lipsync "Hips Don't Lie" (SAR.08.1)
**... or to "Womanizer" (SAR.09.2)
**...or an entire group of guys to 'Single Ladies' (SAR.13.1)
*... can the debate on the pronunciation of "ethereal" take up more than half of the class time (SAR 07.2)
*... can the debate on the pronunciation of "ethereal" take up more than half of the class time (SAR 07.2)
**... it's pronounced ethereal as in rhymes with cereal!
**... it's pronounced ethereal as in rhymes with cereal!
**... but ether-eel sounds better!
**... but ether-eel sounds better!
**…or even ether-real!
*... can you talk about crap the size of Danny DeVito at the talent show for 15 minutes (in front of all the administration) and not get in trouble for it
*... can you talk about crap the size of Danny DeVito at the talent show for 15 minutes (in front of all the administration) and not get in trouble for it
*... can you ride the dumbweighter
*... can you ride the dumbwaiter (SAR, McLellan hall, among other sites)
*... can random people on college tours be undaunted when faced with CTY Pirates, and Morris wearing a dress while knitting (CAR.07.2)
*... can random people on college tours be undaunted when faced with CTY Pirates, and Morris wearing a dress while knitting (CAR.07.2)
*... do girls melt duct tape into their hair with their flat-iron (and eventually get it out, too)
*... do girls melt duct tape into their hair with their flat-iron (and eventually get it out, too)
*... is duct tape acceptable (and loved) attire
*... is duct tape acceptable (and loved) attire
*... does Harry Potter suddenly become filled with sexual references (see article "Harry Potter")
*... does [[Harry Potter]] suddenly become filled with sexual references
**... And so do Alex Rider, Chronicles of Narnia, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory...
*... does everyone love everyone else
*... does everyone love everyone else
*... can you love tape someone you don't know (and not be sued for harassment)
*... can you love tape someone you don't know (and not be sued for harassment)
Line 15: Line 28:
*... do people steal cafeteria trays
*... do people steal cafeteria trays
**... or plates for autographs
**... or plates for autographs
*... can your RA be in the shower when the fire alarm goes off, have to go outside in a towel and have Synergy stare at her (SAR 06.1)
*... can your RA be in the shower when the fire alarm goes off, have to go outside in a towel and have Synergy stare at her (SAR 06.1, HPU 07.1)
**... only RAs? This happened to me (I'm a student) LMU 06.1
**... only RAs? This happened to me (I'm a student) LMU 06.1
**... this happened to my friend [a student] every single fire alarm. Or we called hall meeting. It was hilarious [EAS, 06.2]
**... this happened to my friend (a student) every single fire alarm. Or we called hall meeting. It was hilarious (EST 06.2)
**... this happened twice within the same hour to our quad..many girls were in the shower, and it was a weekend so there were lots of people outside. as soon as we got back from the first alarm, it sounded again. (Quad 1, CAR 07.1)
**... this happened twice within the same hour to our quad..many girls were in the shower, and it was a weekend so there were lots of people outside. as soon as we got back from the first alarm, it sounded again. (Quad 1, CAR 07.1)
*... can you meet a person, fall in love with them, and depart to your own edges of the country in under 3 weeks
**... at SAR.09.2, there was a girl who took 40 minute showers just so that the fire alarm would go off while she showered. Every time, she managed to miss the alarm by a few minutes.
*... are people psuedo-immortality whores and feel the need to write down all sorts of inside jokes on this page
**... I came out of the shower as a "boiled shrimp" according to my RA. (HPU.06.1)
**...can one sleep through the fire alarm. (SAR.09.1)
*... can you meet a person, fall in love with them, and depart to your own edges of the country/world in under 3 weeks
**... but meet up the next year again and still be in love
*... are people pseudo-immortality whores and feel the need to write down all sorts of inside jokes on this page
**... and proud of it
**... and proud of it
***... insanely proud
***... insanely proud
****... more than just "insanely"
*****... How about "psychotically"?
*... is Sexual Harassment a Joke (JHU 06.2)
*... is Sexual Harassment a Joke (JHU 06.2)
*... do people cheer for sex from someone they've never seen
*... do people cheer for sex from someone they've never seen
**... but they were sexy
**... but they were sexy
***... I hear you
*... does Goofus dance like <i>this</i>
*... does Goofus dance like <i>this</i>
*... can you see a bunch of kids in blue shirts do the Cotton Eye Joe in the middle of a sidewalk in front of a [[Places:SAR#The_Gawking_House|completely metrosexual house]]
*... can you see a bunch of kids in blue shirts do the Cotton Eye Joe in the middle of a sidewalk in front of a [[Saratoga Springs/places#The_Gawking_House|completely metrosexual house]]
*... is homesexuality and cross-dressing encouraged
*... is homosexuality and cross-dressing encouraged
**... And what is wrong with that, I ask?
*... are people known best for the noises they make
*... are people known best for the noises they make
**...long live the Random Pterodactyl Hiccup (Lauren from Crypto A - CAR.07.2)
**...long live the Random Pterodactyl Hiccup (Lauren from Crypto A - CAR.07.2)
**...long live the perfect pitched Pterodactyl scream (unidentified asian kid but his scream was phenomenal trust me - LOS 16.2)
**...long live the strange "reeee..." laugh (Jacob from Data - LAN.18.2)
*... do people worship a delicious piece of golden-fried chicken (All hail the [[Island Coconut Chicken]]!) LAN.06.2
*... do people worship a delicious piece of golden-fried chicken (All hail the [[Island Coconut Chicken]]!) LAN.06.2
**... it died for our sins!
**... it died for our sins!
Line 36: Line 59:
****... because of Kai
****... because of Kai
*... is boob molesting taught by nevermores
*... is boob molesting taught by nevermores
**... and strongly disapproved by RAs
*... does your RA tell you that you can't wear goggles just because you want to! (LAN 06.2)
*... does your RA tell you that you can't wear goggles just because you want to! (LAN 06.2)
*... do you fight with swords made of a bent coat hanger wrapped in duct tape. Go hall-fencing! (LAN 06.2)
*... do you fight with swords made of a bent coat hanger wrapped in duct tape.  Go hall-fencing!  (LAN 06.2)
*... is every fencer from New Jersey
*... is every fencer from New Jersey
*... does Jesus Fucking Christ have a second meaning (it's a one time thing.) LAN 06.2
**... Well to be fair Jersey has a lot of strong fencers
*... does Jesus F---ing Christ have a second meaning (it's a one time thing.) LAN 06.2
**... Amen
*... is a Frisbee almost essential
*... is a Frisbee almost essential
*... is a pack of cards equally as, if not more, essential
*... is a pack of cards equally as, if not more, essential
**.. and having wars over who has the best card deck is equally as essential
*... are the most common card games played Hearts, B.S., Big 2, Spades, Palace, Mao, Spit, Egyptian Ratscrew, Chinese Poker, and Presidents
*... are the most common card games played Hearts, B.S., Big 2, Spades, Palace, Mao, Spit, Egyptian Ratscrew, Chinese Poker, and Presidents
*... is grab-ass a common game whether it be in the water or on land.
*... is grab-ass a common game whether it be in the water or on land.
*... do people dress in their wackiest clothes because no one will make fun of them for it
*... do people dress in their wackiest clothes because no one will make fun of them for it
*... do people think of new variations of "[[Wanna buy a duck]]?"
*... do people think of new variations of "[[Wanna buy a duck?]]"
*... are people lightly scorned for being athletic
*... are people lightly scorned for being athletic
*... are people heavily scorned for studying
*... are people heavily scorned for studying
*... do people have competitions to put the most suffixes on a word (rockxorationage-esqueosityness)
*... do people have competitions to put the most suffixes on a word (rockxorationage-esqueosityness)
*... is everything a penis joke
*... is everything a penis joke
*... can nerds be so sexy
*... can nerds be so sexy
*... are you never asked whether or not cement and milk are elements (they're not). LAN 06.2
*... are you never asked whether or not cement and milk are elements (they're not). LAN 06.2
*... is there one class for seven hours a day.
*... is there one class for seven hours a day
**...and you love it
*... do you realize that implementing the undead actually is a more realistic approach than whatever you were thinking about
*... do you realize that implementing the undead actually is a more realistic approach than whatever you were thinking about
**... happened in SAR 08.2, in a inter-class debate (Logic class vs. Cog Psych A) (FALLACY!!!!!!)
*... do people form lifelong friendships during the course of three weeks.
*... do people form lifelong friendships during the course of three weeks.
**... this is sooooo true
**... this is sooooo true
*... is gambling mildly promoted at Casino Night.
*... is gambling mildly promoted at Casino Night.
**...mildly promoted? you mean heavily enforced
*... do guys participate in Fairy Princess Day.
*... do guys participate in Fairy Princess Day.
*... do people cuddle like there's no tomorrow.
*... do people cuddle like there's no tomorrow.
*... are girls jealous of guys' boobs.
*... are girls jealous of guys' boobs.
**... and vice versa.
*... do nerds grind for the first time (by accident but fun nonetheless)
*... do nerds grind for the first time (by accident but fun nonetheless)
*... do people rave shamelessly.
*... do people rave shamelessly.
Line 65: Line 98:
*... can entire works of [[The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy|Douglas Adams]] be recited from memory.
*... can entire works of [[The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy|Douglas Adams]] be recited from memory.
*... do sexy chicks from Lokelani choreograph a dance to the Backstreet Boys song "Larger Than Life" dubbed the Backstreet Babes
*... do sexy chicks from Lokelani choreograph a dance to the Backstreet Boys song "Larger Than Life" dubbed the Backstreet Babes
*... do people become avid [[The Rocky Horror Picture Show|Rocky Horror]], [[They Might Be Giants]], and [[R.E.M.]] fans.
*... do people become avid ''[[Rocky Horror]]'', They Might Be Giants, and R.E.M. fans.
*... do lanyard collectors get their roots.
*... do lanyard collectors get their roots.
*... do RAs sell their bodies to each other for our entertainment.
*... do RAs sell their bodies to each other for our entertainment.
*... does an RA with a particularly, um, high-energy hall have a nightmare where his kids are removing the stairs to the stairwell. "What are you doing??!!" "We're removing the stairs to create a booby trap!"
*... does an RA with a particularly, um, high-energy hall have a nightmare where his kids are removing the stairs to the stairwell.  "What are you doing??!!"  "We're removing the stairs to create a booby trap!"
*... does everyone (and we mean EVERYONE) gets a gf/bf
*... does everyone (and we mean EVERYONE) gets a gf/bf
*... are there regulations concerning [[Public Displays of Affection|public displays of affection]]
*... are there regulations concerning [[Public Displays of Affection|public displays of affection]]
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*... do we spend movie nights laying on people's bellies across the lawn
*... do we spend movie nights laying on people's bellies across the lawn
*... can "suck my butt" be an answer to anything
*... can "suck my butt" be an answer to anything
**... or "suck on my balls" (LMU PHY 08.2)
*... does somebody spill their food at the cafeteria virtually every day
*... does somebody spill their food at the cafeteria virtually every day
*... do we make up stupid personal jokes like "timmy", and "just a little bit of alcohol"
*... do we make up stupid personal jokes like "timmy", and "just a little bit of alcohol"
*... do the guys at soccer camp make fun of us, and we make fun of them back
*... do the guys at soccer camp make fun of us, and we make fun of them back
*... people can't easily revenge (masaru and his stupid pickaxe!)
*... people can't easily revenge (Masaru and his stupid pickaxe!)
*... can you attack the grass
*... can you attack the grass
*... are ALL of the guys either super tall or super short
*... are ALL of the guys either super tall or super short
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**... the package says "mentos... the chewy mint" not "mentos... the chewy mintS;" thusly, Mentos, refers to a single given chewy mint, not multiple
**... the package says "mentos... the chewy mint" not "mentos... the chewy mintS;" thusly, Mentos, refers to a single given chewy mint, not multiple
*... can you cry and for the first time, not hide your tears
*... can you cry and for the first time, not hide your tears
*... do rinas and cty-nerds come together to insult each other
*... do rinas (and rinos) and CTY-nerds come together to insult each other
*... people will work themselves into a fury when they hear the words "free books"
*... people will work themselves into a fury when they hear the words "free books"
*... will "nerd" and "geek" be taken as compliments 100% of the time and people proudly refer to CTY as "nerd camp". (THAT IS SO TRUE!)
*... will "nerd" and "geek" be taken as compliments 100% of the time and people proudly refer to CTY as "nerd camp". (THAT IS SO TRUE!)
*... can boys be both sexy and smart
*... can boys be both sexy and smart
**... A girl wrote this, didn't she?
*... can you find people with hand-drawn Magic: the Gathering card backs taped to the front of their binders
*... can you find people with hand-drawn Magic: the Gathering card backs taped to the front of their binders
*... does not finishing your homework in study hall mean nothing and you don't have to bring it back "home" to finish it
*... does not finishing your homework in study hall mean nothing and you don't have to bring it back "home" to finish it
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*... do you walk around singing "WHEN I THINK ABOUT YOU I TOUCH MYSELF"
*... do you walk around singing "WHEN I THINK ABOUT YOU I TOUCH MYSELF"
*... do you walk around shouting "Die, die, die, die! Live, live, live, live! Sex, sex, sex, sex! More, more, more, more! ORGY!!"
*... do you walk around shouting "Die, die, die, die! Live, live, live, live! Sex, sex, sex, sex! More, more, more, more! ORGY!!"
**... except at Siena
**... except at Siena 
**... and no "ORGY" at Saratoga.
**... <s>and no "ORGY" at Saratoga.</s> <s>NOT TRUE!</s><s>Only to the shouts of "Fuck that Lancaster shit!"</s> It's a touchy subject.
**...    and Carlisle
*... can you send penis-shaped balloons flying around the room---and make any and all dirty jokes that occur to you--- without getting in trouble
*... can you send penis-shaped balloons flying around the room---and make any and all dirty jokes that occur to you--- without getting in trouble
*... can orgies be platonic
*... can orgies be platonic
Line 140: Line 176:
*... can people say the internet is invented for porn (LMU 06-2)
*... can people say the internet is invented for porn (LMU 06-2)
**... WAS, not IS
*... is the accordion cool (CAR Talent Show, 05)
*... is the accordion cool (CAR Talent Show, 05)
*... are the three most obvious religious groups atheists, Jews, and Pastafarians.
*... are the three most obvious religious groups atheists, Jews, and Pastafarians.
**... Slushites if you know Meng. (Siena 07.2)
**... Slushites if you know Meng. (Siena 07.2)
**... and [[Stefanism|Stefanists]] at Saratoga (SAR.06.2)
**... and [[Hall:SAR#Stefanism|Stefanists]] at Saratoga (SAR.06.2)
**...and members of the Mortos Cult (CAR.07.2)
**...and members of the Mortos Cult (CAR.07.2)
*... do people spend most of the money they have on energy drinks
*... do people spend most of the money they have on energy drinks
*... are you campsick 49 weeks out of the year...
*... are you campsick 49 weeks out of the year...
** 46 if you do double sessions!
*... can a tree prepare for the End of the World (LAN 06.2) (SO TRUE! There was a towel in the tree!!)
*... can a tree prepare for the End of the World (LAN 06.2) (SO TRUE! There was a towel in the tree!!)
**... as of 07.2 that towel is still there.
**... as of 07.2 that towel is still there.
Line 154: Line 192:
*... do people have outdoor shin-digs or cake fights and birthday humps on their birthday
*... do people have outdoor shin-digs or cake fights and birthday humps on their birthday
*... do girls dance around their hall with no shirts on having an STD...Spontaneous Techno Dance Party (CAR.06.1)
*... do girls dance around their hall with no shirts on having an STD...Spontaneous Techno Dance Party (CAR.06.1)
*... can over $1000 dollars worth of alcoholic drinks be found in the ceilings (someone for the love of god, please tell the story behind this, and where said things could/were found)(JHU 06)
*... can over $1000 dollars worth of [[Hall of Shame:JHU|alcoholic drinks]] be found in the ceilings (JHU 06)
*... can multiple straight guys sleep in the same bed and not mind
*... can multiple straight guys sleep in the same bed and not mind
*... can sexual references like wet origami be made up
*... can sexual references like wet origami be made up
Line 162: Line 200:
*... while the nation is in the middle of a same-sex marriage debate, do you celebrate the nation's birthday by cross-dressing
*... while the nation is in the middle of a same-sex marriage debate, do you celebrate the nation's birthday by cross-dressing
**[[Staff:Frank Wang|Frank Wang]] only swung his lanyard once...the world didn't need another Grand Canyon.
**[[Frank Wang]] only swung his lanyard once...the world didn't need another Grand Canyon.
*** "When Goofus swings his lanyard, everything '''dies'''..." *crash* "...including the stage..." (LAN 07.1)
*** "When Goofus swings his lanyard, everything '''dies'''..." *crash* "...including the stage..." (LAN 07.1)
*... can people can juggle three Rubik's Cubes and solve them at the same time (LMU 06-1)
*... can people can juggle three Rubik's Cubes and solve them at the same time (LMU 06-1)
Line 170: Line 208:
**... and devise a mystical creature for it - Extended Euclidean Algorithm Ninja Pirate Farie Pixy!
**... and devise a mystical creature for it - Extended Euclidean Algorithm Ninja Pirate Farie Pixy!
*... can squirrels <i>always</i> be crossing.
*... can squirrels <i>always</i> be crossing.
*... can piggy-backed-weight-difference-lifting-and-walking be a competitive sport - and completely hetero (BRI.08.2)
*... can you trick an entire room of people into listening to you read the ingredients of Pringles (in English and Spanish) by telling them there are [[The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy|Hitchhiker's Guide]] references hidden inside (LAN 06.2)
*... can you trick an entire room of people into listening to you read the ingredients of Pringles (in English and Spanish) by telling them there are [[The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy|Hitchhiker's Guide]] references hidden inside (LAN 06.2)
*... can you find "[[Mandatory Fun|mandatory fun]]", "inescapable bliss", and "required jubilee"
*... can you find "[[Mandatory Fun|mandatory fun]]", "inescapable bliss", and "required jubilee"
*... does a [[Song:Tunak Tunak Tun|Tunak Tunak Tun]] line go from the academic quad to the residential quad at meet market, make two circles and people still want to dance (Car 06 2.)
*... does a [[Tunak Tunak Tun]] line go from the academic quad to the residential quad at meet market, make two circles and people still want to dance (Car 06 2.)
*... does Jorge yell GO HOME! and students yell back NOBODY LOVES YOU!! without any authoritative punishment. (LMU 06.2)
*... does Jorge yell GO HOME! and students yell back NOBODY LOVES YOU!! without any authoritative punishment. (LMU. 06. 1 and LMU 06.2)
*... do you say "I Fountain East Quad" and have everyone understand you (LMU 06.2)
*... do you say "I Fountain East Quad" and have everyone understand you (LMU 06.2)
*... can you argue with your friends over who's geekier...and *want* to be the geekier one.
*... can you argue with your friends over who's geekier...and *want* to be the geekier one.
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*... can two guys stare into a tree and have a dozen people also stare in the tree trying to figure out what's up there (CAR 06.2)(LAN 07.2)
*... can two guys stare into a tree and have a dozen people also stare in the tree trying to figure out what's up there (CAR 06.2)(LAN 07.2)
*... can someone refer to themselves as "rebellious" because they claim to be 100% heterosexual
*... can someone refer to themselves as "rebellious" because they claim to be 100% heterosexual
*... can a bunch of guys put ICYHOT on their balls, and be proud of it (Bethlehem 06.2)
*... can a bunch of guys put ICYHOT on their balls, and be proud of it (Bethlehem 06.2)
*... do people burn ramen noodles (SAR 06.2)
*... do people burn ramen noodles (SAR 06.2)
Line 201: Line 239:
*... can you come up with ELWEES! (two crazy nerds, Basement Schneider 20, LAN 06 sess2)
*... can you come up with ELWEES! (two crazy nerds, Basement Schneider 20, LAN 06 sess2)
*... can card-throwing be considered a talent.
*... can card-throwing be considered a talent.
**...and deadly one too (LAN 11.1)
**and have your hallmates throw cards at you hard and trust them they'll miss you (LAN 11.1)
**and have a card-throwing competition, which results in the total loss of two decks of cards (EST 16.1)
*... will 'Joemma' babies be born (Easton 06.2)
*... will 'Joemma' babies be born (Easton 06.2)
*... will you find the Swedish-Dutch-Swiss-Kid (Easton 06.2)
*... will you find the Swedish-Dutch-Swiss-Kid (Easton 06.2)
*... will Hall Meetings and fire drills be called <i>just</i> before Alex gets in the shower and is stuck in a bathrobe for the next fifteen minutes. (Easton '06-s.2)
*... will Hall Meetings and fire drills be called <i>just</i> before Alex gets in the shower and is stuck in a bathrobe for the next fifteen minutes. (Easton '06-s.2)
*... can people be found playing chess during a dance.
*... can people be found playing chess during a dance.
**... JOE!
*... can people be found asking each other and memorizing used quiz bowl questions during a dance (LAN 06.1).
*... can people be found asking each other and memorizing used quiz bowl questions during a dance (LAN 06.1).
*... does casual lunchtime conversation involve String Theory, Theodor Hertzl, and sexual morality.
*... does casual lunchtime conversation involve String Theory, Theodor Hertzl, and sexual morality.
*... will boys crowd around three girls because one [Liz Breeze] can build a house of cards (Easton '06-s.2)
*... will boys crowd around three girls because one (Liz Breeze) can build a house of cards (EST.06.2)
*... can you be trampled by nerds for reasons not including books [Anna and Liz Breeze slipped on lemonade and fell during American Pie when everyone was jumping in the middle...causing several others to fall on them. It hurt.] (Easton, '06-s.2)
**.. will another group of boys try to knock over the house of cards by playing Egyptian Rat Screw (Sarah Badenhorst, Saratoga 17.2)
*... will you invent something that's already been created and you didn't know it [JELLO SHOTS!] (Easton, '06-s.2)
*... can you be trampled by nerds for reasons not including books (Anna and Liz Breeze slipped on lemonade and fell during American Pie when everyone was jumping in the middle...causing several others to fall on them. It hurt.) (EST.06.2)
**... also happens while moshing to Smells Like Teen Spirit (SAR 08.1)
*... will you invent something that's already been created and you didn't know it (JELLO SHOTS!) (EST.06.2)
*... can trees play basketball and gerbils be funny. (inside joke SAR 06.2)
*... can trees play basketball and gerbils be funny. (inside joke SAR 06.2)
*... do people make jokes like, "Do you know what they say about grass? It's green." and people will laugh hysterically.
*... do people make jokes like, "Do you know what they say about grass? It's green." and people will laugh hysterically.
*... can you meet the one, and only, FLAVVA FLAAVVVVVVVVV!!!!!!!!!!
*... can you meet the one, and only, FLAVVA FLAAVVVVVVVVV!!!!!!!!!!
**... [[Staff:Flava Flav]]! ("Zack", the RA, SAR 06.2)
**... [[Flava Flav]]! ("Zack", the RA, SAR 06.2)
***... http://www.nefferport.com/flavaflav.JPG
***... http://www.nefferport.com/flavaflav.JPG
*... do people memorize pi for fun
*... do people memorize pi for fun
**... and it quickly becomes a competition on who can correctly recite the most
**... and it quickly becomes a competition on who can correctly recite the most
*... can there be a hall meeting where the first words are "please stop masturbating in the bathroom"
*... can there be a hall meeting where the first words are "please stop masturbating in the bathroom"
**... "or someone peed in a trash can on the hall"
**... all because there were too many people brushing their teeth
**... all because there were too many people brushing their teeth
*... will the third floor be terrified because girls with toilet paper around their heads come upstairs and knock on every single door saying "We ran out of toilet paper...no idea why. Can we have yours? Or coffee...coffee is good." -- [Easton, s.2, '06 TPN forever]
*... will the third floor be terrified because girls with toilet paper around their heads come upstairs and knock on every single door saying "We ran out of toilet paper...no idea why. Can we have yours? Or coffee...coffee is good." -- (Easton, s.2, '06 TPN forever)
**... http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h313/__rizzy/IMG_2152.jpg
**... http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h313/__rizzy/IMG_2152.jpg
*... can you buy fruits, vegetables, cheese named after Australian animals, and yogurt from a man in a do-rag, wifebeater, and gym shorts with a card table and a cooler (CAR 07.1)
*... can you buy fruits, vegetables, cheese named after Australian animals, and yogurt from a man in a do-rag, wifebeater, and gym shorts with a card table and a cooler (CAR 07.1)
*... can you sacrifice a potato to a statue of Benjamin Rush(Car 06.1)  
*... can you sacrifice a potato to a statue of Benjamin Rush(Car 06.1) 
**... and the following year get your class to worship the statue and get a red stuffed dolphin as a class mascot from it(Ethics, Car 07.1)
**... and the following year get your class to worship the statue and get a red stuffed dolphin as a class mascot from it(Ethics, Car 07.1)
*... can you create a song about wanting to have someone's babies and NOT be thought of as a total creep.
*... can you create a song about wanting to have someone's babies and NOT be thought of as a total creep.
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*... must rules be enforced on studying
*... must rules be enforced on studying
*... can classical music be "blasted"
*... can classical music be "blasted"
**... at 6am in the morning to go with jacked tea from the cafeteria (LMU 07.2)
**... and Avril Lavigne
**... and Avril Lavigne
*...can the icebreaker "What's your favorite color?" spawn a discussion about light and pigment (in an etymologies class, no less)
*... can the icebreaker "What's your favorite color?" spawn a discussion about light and pigment (in an etymologies class, no less)
*... does a TA set up a game of [[Park Bench]] on his class' meeting spot (The Bench/ The Etymologies Bench/ The Bench of DOOOM) for his own entertainment (LAN 07.1)
*... does a TA set up a game of [[Park Bench]] on his class' meeting spot (The Bench/ The Etymologies Bench/ The Bench of DOOOM) for his own entertainment (LAN 07.1)
*... do people play foursquare while sitting on aluminum chairs
*... do people play foursquare while sitting on aluminum chairs
*... do other people play foursquare by hitting the ball with sketchbooks or large stuffed grasshoppers... and get to King.
*... do other people play foursquare by hitting the ball with sketchbooks or large stuffed grasshoppers... and get to King.
**or play by using a raw cabbage as a ball (LAN 17.2)
*... do people mix together half-eaten tomato soup, smashed jell-o, the remainders of different sports drinks, and whatever other leftovers they feel like (which I suspect included some form of potato) in a glass... and ''drink'' it.
*... do people mix together half-eaten tomato soup, smashed jell-o, the remainders of different sports drinks, and whatever other leftovers they feel like (which I suspect included some form of potato) in a glass... and ''drink'' it.
**and ''like'' it.
**and ''like'' it.
**GREGORY!! (CHS.14.2)
*... can the elusive Golden/Yellow/Blond-tailed Squirrels be found (Lancaster)
*... can the elusive Golden/Yellow/Blond-tailed Squirrels be found (Lancaster)
*... can Frank Wang be exiled to the Hartman Green and tackled from behind. (LAN 07.2)
*... can Frank Wang be exiled to the Hartman Green and tackled from behind. (LAN 07.2)
Line 244: Line 292:
**... and they were too busy stealing our ramen
**... and they were too busy stealing our ramen
***... so we practically just trade ramen
***... so we practically just trade ramen
***... and wonder why ours is chicken flavored and why theirs is coincidentally barbeque flavored
****... and wonder why ours is chicken flavored and why theirs is coincidentally barbeque flavored
*... can CTYers learn how to be intelligently lazy. (Physics B! Lan 07.2)
*... can CTYers learn how to be intelligently lazy. (Physics B! Lan 07.2)
*... is necrophilia socially acceptable
*... is necrophilia socially acceptable
Line 267: Line 315:
*... can people become honorary Jews for eating cinnamon raisin bread at Quad Time (LAN 07.2)
*... can people become honorary Jews for eating cinnamon raisin bread at Quad Time (LAN 07.2)
*... can two guys sing the Pokemon theme song... and have over 400 other people join in immediately (LAN 07.2)
*... can two guys sing the Pokemon theme song... and have over 400 other people join in immediately (LAN 07.2)
*... is rape not funny (but it is fun) (LAN 07.2)
*... is rape not rape as long as you say "Surprise!" first (LAN 07.2)
*... can a group of people systematically making out with one another be platonic and normal (LAN 07.2)
*... can a group of people systematically making out with one another be platonic and normal (LAN 07.2)
**... well, maybe just normal.
**... well, maybe just normal.
***... sort of normal.
***... sort of normal.
*... can realizing that Cthulhu and the Flying Spaghetti Monster may be the same cause a mass epiphany (LAN 07.2)
*... can realizing that Cthulhu and the Flying Spaghetti Monster may be the same cause a mass epiphany (LAN 07.2)
*... can you have a geekgasm over Starcraft II (LAN 07.2)
*... can you have a geekgasm over Starcraft II  (LAN 07.2)
**... .....and then realize it doesn't come out for three years (OMG it just came out *geekgasm*!!!!!!!)
*... can you have the communal ramen, blessed by a high priestess of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (LAN 07.2)
*... can you have the communal ramen, blessed by a high priestess of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (LAN 07.2)
*... can getting threatened with hugging cause you to hide under a table... multiple times (LAN 07.2)
*... can getting threatened with hugging cause you to hide under a table... multiple times (LAN 07.2)
Line 281: Line 328:
**... will multiple people (some of whom I know) be astounded/offended that the last bit of the above statement isn't "everything"
**... will multiple people (some of whom I know) be astounded/offended that the last bit of the above statement isn't "everything"
*... does sanity warrant scrutiny and shunnage
*... does sanity warrant scrutiny and shunnage
*... do people sprinkle salt/pepper in unsuspecting victims' drinks (LMU 07.2)
*... do people sprinkle salt/pepper in unsuspecting victims' drinks <s>(LMU 07.2)</s> (EVERY SITE)
**... or food and dessert (which doesn't taste so bad) (SAR 07.2)
**... or food and dessert (which doesn't taste so bad) (SAR 07.2)
**... and trick people into eating/drinking hot pepper by putting it in their sprite
**... and trick people into eating/drinking hot pepper by putting it in their sprite 
**... especially on the 4th of July ('MURICA!)
*... do people smuggle garlic bread out the cafeteria by stuffing it down her bra (LMU 07.2)
*... do people smuggle garlic bread out the cafeteria by stuffing it down her bra (LMU 07.2)
*... do people go to the meds room to steal candy (LMU 07.2)
*... do people go to the meds room to steal candy (LMU 07.2)
*... can you seriously refer to intellectual prostitution in class (JHU 07.2)
*... can you seriously refer to intellectual prostitution in class (JHU 07.2)
*... can you have a classroom conversation about necrophilia (JHU 07.2)
*... can you have a classroom conversation about necrophilia (JHU 07.2)
*... can you dance the Macarena to "SexyBack" (first dance of LAN.07.2)
*... can you dance the Macarena to "SexyBack" (first dance of LAN.07.2, every dance LAN.09.2)
**...and can it actually be sexy.
**... and can it actually be sexy.
*...is groping one's boobs/waist/inside thighs be utterly platonic (LMU 07.2)
***... especially when the upper balcony is lined with Macarena dancers in boxers (last dance LAN 08.2)
*...is there Pikachu porn..[and that's not his tail] (LMU 07.2)
*... is groping one's boobs/waist/inside thighs be utterly platonic (LMU 07.2)
*...do a class argue if numbers exist.
*... is there Pikachu porn..(and that's not his tail) (LMU 07.2)
*...can a Yankee and a Red Sox be friends. (CAR 07.2)
*... does a class argue if numbers exist.
*...can Scintilla be everywhere. SCINTILLLLLLAAAAAAAA! (CAR 07.2 [Latin specifically])
*... can a Yankee and a Red Sox be friends. (CAR 07.2)
*... can Scintilla be everywhere. SCINTILLLLLLAAAAAAAA! (CAR 07.2 [Latin specifically])
*... PDA with a boy in a skirt
*... PDA with a boy in a skirt
*...can people argue with each other about something they agree on
*... can people argue with each other about something they agree on
*...can people go to a dance looking like ninjas (JHU 07.2)
*... can people go to a dance looking like ninjas (JHU 07.2)
*...Chinese CTYers sing Korean songs (JHU 07.2)
*... Chinese CTYers sing Korean songs (JHU 07.2)
*...do girls attach gum wrappers to everything they can get their hands on
*... do girls attach gum wrappers to everything they can get their hands on
*...can you learn the game (I LOSE!)
*... can you learn the game  (I LOSE!)
*...can there be Racism that doesn't refer to discrimination, but rather to a religion following a kid named Race. A religion in which all of the followers are called Racists.(LAN.07.2)
*... can there be Racism that doesn't refer to discrimination, but rather to a religion following a kid named Race. A religion in which all of the followers are called Racists.(LAN.07.2)
*...can students and their TA be locked in a garden. (Advanced Chemistry, LAN.07.2)
*... can students and their TA be locked in a garden. (Advanced Chemistry, LAN.07.2)
**...and some have to climb out the window to save the rest of the class. (Advanced Chemistry, LAN.07.2)
**... and some have to climb out the window to save the rest of the class. (Advanced Chemistry, LAN.07.2)
*...can you draw a goatee on someone in pen and have them actually encourage it. (JHU.07.1)
*... can you draw a goatee on someone in pen and have them actually encourage it. (JHU.07.1)
*...can you sit on a wall and talk about penises, CTYers and rulers. (JHU.07.1)
*... can you sit on a wall and talk about penises, CTYers and rulers. (JHU.07.1)
*...can throwing bowls of unopened ramen (and cowtails and tubes of toothpaste) ensue after a discussion about thunder thighs and colossal calves. (JHU.07.1)
*... can throwing bowls of unopened ramen (and cowtails and tubes of toothpaste) ensue after a discussion about thunder thighs and colossal calves. (JHU.07.1)
*...can an entirely new music taste form.
*... can an entirely new music taste form.
*...can an RA be half-worshiped for having asymmetrical hair.
*... can an RA be half-worshiped for having asymmetrical hair.
*...can you get ice cream three times in a day for it being your birthday.
*... can you get ice cream three times in a day for it being your birthday.
*...can you TP the outside of your RA's room on the last day and have them laugh it off.
*... can you TP the outside of your RA's room on the last day and have them laugh it off.
*...can someone stick a candle in a brownie bite and call it a birthday cake.
*... can someone stick a candle in a brownie bite and call it a birthday cake.
*...can you FLY!
*... can you FLY!
*...can you never entirely rule out the possibility of a velociraptor attack.
*... can you never entirely rule out the possibility of a velociraptor attack.
*...can you be told to keep a low profile, begin to come up with tribal dances, and still be thanked for keeping a low profile.
*... can you be told to keep a low profile, begin to come up with tribal dances, and still be thanked for keeping a low profile.
*... can you watch Tweety Bird approach the volleyball court, start playing volleyball, and then get chased away by an angry RA. (CAR.08.1)
*... is everyone a vistor.
*... can you worship Satan during a Lockdown  (LAN.08.1)
**... can a few guys trying to kill a moth result in said campus-wide lockdown.
*... can you smash fireflies and watch their splattered ends glow even after they're dead
*... can you have an orgasm in front of a couple and their young children
*... can you poke your friends while they are in the shower
**... or take pictures of your friends while they are in the shower (SAR 08.1)
*... can you cover yourself in a white sheet and pretend to be a ghost as your friends get out of the shower
*... is burning puppies ethical (but only in some cases). (LOS.08.1.ETHC)
*... can a class conclude that no, you cannot save your dead mother if she is, in fact, dead. (LOS.08.1.ETHC)
*... does the dean of residential life get "WE LOVE YOU JASON!!!!!" yelled at him on a daily basis. (LOS.08.1)
*... does a hall skip dinner for three days in a row having a "three day birthday celebration" with more junk food than has EVER been seen in one place. (LOS.08.1)
*... can two people use five napkins each to get the grease out of a piece of fried chicken... and then eat them anyway. (LOS.08.1)
**... and does the above probably tastes better than most the stuff in the cafeteria anyway.
**... and can a student tell what the next meal in the cafeteria will be based on the type of potato had for breakfast.
*... does an entire class sing "Bananaphone" at the closing ceremonies (much to the confusion and amusement of the parents.) (LOS.08.1)
*... does a whole activity go around singing "Bananaphone" and annoying everyone else to death. (LOS.8.1, 08.2)
*... does a whole class periodically yell "That's Wassup!", even though said words are going to haunt them forever. (LOS.8.1.LAWP)
*... can the RAs perform a live action [[Tunak Tunak Tun]] for the Talent Show (CAR.00.1)
*... is rape "loving without permission" (LOS.08.2 ETHC)
*... can exploitation of sea turtles make sense (LOS.08.2 ETHC)
*... do two halls wage a war using Axe, Silly String, real string, shredded newspaper, pasta, lint and hairspray (LOS.08.2)
*... do people say a series of colors after burping, and the last person makes a sex noise that sounds like a moose (LOS.08.2)
*... does orthonitrophynalgalactopyranoside become a word in everyday vocabulary (GENE.LOS.08.2)
*... does sneaking 7 pieces of cake on one plate out of the cafeteria become a big feat. (LOS.08.2)
*... do people name frisbees after his body and her body, a stuffed cow named after your body, a fork named georgie-poo (the genetics instructor), a volleyball after kevie-poo (the genetics TA), a bed named johnny, and a blanket named bo's body, and then you start talking about them and it starts to sound sexual. (i.e. i slept on johnny last night)(LOS.08.2)
*... can you be married to nineteen other people, regardless of gender and relationship status, because there wasn't enough room on the certificate for forty-two. (LAN.08.2)
**... or be married to 160 other people (161 total) at one time (LAN.09.2)
*... is the entire class obsessed with blue tape and perfecting slow-clapping (LOS.08.2 LOGC)
*... does your class debate about whether god exists in a classroom with a crucifix over the doorway(LOS.08.2 LOGC)
*... do people argue about Deal or No Deal (LOS.08.2 GAME)
*... do flyswatters have a purpose other than to swat flies(LOS.08.2)
*... does glomping Jason Boring and Dane Holding become a sport(LOS.08.2)
*... do people shout I LOST THE GAME!!! in the stairways
**... by the way, you just lost the game >:)
*... do people write on their legs with glitter
*... do people reply to "Go get a life!" with "I could have gotten a life, but I saved the money and went to CTY instead."
*... is a cipher system named "Juicy Nazi (Misspelled as "Natzi") Cows" (CODE.A.LOS.08.2)
*... can you spend half a class talking about violent overthrow of the U.S government
**... violence is the answer!(LOS.08.2)
***... violence is the question, the answer is YES!
*... do you have classmates who list their religion on facebook as "Social Darwinism"
**... promote civilization, use sterilization!
*... can a teacher rip off his shirt screaming The Odyssey in Greek and be applauded. 
*... can you be worshiped by your hallmates just for having snacks.
*... can pictures and videos be so amazing.
*... can you hear/see the words "I LOSE" so often.
*... can a summer camp for nerds be your WHOLE LIFE.
*... will students do just about anything for Otter Pops. (LOS)
*... can you fall in love in less than three (<3) weeks.
*... do people fence in drag, and is it the most brilliant thing ever. (LOS.08.1)
*... will your teacher have to turn around in the middle of a lesson and chastise, "No throwing ninja stars in class."
*... is it acceptable, and even applauded, to draw a picture of a lion, a grappling hook, and a preposition on the blackboard and have it take up 10 minutes of class and give someone the hiccups. (CAR.08.1)
*... can you meet your soulmate and never even go out with him, even when he has admitted that he thinks you're "attractive" and would hook up with you if he didn't have a girlfriend at home
*... do people who have never met one another break into song in the middle of cloud-watching.
*... do people scream "I LOVE YOU JOJO" to their male instructors and not receive any discipline.
*... can someone who's an outcast at school be thisclose to a really hot smart person. (probably every CTY site, am I right?)
*... can a group of people carry on a game of frisbee with three different frisbees and not get each other killed.
*... can you slow-dance three times with two separate people with whom you have never had a conversation.
** or six different guys...
*... do girls put a lot of time and energy into how they're going to wear their lanyards at the dance.
*... do boys compliment girls on how they're wearing their lanyards.
**... especially during dances.
*... do people get mobbed by random ballerinas.
*... can squirrels be screamed at for being ugly.
*... do people argue at length about whether or not it is a good idea to mix ice cream into your root beer float.
*... is it considered highly uncool to receive grades lower than A in regular school.
*... does the word "banana" acquire such intense personal meaning that you have to hold back tears whenever it comes up post-CTY. (Ancient Greek CAR.08.1)
*... are people shunned for listening to pop music and immediately immersed in "music education" by their fellow 13-year-olds.
*... can one be deemed "so cool people think he's gay."
*... does a whole hall rebel against "Emo Day" by wearing bright colors--hot pink, neon green, etc.
*... do two RAs carry on mysterious beasty carboard battles for 10 minutes at a time and fight to the absolute death (meaning you don't lose until the last duct-taped-on shinguard has been removed entirely from your body) (CAR.08.1)
*... Are various fruits and vegetables attached to the board while writing a mathematical proof.
*... do real men not lift weights or women...they lift textbooks (CAR.08.2)
*... can you nickname guys Tree, Kaboom, Converse (the word that means to talk, not the shoe one), Phone, Doorknob, Waffle, and Wall. And then refer to being able to see them as "having Vision" (Stemmed from Tree-V) and be extremely sad when you have zero signal. (EST.08.1)
*... does your teacher believe "Stoichiometry" said in a New York accent is extremely hilarious. (EST.08.1.CHMS)
*... do guys run around screaming "FOR NARNIA!"  (haha, actually this was GIRLS, me and my logic class. JHU.08.1)
*... do 2 halls of girls put pink in their hair?
*... do classes make petitions to extend CTY?
*... do punx and hippies get along?
*... do u enjoy watching your teacher twitch?
*... WAA!!!
*... can you be a Muslim firefighter that lives in a box and drives a roflcopter?
*... can you steal the Skidmore beanie (No!)
*... who has the rant sheet?
*... can your activity be interrupted by mummies, then continue unfazed.
*... can you wake up to see an RA juggling tennis balls on the roof of the dining hall.
*... do people get naked at Ralph's. (Naked is a delicious juice, we didn't do anything illegal...)
*... does an entire hall of teenage guys call an RA's... parts, if you will, her personality, and for her to like it
*... does your entire hall, class, teachers, and RA call masturbating "committing genocide" to make fun of pro-life stance
**... in the supposedly non-biased "history of US law and politics" and "ethics" classes
*... does somebody sign his goodbye email "sincerely the biggest jerk at CTY", have it be true, and still be amazing
*... will you find "only at CTY..." jokes
*... is it more common to hear a song from the 1970's than soldier boy or any other recent popular song
**... or "Dancing Queen" by ABBA (PHYW, SAR.09.2)
*... can you drop water balloons from the second floor windows on a RA, have him see you, shoot at him with a nerf gun, and not get in trouble (Lan.08.2)
*... does an entire dorm (excluding the basement. stupid basement) have a hall vs. hall vs. hall vs. hall vs. hall vs. hall vs. hall vs. hall nerf gun fight, when there are only 4 nerf guns and 13 nerf bullets (9 by the end of the night)
*... is 4square a contact sport
*... can you hold demon summonings in the dorm bathrooms, set off the fire alarm, and become immortalized in the annals of Stanford CTY history (which was the goal of the ceremony anyway)
* can girls scream quite sooooo LOUD (happened when a male RA "visited" as we came down the hall soaking wet in our towels)
*... does the dance floor ACTUALLY move (Carlisle 4ever)
*... Can you see PacMan running around the quad one lazy Sunday morning. (LAN.09.1)
*... can watching South Park be considered academic (POLY at SAR.09.2)
*... can everyone in the hall be shirtless for the hall picture (SAR.09.2)
**... or have people in only a towel or boxers for the picture (SAR.09.2)
*... can you have a coffee drinking contest with your TA (CAR.09.2.POLY.A)
*... can you have a break called during an essay writing period and people just ignore it taking another sip of coffee and
stare harder at the screen(CAR.09.2.POLY.A)
*... would someone ask if we can have a sleepover in which 16 people sleep in the same room only to have it denied by Swine Flu
*Paranoid SRAs (CAR.09.2)
*... can you find people discussing the chemical make up of a Purell Kleenex Lime Juice bomb (CAR.09.2)
*... can the guys look hotter as girls than the girls do
*... can you attack people with a blond wig named Bradley (Wigginstern).(Lan.09.2)
**... Bradley Attack!
**... and attack them with another red wig named Bartebus
*... can Physics be the place where... FUN DIES, Pfl (PHYW, SAR.09.2)
**... can fun quickly be reincarnated by the end of study hall (Who wrote this, by the way? ^)
*... can you not only go through a year's worth of coursework but also a year's worth of emotions
*... do people call Dragostea din Tei Dragostea din Tei instead of Numa Numa.
**... and scream the lyrics in public and not be stared at. (SAR 09.1)
*... do people substitute a forward slash (/) for double asterisks (**) for emotes. (Battle.Net)
*... can you develop severe potato withdrawal and have it manifest itself even months after the session. (CAR)
*... can you run around at Meet Market introducing yourself to everyone with a fake name, just to see their reaction. (CAR.09.1)
*... is Purell used as a verb. ("I want to Purell my mouth.")
*... can nearly everyone on a college campus want to either be or be with Jesse Boring, academic counselor. (LAN.09.2)
*... can the Greek letter "rho" be very funny (PHYW, SAR.09.2)
*... do you get your temperature checked every single morning (SAR.09.2) (LAN.09.2) (LOS.09.2)
**... and are people excited about it.
**... can any living person get a body temperature of 88 degrees F, and have everyone think it is normal. (LAN.09.2)
*... can you duct tape your teacher to the door and have it be completely con''sensual''. (LAN.09.2.ETYM)
*... can you ask about the etymology of "orgy" and get a serious answer -- "'Orgy' originally referred to religious ecstasy, so when you're having an orgy, you're excited." (LAN.09.2.ETYM)
*... can you be taught about the Greeks having thirty-nine words for "prostitute" (LAN.09.2.ETYM)
*... can you have a teacher write "I am cool" on the chalkboard, stand on a chair, and rub it onto his pants so it says "I am cool" on his butt. (LAN.09.2.ETYM)
*... can you realize that treefrogs are taking over the world. (LAN.09.2.ETYM)
*... can you read things aloud in funny voices including: Yoda, Borat, Brooklyn accent, surfer dude, valley girl, first date voice, and more. (LAN.09.2.ETYM)
*... can you have a teacher that has an (unfortunately fake) tattoo on his arm that says "NEW JERSEY LIBRARIES ROCK!" (LAN.09.2.ETYM)
*... can you call your teacher "Whipcream Daddy" (LAN.09.2.ETYM)
*... can you touch people's legs during break and not be considered a sexual freak. (LAN.09.2)
*... can you put everything back togedda wit' sum RIIIIICE! (LAN.09.2)
*... can you carry around an ukulele...and have people pronounce the word "Ukulele" correctly! 
*... can someone from chile attract crowds with three simple words: "In My Country..." (LOS.09.1)
*... can the MCs for the talent show slide onto the stage in nothing but button-down shirts, boxers, socks, and sunglasses. (LOS.09.1)
*... can you eat a dinosaur-Jesus sandwich. (LOS.09.2)
**...do people classify jesuses as dinosaurs, but not dinosaurs as jesuses.
*... can you get top-secret cookies from the NSA's cafeteria. (LAN.09.1.CODE/LAN.10.1.CODE)
*... can you make a parody to Fire Burnin' making fun of the PDA rules (LAN.09.2)
*... do you need to make room for Jesus (room for Jesus on the dance floor)
*... will a graphing calculator fall out of someone's back pocket (LAN.09.2.CHEM)
:*... during break (LAN.10.2.FCPS.B)
*... can you interrupt Courting and Wooing by hugging trees.
*...can guys get pregnant from too much hugging
*... do you find the university you will attend in the future. (UCSC.04.2)
*... will you see Asian Santa, dressed in his entire outfit, on a day where the temperature is supposed to reach 99 degrees Fahrenheit. (LAN.10.1)
*... ''see: [[Recursion]]'' (LAN.09.1)
*... do guys walk better in high-heeled boots than most girls.
*... do RISK games reach levels of epic proportions, including cards worth hundreds of troops and rolling the dice down the halls. (LAN.10.1)
*... do you see students act out Pokemon on the quad and RAs thoroughly enjoying it. (LAN.10.1)
**... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxPzZngEErM
**... or during the Casino Night lipsync. (SAR.10.1)
*... do you see people swing dancing, waltzing, hustling, or cha-cha-ing to Top 40 songs.
*... can you find others who know the lyrics of Tong Hua (SAR)
**... and who also sing it along with you on rainy days. (SAR.10.1)
*... do white kids eat cup noodles
*... do students tape crosses on others' backs using sex tape. (SAR.10.1)
*... is discussing ninja poop on-topic and completely relevant to the class (LAN.10.1.HDIS)
*... can your class dedicate an entire morning class period for yoga (JHU.10.1.LOGCA)
*... can one person start singing songs from Lion King and the rest of the class join in, all without looking up from their study hall work (JHU.10.1.LOGCA)
*... can you fit ideas fit into bathtubs (JHU.10.1.LOGCA)
*... can you form an all girl grind line and the guys just stare (JHU.10.1)
*... can you ask for a "fork" at the dinner table and have everyone burst into a laughing fit (JHU.10.1)
*... can you find a group of kids eating ramen in their lounge at 4 in the morning (LAN.10.2)
**... with a glowstick as the utensil
*...does a teacher, in the middle of a discussion about stars, randomly ask "Has anyone seen my oven mitt?" (Astro LAN.10.2)
*...does the teacher have to order students to stop working and take a break from class (LAN.10.2)
*...are vending machines and gift shops so amazing (KNE.10.2.VACO)
*...can you randomly get "married" to your hallmate (LMU.10.2)
*...can the whole cafeteria start clapping just because. (LMU 10.2)
** And LAN.10.2
**... and pretty much everywhere
*...does a rabbi walk back and forth past your table to make sure things don't get too insane (LAN.10.2)
*...is someone assigned to stalk everyone else with a camera
*...can you write a declaration of independence from your RA (RA Eric)(JHU 10.2)[LAWPsters forever!]
*...would guys actually sign up for friendship bracelet making and hemp bracelets (JHU 10.2)
*...playing the Penis Game with the RAs turning a deaf ear towards it (JHU 10.2)
*...are there Eskimo and Puppy Kisses - <3 Maddie Caballero! (JHU 10.2)
*...can you randomly start singing the Pokemon Theme song, not be considered weird, and have everyone in the room join in.
*...can coconuts migrate. (JHU.10.2.MATH.C)
*...does your teacher randomly speak several sentences in a Scottish accent before returning to his normal voice (Astro LAN.10.2)
*...are the spoons edible (KIVO!!!)
*...can eyeshadow make a statement about gay rights (LAN.10.2)
*...would one read Kafka while listening to Taylor Swift (LAN.10.2.TOPI.B).
*...does a teacher dress up as a pirate to teach finite machine automata (LAN.10.2.FCPS.B)
*... can everyone make sexual jokes without being reprimanded . [Mr.Site Director: I have a biigg patch of love tape righht heree] [JHU.10.2]
*...do couples regularly slowdance to the Pokemon theme song (CAR.10.2, probably among others)
*...can you simultaneously hold a quesadilla with one hand, play frisbee with the other, and have two girls making out on the hill behind you. (LAN.09.2)
*...do teachers use losing the game and spreading the schnade to explain graph theory (LAN.11.1.DATA)
*...would anyone spend their time to read this ENTIRE list, and recognize at least half of the items.
*...do people seeds make complete sense. (ETHC.JHU.11.1) (also BIOE.EST.11.2)
*...are the people who are supposed to be more mature aren't and are complete pervs.
*...does saying 'duty' make a 17 year old laugh his head off. And then making jokes about it, like, "You're bound to your duty! It's a gift from God!" "No it's not! It's a gift from within!" (ETHC.JHU.11.1)
*...can shy 12 year olds turn into  the loudest 17 year old perverts you will ever meet. (You know who you are.) (ETHC.JHU.11.1)
*...can the young people (12, 13) become best friends with the older ones (16, 17) and not be judged for it. (I'm pretty sure this applies at every site, but if not- ETHC.JHU.11.1)
*...can students revolt and tie up the staff should they ever cancel Passionfruit using our overwhelming numbers, duck tape, and art supplies.
*...can you find all the prodigies, mentals, nerds, and Asians of the world.
*...do people read "Metroid High School" and find it funny to watch others die from the author's terrible writing! (LAN.11.1.)
**…and discuss what, exactly, the author did wrong.
*... do people take "swag walks" (JHU.11.1.WRIT3B)
*... can an entire class burst into a fit of "awkward palm trees" (JHU.11.1.WRIT3B)
*... is killing babies and drowning puppies encouraged (JHU.11.1.WRIT3B)
*... Can a girl become her own species (Maxime, JHU.11.1.Bonnie's hall)
*... are vegans small square lamposts, and vehgans people who don't eat animal products. (JHU.11.1)
*... can 1 squared equal 5 (JHU.11.1.IMPS A)
*…can teenagers listen to baby bedtime stories and love it! (LAN.11.1)
*... does a group of 25 people sit outside and applaud everyone exiting or leaving the dining hall for no reason (LAN.11.1)
*... can someone's name turn into a meme (LAN.11.1)
**...Joshua Swarz?
*... can someone sidewalk chalk the entire perimeter of the quad (LAN.11.1)
*... do you get to watch RAs fight each other to the death in improvised robot boxes (LAN.11.1) (LOS.11.2)
**...also in ninja costumes or with mattresses taped to their backs (LOS.11.2)
*... can the best way to annoy someone be to ask if you can sign up for Blammo (LAN.11.1)
*... does a ''whole'' hall group chase one squirrel
*... does a guy say "Unicorns are cute!"
*... does a teacher hate the word "cute"
*... does a whole class learn the Waka Waka dance
*... are entire breaks and meals spent discussing ways to develop horribly inefficient, yet functional sorting algorithms. (LAN.11.1.DATA)
*...does your teacher find readings for your class on sexual perversion and incest. (BIOE.EST.11.2)
**...and your RA shows up for class that day and only says, "I UNDERSTAND NOW!!!"
*...can an entire hall walk around singing "I Just Had Sex" and not get yelled at.
*...can the RA's play "Friday" at a dance and people actually dance to it. (EST.11.2)
*...will people cheer loudly when Let It Go starts playing, mob the one RA dancing to and singing it as loudly as possible, and take a video of the SRA running around screeching to the song and sticking their face into the phone camera. (SUN.17.2)
*...can a girl randomly say, "Cheese puffs!" and for it to be relatively normal. (EST.11.2)
*...can a cookie monster hat be someone's claim to fame. (EST.11.2)
*...can a floor make up a parody of "We are Family" to find everyone. (Third Floor Easton 11.2 c:)*
*...where code names go to the extreme
*...you can say all the crap you want about someone you JUST met and no one gives a flying monkey because you're not going to see that person after 3 weeks
*...you can be whoever the fuck you want because no one knows you:)
*...do friendships last a lifetime
*...does a squirrel fall out of a tree, everyone be shocked, and someone randomly say, "OOH. Squirrel!"
*...can someone make a band-aid out of leopard duct tape. And it be relatively comfortable. EST 11.2
*...can cartoons become the bane of your existence
*...can songs that are relatively upbeat make you cry
*...can building a duct tape bathtub be acceptable hall bondage (LAN 11.2 Katy's Hall)
*...Can people be banned from Thomas for making the squirrels uncomfortable (LAN.11.2)
*...Is marching up the stairs carrying two suitcases full of SKL yelling "BECAUSE WE ARE MANLY WOMEN!" not commented on. (LAN.11.2 Katy's hall)
*...Can people come up with 8 different methods of boobtag:
    *...Grab, Grope, Punch, Poke, "I JUST WANNA FEEL YOUR BOOBS!", Double handed, Carwash, and Juggler  (LAN.11.2)
*...Can it take over a half hour to cut through Alex Kohanski's ponytail. (LAN.11.2)
*...does one boy become an entire hall's inside joke...mainly due to his girlfriend. (Venya Guschin LAN.11.2)
*…can someone make a sailboat out of chicken parmesan in one minute. (LAN 11.2)
*…is a French fry happy to fall down a girl’s shirt. (LAN 11.2)
*...is people-watching a legitimate activity that is encouraged (JHU.11.1)
*...can you have deodorant bombing wars in the hallways (JHU.11.1 REAS and ASTR)
*...can your instructor and TA be absolute frisbee-throwing ninjas and puzzle-masterminds (JHU.11.1 REAS)
*...can you duct tape 49 bananas and 1 apple to your RA's door (LAN 11.2)
**...and spend the next three days eating them during hall meetings
*...can you make dying duck screams on the LAST morning of CTY as you march down the stairs with your friends and have a RA tell you "Girls, please don't do this tomorrow." (LAN 11.2)
*...will your teacher ask "what's the difference between a whore and a slut?" (LAN.HDIS.11.2)
*...will secret messages/acronyms be understood by your TA (LAN 11.2)
*...can Kiyun's legs be used as a pillow
**...and a blanket
***...and a conversation starter...
*...can you make a CTY parody of Friday (CAR.11.1)
*...can you kidnap two RA's and an SRA and keep them hostage so you get your own continent... and more (CHS 11.2)
*...Crazy? I'm not crazy, but people call me nuts! (CHS 11.2)
*...Where Whovians can freely speak of the TARDIS
*...Can an instructor call his students 'stupid' for being too smart.(CAR.12.2)
*...Reading too much is a very bad thing.(CODE.SUN.12.1)
*...can an RA tell you to stop dancing because it looks way too much like bloodbending (SAR.12.1)
*...Fail the Kinsey test (Princeton.12.1)
*...Can dinner never be ready! Cena nunquam parata est! (Lancaster 12.1 Latin)
*...Can you run around chasing guys in white sheets dressed up like a Ghostbuster and not get stopped for running. (LAN 12.1)
*...can a discussion about sexuality be the best way to understand Sartre (EXIT CAR 12.1)
*...can kids lip-synch to "Boyfriend" and then be followed by RAs lip-synching to "What Makes You Beautiful" (SAR.12.1)
*...can you argue over whose subconscious is controlling reality...and actually have valid points
*...can you take a chisel... (LAN.12.1)
*...can you perform SKL mouth-to-mouth exchange. It tastes better! (LAN.12.1)
*...can you have a Floorgy (LAN.12.1)
*...can you COUNTER the latest jokes (For those of you who understand, fine. For the one this is aimed at, heeheeheehee...) (LAN.12.1)
*...can you walk into a dorm room you've never been in before and say (or think, depending on who you are) "I'M HOMEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (I'm sure this applies at every site.....)
*...can you go to Acting Improv and ___ (Fill this in)
**...yell "AIR ASSASSINATION!" as you dive towards Johnny Tamburo with your shin-guard chopstick duct tape hidden blade and be called out for CTYI. (LAN. 12.1)
**...see a guy dump a canister of Pringles on a girl during the one time where there IS actually a park bench...and then dump a second one the next time he goes up. (LAN. 12.1)
***...I had to help clean that. Thanks for reminding me.
****...He actually dumped them on me and I'm a guy xD The reason he did it is cause I (Blammo god Bob) blammoed him by asking him to give me his spoon. He did, I said thanks, blammoed him with it, then walked away to AI
*YOLO run down the hall - YOLO running is when you run down your respective hall in a towel while shouting "YOLOOO" (JHU. 12.2)
*can you sneak out cookies in coffee cups every lunch and dinner (JHU 12.2)
*...can you have Bradley the Burgeritto be your nephew (JHU 12.1)
*...can you have a joke about being... ''wet'' at water day (JHU 12.1)
**...so many opportunities with that last part...
*...can you pronounce pants ''ponce'' (JHU 12.1)
**...or "payants"
**...or "punts" (No joke-one of my friends actually says it in that way)
*...can you party all day every day (JHU.12.1)
*...can you just walk around saying "it's because we know we're beautiful" (JHU.12.1)
*...can you have a mobile Afterdance during the walk back to the dorms when it's thundering and lightning (but no rain) (LAN. 12.1)
**...fastest IHTINB I ever saw. Also the most fun.
**...there was an afterdance during that night?
*...I like turtles (EST. 12.2)
*...where the ice cream flavors are named after bodily excretions (LAN.12.2)
*...where a guy is a walking duct tape dispenser (LAN.12.2)
*...where there is a stripper (LAN)
**... who goes up to tour groups!
***...wearing drag and proclaiming "15 dolla for whole package" while rubbing chest sensuously
*...where we THROW IT ON THE GROUND! (LAN.12.2)
*...can you GANGNAM STYLE!
**... it's at the top of iTunes list as of September 18, 2012 =D
*...can the Latin have a war with the Ancient Greek!
***...only because the Latins had a Pax Romana
****...Latins were the farmers. Romans had the P.R. And "I can't wait to kick some Roman ass!" Reference anyone?
*****...the Latins are our nickname and we were Roman... yes, the Latins were a tribe but we were Romans
******...and one of the Greeks was wearing a tin helmet, with fingerprints on our door afterword :P
*...can you call your TA a sexy panda with no friends! (LAN 12.2 BIOL A)
*... can a summer camp have a nice butt
**...or nice quads
*...can you marry 12 people (same-sex or not) and not get ridiculed for it
*...can you see a muffin explode
*... are midterms secretly RPGs (Crypto A CAR.13.1)
*..."Pockets" is a great conversation/argument starter (LAN.13.1 TOPI)
*...Can you lose last dance for laundry (LAN.13.1)
**Moral of the story, never do your laundry
*...can one have two complete strangers sleeping under one's bed while frantically finishing one's passionfruit speech next door (SAR.13.1)
**...before being interrupted by the SRA who doesn't even care/notice that you are in the completely wrong room.
*...do you see people fighting over who gets to wear the bleached bandeau from reverse tie-dyeing (JHU.13.1)
*...do you play X-BOX every single break because your class is in the digital media center (REAS.JHU.13.1)
*...can creative cussing be a sport (LMU 13.1)
*...can you get jumped on, right after an hour of flute practice, by a crazy girl holding a spoon and yelling "BLAMMO!!!"
*...can you yell give hickeys to various people in only a few minutes. (LAN 13.1)
*...can you do shots of bubble mix (LAN 13.1)
*...can you be a member of a Cthulhu cult (LAN 13.2)
*...can you twerk in front of the entire camp (SAR 13.2))
*...can it be perfectly normal to legally analyze the lyrics of 99 problems(LAWP JHU 13.1)
*...can you not get in trouble for randomly attacking people as a pedophiliac sheep(JHU 13.1)
*...can you have a gang called the death eaters, where membership includes tattooing the dark mark on your left arm. (SEA.13.2, Floor 6)
*... can you decide that your future daughter will be named molybdenum, because its atomic number is 42, and her nickname can be Molly.
*... does an R.A. tell you that dying isn't allowed until you leave.
*... can you attach maximum swag to a cone hat made out of construction paper, casino night money, and two cotton balls.
*... does someone tell a barista at Starbucks that their name is "gvprtskvnis", and they misspell it as Prince of Nice. (ahem Evelyn)
*...can you spend a German 101 activity learning how to pick up people with German pick-up lines.
*... is there a competition to get to the corners of the elevator.
*...can you find safety goggle face marks attractive
*... can you see a guy regurgitate over 300 digits of pi at the talent show
**...or a girl spit out over 1000 digits of pi at the talent show while a dude beatboxes in the background (JHU 13.2)
*...can you talk about what it would be like for the guys in your class to be gynecologists
*... do elevators literally bring you closer, and make it socially acceptable to be sandwiched between two people of the opposite gender (SEA.13.2)
*...can someones last name in your phone be the country they're from
*...do you have a legitimate explanation behind every nickname for the guys in your class
*...do you fight for bear's rights in perfect worlds. (TOPI A LAN.13.2)
*...can it be perfectly acceptable to fill a My Little Pony Pinata with ramen noodles cooked inside a closet and throw it around during a dance (CAR.13.2)
*... do you spend every class creating various drawings, masks, comic books, and sculptures involving horses, then give them to overexcited students to hold (SUN.13.2)
*...can you wear a cape for the last two weeks and not get in trouble, or a Iron Patriot mask for the entire time. (CAR 13.1)
*...can you engage in a conversation about whether your 80-year-old self having sex with your 20-year old self is incest, masturbation, or rape. (LAN 14.1)
*...can multiple halls run around campus trying to get a selfie with a squirrel (LAN 14.1)
*...can you literally catch Rubella (LAN 14.1)
*...can you drink water out of soup bowls (LAN 14.1)
*...can you ambush your fellow classmates at social time with cornstarch and it be perfectly acceptable (LMU 14.1)
*...can two people start a relationship that spans (literally) half the world and still be very much in love (JHU 14.1)
*...can you have an (almost) campus-wide argument on how to pronounce Reese's Pieces (CAR 14.1)
*...do you play human 2048 (LAN 14.1)
**...and have one of the tiles run off to blammo her target
*...can you have a platonic 4-way makeout sesh be wildly misunderstood when it reaches the internet
*...can it not be gay if it's in a-multiple-of-three-way!
*...can you sacrifice a watermelon (LAN 14.1)
**...and drink its blood mixed with cherry soda and SKL
*...will people paint their fetal pig with the latex injected into its veins, resulting in the pig turning pink and/or blue
*[http://www.realcty.org/install/20110727/index.php?title=Memories:LAN#Unpause ...can you start a cult. Casually.] (LAN 14.1)
*[http://www.realcty.org/mw/index.php?title=Cross-dress_Day#Pictures ...can you wear a dress made of cards all day.] (LAN 14.1)
*...Will your instructor lock you in a large room with nothing but an unladen European swallow and a bottle of passionfruit juice, and ask you to find the dielectric constant of a wild Pikachu (ENGE-A.CAR 14.2)
*...will people bond over being nearsighted
*...can you give twerking lessons
*... can "sphygmomanometer" become part of one's vocabulary
*...can you find prostitution at casino night (BRI 14.2)
*...can one perform juggling tricks like the coolest badass during the talent show
*...is stealing promoted at Casino Night
*...can you play foursquare without a ball
*...will a class, led by a male teacher, name a skeleton Theo James (BRI 14.2)
*...will people, specifically boys, bond over being uncircumcised
*...will you be put in a situation where you have to learn the reproductive system outside because there was a gas leak while a college tour walks through (BRI 14.2)
*...can you play badminton with flyswatters because you have a giant bin of random equipment in your common area
*...can you casually play baseball with a croquet mallet and a frisbee in the common area of your dorm building (BRI 14.2)
*...can you tell people "exist in me" and not get in trouble (CAR)
*...do you manage to lose weight without trying
*...can you solo an entire Vermonster without throwing up (SAR 08.2-14.2)
*...can the spelling of the word "quirky" vary from person to person (LAN 14.2)
*...can name puns become the only puns (LAN 14.2)
*...can Birthday Cake Oreos become the basis of the cruelest bet (LAN 14.2)
*...can someone cry over the fact that they were bought 2% milk instead of 1% milk for Passionfruit (LAN 14.2)
*...can someone cut open and eat an entire watermelon with a plastic fork (LAN 14.2)
*...can "daddy saddles" become a thing of beauty (LAN 14.2)
*...can you live love lev (LAN 14.2)
*...can you tape a Nicolas cage mask to a cardboard cutout of Benedict Cumberbatch and have it go mostly unnoticed (LAN 14.2)
*...can you make out doing a variety of ambiguously kinky things (LAN 14.2)
*...can you hype up two hundred or so kids about going to Walmart and then cancel it halfway there due to 'possible torrential downpour' and send them all to the gym (CAR 14.1)
*...can you be relaxing during your tae kwon do activity when crossdressers jump over you, flop down on their pillows next to you, and power nap for 2 minutes, during which protesters circle you, yelling "You can divide by zero!" and "You lost the game!" (ahem Kainoa) (LOS 13.1)
*...can you play the trololo song next to your RA's door when he's trying to sleep (JHU 14.2)
*...can you read badly written erotic fanfiction a little too loudly by the light of a streetlamp during the third dance (LAN 14.1)
*...can you start the session completely straight and leave with a huge gay crush on someone who lives 3,000 miles away
*...you will be part of class composed by five students (BIOTECH SUN 14.2)
*...can you talk with the students on the other floors by talking with them through the windows (SUN 14.2)
*...can you marry on the last dance with all the people you want (HAV 13.2)
*...can you point out which table is composed of the Puerto Ricans (BTH 11.2)
*...can barely-there 13 year olds become best friends with 17 year olds and have extremely intellectual conversations
*...can innocent and shy (but extroverted) 12 year olds become the loudest, most self important and self loving nerd, with extremely dirty humour, sixteen year old
*...can a regular question to the Australian be 'do you ride a kangaroo to school' or 'do you have a pet dingo'
*...can you have heated debates about whether or not haiku, when translated into English, has to follow the 5 7 5 pattern
*...can six guys pile on top of each other on a couch made for two people and it be completely normal
*...can sweet potato fries be a meal
*...can you be paid 100 (casino) dollars to get up on stage and have a fake yelling match with your boyfriend of a week (but now ten months!!)
*...can you find love with someone, romantically, platonically and obsessively
*...can hundreds of teenagers dance and sing at the top of their lungs together to I'll Make A Man Out Of You from Mulan (LAN 15.1, plus many many other sites and sessions probably)
*...can you yell FORTY-TWO in Russian at the top of your lungs (LAN 15.1)
**...even if you initially didn't have any idea what SORAK DVA means
*...can you parade The Painting through the dining hall, chanting WANT IT, EARN IT, OWN IT (LAN 15.1)
*...can you do a painfully off-rhythm waltz to "Nightswimming" with occasional swing moves thrown in (LAN 15.1)
*...can you JUST DO IT!!!!!!! (LAN 15.1)
*...can you be adopted and feel loved in 5 minutes
**...can you adopt and love a squirrel in 5 minutes <3
*...can a space potato and a pterodactyl become best friends (LMU 15.1)
*…can you be yourself without being judged
*...can you yell SOCIOLINGUISTICS and have 15 people echo the call in return (LNCS.LAN.15.2)
*...can you order 10 quesadillas from the dining hall and screw up the dining experience for everyone wanting more than 2 tuna melts (LAN.15.2)
*...can you carry around a bag of Hershey kisses in one hand and SKL in another without too much judgement
*...can the entire camp sing "Jedidiah is a roof goat!" (CAR 15.2)
*...Can a guy be touching your sideboobs and you not mind (JHU 15.1)
**...Only because you felt masculine that day and he damn well knew
*...can you walk around with no pants on and no one bat an eye (JHU 15.1)
**... Except the SRA Brian
*... Is it acceptable to run around the hall in a sports bra (JHU 15.1)
*... Is the answer always yes to the question, "Do you play piano?" (LAN 15.2)
*...can several members of a hall obsessively fall in love with a foreign guy (LOS 15.1)
*...do teens wait in line just to eat an omelet with toothpicks
*...do people run around with KBBQ signs, pool noodles, and blue face paint (LOS 15.1)
*...when you find a kid who barks at viners (LOS 15.1)
*...can a whole hall fight over a girl (LOS 15.1)
*...and can't stop even with the intervention of 2 RAs (LOS 15.1)
*...when you ask a girl for a bra and she can nonchalantly give it to you (LOS 15.1)
*...can you sing 'Sweatshirt' to the top of your lungs (EST 16.1)
**or 'Hit or Miss' (EST 16.2)
*...can you do a silly walk all the way back to class from Hartman Green (LAN 16.1)
*...can you pitch a tent on the quad and have a casual breakfast there (LAN 16.1)
*...can you fall in love and believe it
*...is three weeks forever yet too short at the same time
** accurate af
*...can you be surrounded by Pokemon Go players at a nerd camp (EVERYWHERE 16.1/2)
*...is foursquare more fun than any other sport
*...can 'Card Games' become 'Sophisticated Astrophysics discussion involving students and RAs' (EST 16.2)
*...can 'SILLY' mean anything and everything (LOS 16.2)
*...can a decent haircut be given right before the KBBQ rally (LOS 16.2)
*...can 17 bagels be stolen from the cafeteria for bagel mural death squad (LOS 16.2)
*...can someone crumple up a napkin in the dining hall, shout, "KOBEE!" and sink it an unsuspecting person's drink (EST 16.1/16.2)
*...can a 50+ person mob surround couples sitting on the quad during quad time and chant, "ONE OF US! ONE OF US! ONE OF US!" (EST 16.1)
*...can your class make "satan's jizz" (4 teabags in 100 mL of water, which forms a opaque black liquid) (LAN 16.2)
*...can first kisses be preceded by lengthy discussions on the history, purpose and science of kisses, all while giggling furiously. (Probably not just me, but if, then LAN 16.2)
*...are conversations with your CTY girlfriend (and now actual one!) concerning how close your relationship is to incest after being mistaken for siblings. (Surprisingly close, due to shared red hair and religious background) (LAN 16.2)
*...can a Bottle Miester conduct an annual game of spin the bottle on Valentine's Day (LAN 16.2)
*...can an entire class buy a giant sports bra from the bookstore and have everyone sign it (WHOD, EST 16.1)
*...can everyone cry, not a word spoken, and everyone just silently understands. (EST 16.2)
*...is George Bush "hot," "sexy," "sensual," and "curvy." (EST 16.1)
*...can someone intentionally misspell the word 'squad,' by writing 'SQAD' on their arm in huge lettering and then be proud of the fact that it took an entire week to wash off. (EST 16.1)
*...can you call RAs  "daddy," "side-daddy," "mommy," and "side-mommy." (EST 16.2)
*...can "Gotta catch 'em all!" be WAY more than a Pokemon reference (EST 16.2)
*...can you be doing verticals with your friends an someone cuts their shins almost to the bone (LOS 16.2)
*...can you buy 15 cups of cup noodles at a time (LOS 16.1)
*...can your teacher be called Cornbread Cody (Code A LOS 16.1)
*...can you win a debate by arguing for the other side (LOS 16.2)
*...can you freak out at people for drinking soda at 7 in the morning (EST.17.1)
*...is frisbee baseball, a joke of a sport accidentally invented by a group of students, become an organized activity and tradition. (EST.17.2)
*...is a widely-followed instagram account made for the sole purpose of honoring an RA's shorts (EST.17.2)
*...do halls become cults with rituals, cultures, and cult meetings (EST.17.1/2)
*...can an entire class attend the esteemed college of John John John Marshall Marshall Marshall Harlan Harlan Thurgood Marshall. (LAWP JHU 17.2)
*...is it perfectly acceptable to shout at an RA "Your beard turns me on!" (JHU 17.2)
*...will an entire hall sing You Belong With Me as loudly as possible and at every opportunity. (JHU 17.2)
*...is half a class singing consecutively through Hamilton with the TA on the way to study hall absolutely normal. (LAWP JHU 17.2)
*...will a boy get another chance to slow dance with the same girl after she has to tell him to move his hands up (JHU 17.2)
**...she was wearing a dress with a very low back that would have made normal hand placement also awkward
**...and then get told the second time to move his hands down as the ribcage is also not where you are supposed to put your hands
*...will an entire class wearing duct tape armbands to see how many people say something get a total of five comments spread through 15 kids. (LAWP JHU 17.2)
*...is having philosophical discussions on the first day as to what the official birth state of a baby born exactly on the four corners would be. (LAWP JHU 17.2)
**...and also whether the killing of a pregnant woman is two murders or one
*...can you perform a dramatic Hamilton sing along in the dorms using comforters as robes and resulting in your roomate choking. (JHU 17.2)
*... can you yell "I LOVE YOU CELLO DUDE" to a random camper carrying a cello (CAR 17.2)
*... can one class collectively empty a basket of temporary mermaid tattoos and use them to make one (majestic) tattoo sleeve (CAR 17.2)
*... can you yell the words "Professor McHitler" in public with no repercussions.
*... can one play ERS with gay and incest marriages on Drag Day (LOS 17.2)
*... can one watch an RA spend the entire breakfast period cutting fruit (SUN 17.2)
*... can you overhear RAs talk about farting into trashcans (SUN 17.2)
*... can one randomly scream "OXYTOCIN!!!" and hug someone (SUN 17.2)
*... can a hall sing songs as loudly as possible fifteen minutes before lights out and keep going until midnight and not get in trouble for it (SUN 17.2)
*... does a TA willingly cut a student's hair (SUN 17.2)
*... does one hall start scream-singing the Little Einsteins theme song and have every CTYer in the vicinity join in with just as much enthusiasm (LOS.15.1, PAL.16.1)
*... does an instructor name his laptop, two projectors, and stuffed moose
**... does said instructor also turn his students into boats and try to force them to sink, to no avail
***... and also detail what to do "In the unlikely event that [he is] decapitated and [his TA] is rendered unconscious"
*... does CTY become the Catholic church
*... will an RA run screaming down the aisle waving their hands in the air to entertain CTYers
*... are players of a strategy game told to be less smart so others can win
*... does making weird hand motions mean ghosts are in the vicinity
*... can a RA scream "KILL ME" and "PUT YOUR HANDS AROUND MY NECK AND SQUEEZE" out of happiness after listening to Cowboy Bebop songs (LAN 18.1)
*... can you hear someone exclaim, "Did you just castrate my pretzels?" (LAN 18.1)
*... can you hear someone say, "Deep down, we are all lanyards" (LAN 18.1)
*... can you hear someone ask, "Wanna Eiffel Tower Jesus?" (LAN 18.1)
*... can your RA say, "Death is the body's way of dying" (LAN 18.1)
*... can you hear someone say, "You don't have to put your pants on for class yet" (LAN 18.1)
*... can you consistently refer to two people as "Straight Guy" and "Other Straight Guy" (LAN 18.1)
*... can you hear someone scream, "LET ME ENFORCE SEXUALITY ON MY LANYARD" (LAN 18.1)
*... can someone named Daniel be consistently called "Mark" by every single person even though none of his names are actually Mark (LAN 18.1)
*... can a hall break out into a war over which direction the telephone on the wall should be placed in (LAN 18.1)
*... can you have a discussion involving giving right whales liposuction, putting them in a wind tunnel full of water and feeding them only tardigrades fed on tartar sauce (LAN 18.1)
*... can a discussion about what topic to teach for an experiment on recognition and recall can become a discussion about crayfish copulation (LAN 18.1 COGN A)
*... can a camper become and radical anti-capitalist in just a few weeks (CAR 18.1 DSET)
*... can someone be asked "are those your gay shoes" and happily answer"YES!"
*... does your teacher give a presentation on "meme culture" (CAR 18.1 DSET)
* ... can an Instagram be created for Ricardo the tree (SAR 18.1)
* ... can the game be lost twenty (or more) times a day (SAR 18.1)
* ... can there be so many memories and jokes and so much love that it is impossible to express it on this page (every session ever)
* ... can you create a fanpage and within a week have a hundred followers (LAN 18.1)
* ... can your RA eat onions while you are in class (LAN 18.1)
* ... can Pokemon Go ruin your relationships(LAN 18.1)
* ... can you watch clouds indoors (LAN 18.1)
* ... do you go through shitty first drafts
* ... is Yeon Cho Katara's first crush ( LAN 18.1) (the Avatar trivia)
* ... does someone have a jar of pickles for their passionfruit drink (LAN 18.2)
* ... can a group of 5 wake up their RA at 2 am simply to say "vorgy", getting the response of a silent stare and door closed and locked in their faces (JHU 18.2)
* ... can a class enjoy Hungarian Sort-Dancing.
* ... can an entire hall rant to their TA about all the *tea* going on and have the TA actively enjoy it
* ... can all of the boys in your class have a cult-like following of their TA and hail him without repercussions. (LAN 18.2 INBS C)
** ... all while shoving your right hand in an "L" in their face saying "Take the L [insert name here]" (usually the TA) without repercussions.
* ... can you meet someone who is more intelligent yet even more reckless than you are and instantly be friends.
* ... can your RA squawk at you in an intentionally weird chicken (or witch!) voice to get you moving
* ... do you wear high heels when it's pouring rain to dinner so you'll be prepared for the dance
* ... can Flex Tape be applied to Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union (CAR 18.2 INTERPOL)
** ... and almost fix PCTYD
* ... can the word "sovereignty" be read as "sov-virginity" (CAR 19.1 POLY)
* ... can you buy 30 cans of watermelon arizona at cvs and drink it all in a week (PBD 19.1)
*... can you accidentally join a head cult during a dance (don’t ask) (LAN 19.1)
*... can you microwave ramen and create a microwave explosion (LAN 19.1)
* ...can 16~ kids and their two instructors cry while singing "you belong with me" by Taylor Swift (ETHICS CAR 19.1)
* ...can you overhear in the hallway two kids screaming, “OMEGA, TO THE OMEGA, TO THE OMEGA, TO THE OMEGA, TO THE OMEGA....” (LAN 19.2 THEO)
*...can you make better friends in three weeks than you have in your entire life
* ...does one drink 271 sips of SKL watching Starcrash
*... Can you dig a 1.5 foot diameter hole in the grass to find quartz, marble and other rocks (15.2, Alexandria)
*... Can you name your teachers after foods (15.2, Alexandria)
*... Randomly say "You need some milk!" in a deep voice (Sandy Springs, 17,2)
*... Have a beetle send vibrations up your lanyard, making you jump 5 feet back (Sandy Springs, 17,2)
*... can you be told by everyone you meet, CTYer or staff, "Your accent is so cute."
*... can you be told by your teacher to be a villain and lock them out of your classroom (19.1, LMU, BabyCTY)
*... can your RA's spirit animal be Remy from Ratatouille
*... can you play Tunak Tunak Tun very loudly in your dorm and not be judged
*... can you find out one of your best friends there actually lives 10 miles away from you.
*... can you actually touch grass and have everyone being shocked at your
*... can nerds talk to girls without being embarrassed
*... can you make a meme out of nerd music and blast it down the hall while your friend pushes you on a rolling chair (LAN 22.1)
*... can you be adopted by one hall and deified by another, whilst your own hall remains completely oblivious to WHAT was going on (JHU 22.1)
*... can you use duct tape to cover your poi blisters and then masking tape to cover your duct tape rashes (JHU 22.1)
*... can you fire frisbees at falling pasta structures (IENG JHU 22.1)
*... can you be pick-pocketed of $400, win it back and lose it on a horse race #casino night (JHU 22.1)
*... can you break down crying when you revisit parts of your site after being away for 5 years (JHU 22.1)
*... can you debate the forms of bestiality in greek mythology (JHU 22.1)
*... can EVERYONE you meet be so easy to talk to, yet more interesting and original than anyone you've ever known.
*... can individuals of incompatible sexualities be happily married (JHU every year)
*... can your instuctor show you videos of Boston-dynamics robots dancing to prepare for your dance (IENG JHU 22.1)
*... can chalk-skippers be worshipped as Gods (JHU 22.1)
*... can somebody put a rock in the dishware and have SRA Vee get together the entire CTY just to talk about it. (SAR 22.1)
*... can you get banned for being an opposition group (LAN 23.2)
*... can your first conversation with your hallmates be a heated debate about whether sugar can be considered a condiment (LAN 23.1)
*... can you and the bois snort fun dip in some basement somewhere (JHU 23.1)
*... can you assault your friend's moisturizer (JHU 23.1)
*... can you run through the sprinklers in the dead of night screaming something nerdy  (FOR NARNIA!)(JHU 23.1 and hereafter)
*... can you try (and succeed) to prove cats (JHU 23.1 Topology)
*... can your instructor gently encourage sneaking off to high up places (JHU 23.1 Topology)
*... can lvl.100 asexuals discover their true potential… in cards against humanity of the DIRTIEST kind (JHU 23.1)
*... can an SRA be brought over by flying squirrels in meme form (JHU 23.1 (SRA Vee was the RA in question. The best thing we ever got from Saratoga))
*... can your class bond by sending feet pics (JHU 23.1 Playing God)
*... can everything somehow be perfect in retrospect. You'll remember the hard times and maybe some people you knew will turn out to be not so great, but somehow that'll never ruin CTY… the magic won't go away.
*... can you bribe your TA, RA, and the DRL to get you fireworks and set them off on the last night (CAR 24.1)
*... can complimenting hair or clothing somehow be considered harassment (CAR 24.1)
*... can you give a buzzcut to a random kid in your hall bathroom and be cheered on by multiple RAs for it
*... can you somehow have spouses-in-law
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{{The Essential CTY}}

Revision as of 20:40, 22 July 2024

  • ... can you completely be the nerd that you are inside and not be judged, in fact, be loved all the more for it.=]
  • ... can you have synchronized showers
  • ... can you have deep conversations in the shower
  • ... do friars supposedly have cross-shaped lightsabres.
  • ... is guessing a person's ethnicity a good icebreaker at dinner, when the basketball girls have taken all the seats and you have to sit with random people.
  • ... can a guy accidentally have four girlfriends (BRI.08.2)
  • ... can guitar amp feedback be an alarm clock (BRI.08.2)
  • ... can hugging strangers be an activity (BRI.08.1)
  • ... does the world (somehow) make sense.
  • ... can you see two guys dress like girls and lipsync "Hips Don't Lie" (SAR.08.1)
    • ... or to "Womanizer" (SAR.09.2)
    • ...or an entire group of guys to 'Single Ladies' (SAR.13.1)
  • ... can the debate on the pronunciation of "ethereal" take up more than half of the class time (SAR 07.2)
    • ... it's pronounced ethereal as in rhymes with cereal!
    • ... but ether-eel sounds better!
    • …or even ether-real!
  • ... can you talk about crap the size of Danny DeVito at the talent show for 15 minutes (in front of all the administration) and not get in trouble for it
  • ... can you ride the dumbwaiter (SAR, McLellan hall, among other sites)
  • ... can random people on college tours be undaunted when faced with CTY Pirates, and Morris wearing a dress while knitting (CAR.07.2)
  • ... do girls melt duct tape into their hair with their flat-iron (and eventually get it out, too)
  • ... is duct tape acceptable (and loved) attire
  • ... does Harry Potter suddenly become filled with sexual references
    • ... And so do Alex Rider, Chronicles of Narnia, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory...
  • ... does everyone love everyone else
  • ... can you love tape someone you don't know (and not be sued for harassment)
  • ... can you milk a duck at 5:07 in the morning
  • ... do people steal cafeteria trays
    • ... or plates for autographs
  • ... can your RA be in the shower when the fire alarm goes off, have to go outside in a towel and have Synergy stare at her (SAR 06.1, HPU 07.1)
    • ... only RAs? This happened to me (I'm a student) LMU 06.1
    • ... this happened to my friend (a student) every single fire alarm. Or we called hall meeting. It was hilarious (EST 06.2)
    • ... this happened twice within the same hour to our quad..many girls were in the shower, and it was a weekend so there were lots of people outside. as soon as we got back from the first alarm, it sounded again. (Quad 1, CAR 07.1)
    • ... at SAR.09.2, there was a girl who took 40 minute showers just so that the fire alarm would go off while she showered. Every time, she managed to miss the alarm by a few minutes.
    • ... I came out of the shower as a "boiled shrimp" according to my RA. (HPU.06.1)
    • ...can one sleep through the fire alarm. (SAR.09.1)
  • ... can you meet a person, fall in love with them, and depart to your own edges of the country/world in under 3 weeks
    • ... but meet up the next year again and still be in love
  • ... are people pseudo-immortality whores and feel the need to write down all sorts of inside jokes on this page
    • ... and proud of it
      • ... insanely proud
        • ... more than just "insanely"
          • ... How about "psychotically"?
  • ... is Sexual Harassment a Joke (JHU 06.2)
  • ... do people cheer for sex from someone they've never seen
    • ... but they were sexy
      • ... I hear you
  • ... does Goofus dance like this
  • ... can you see a bunch of kids in blue shirts do the Cotton Eye Joe in the middle of a sidewalk in front of a completely metrosexual house
  • ... is homosexuality and cross-dressing encouraged
    • ... And what is wrong with that, I ask?
  • ... are people known best for the noises they make
    • ...long live the Random Pterodactyl Hiccup (Lauren from Crypto A - CAR.07.2)
    • ...long live the perfect pitched Pterodactyl scream (unidentified asian kid but his scream was phenomenal trust me - LOS 16.2)
    • ...long live the strange "reeee..." laugh (Jacob from Data - LAN.18.2)
  • ... do people worship a delicious piece of golden-fried chicken (All hail the Island Coconut Chicken!) LAN.06.2
    • ... it died for our sins!
      • ... so did Rachel and Christ
        • ... because of Kai
  • ... is boob molesting taught by nevermores
    • ... and strongly disapproved by RAs
  • ... does your RA tell you that you can't wear goggles just because you want to! (LAN 06.2)
  • ... do you fight with swords made of a bent coat hanger wrapped in duct tape.  Go hall-fencing!  (LAN 06.2)
  • ... is every fencer from New Jersey
    • ... Well to be fair Jersey has a lot of strong fencers
  • ... does Jesus F---ing Christ have a second meaning (it's a one time thing.) LAN 06.2
    • ... Amen
  • ... is a Frisbee almost essential
  • ... is a pack of cards equally as, if not more, essential
    • .. and having wars over who has the best card deck is equally as essential
  • ... are the most common card games played Hearts, B.S., Big 2, Spades, Palace, Mao, Spit, Egyptian Ratscrew, Chinese Poker, and Presidents
  • ... is grab-ass a common game whether it be in the water or on land.
  • ... do people dress in their wackiest clothes because no one will make fun of them for it
  • ... do people think of new variations of "Wanna buy a duck?"
  • ... are people lightly scorned for being athletic
  • ... are people heavily scorned for studying
  • ... do people have competitions to put the most suffixes on a word (rockxorationage-esqueosityness)
  • ... is everything a penis joke
    • ...amen
  • ... can nerds be so sexy
  • ... are you never asked whether or not cement and milk are elements (they're not). LAN 06.2
  • ... is there one class for seven hours a day
    • ...and you love it
  • ... do you realize that implementing the undead actually is a more realistic approach than whatever you were thinking about
    • ... happened in SAR 08.2, in a inter-class debate (Logic class vs. Cog Psych A) (FALLACY!!!!!!)
  • ... do people form lifelong friendships during the course of three weeks.
    • ... this is sooooo true
  • ... is gambling mildly promoted at Casino Night.
    • ...mildly promoted? you mean heavily enforced
  • ... do guys participate in Fairy Princess Day.
  • ... do people cuddle like there's no tomorrow.
  • ... are girls jealous of guys' boobs.
    • ... and vice versa.
  • ... do nerds grind for the first time (by accident but fun nonetheless)
  • ... do people rave shamelessly.
  • ... is the Last Supper a 15 minute affair with speeches and same-sex tongue-kissing, and ends with everyone tramping off to dance to Rock Lobster.
  • ... can entire works of Douglas Adams be recited from memory.
  • ... do sexy chicks from Lokelani choreograph a dance to the Backstreet Boys song "Larger Than Life" dubbed the Backstreet Babes
  • ... do people become avid Rocky Horror, They Might Be Giants, and R.E.M. fans.
  • ... do lanyard collectors get their roots.
  • ... do RAs sell their bodies to each other for our entertainment.
  • ... does an RA with a particularly, um, high-energy hall have a nightmare where his kids are removing the stairs to the stairwell.  "What are you doing??!!"  "We're removing the stairs to create a booby trap!"
  • ... does everyone (and we mean EVERYONE) gets a gf/bf
  • ... are there regulations concerning public displays of affection
  • ... are minor revolutions staged over an RA's refusal to run Acting Improv the way it ordinarily is run.
  • ... do people form a protest over a song unplayed.
  • ... is eXtreme go-fish a battle to the death
  • ... are lanyards considered the same as jelly bracelets
  • ... can one regain one's fake virginity by way of square dance
  • ... do we slap babies to save the world
  • ... do we spend movie nights laying on people's bellies across the lawn
  • ... can "suck my butt" be an answer to anything
    • ... or "suck on my balls" (LMU PHY 08.2)
  • ... does somebody spill their food at the cafeteria virtually every day
  • ... do we make up stupid personal jokes like "timmy", and "just a little bit of alcohol"
  • ... do the guys at soccer camp make fun of us, and we make fun of them back
  • ... people can't easily revenge (Masaru and his stupid pickaxe!)
  • ... can you attack the grass
  • ... are ALL of the guys either super tall or super short
  • ... do people from all around the world(including Chile, Egpyt, and Hong Kong) come to unite as nerds
  • ... do people have arguments about whether a single 'mento' should be referred to as a 'mento' or a 'mentos'.
    • ... the package says "mentos... the chewy mint" not "mentos... the chewy mintS;" thusly, Mentos, refers to a single given chewy mint, not multiple
  • ... can you cry and for the first time, not hide your tears
  • ... do rinas (and rinos) and CTY-nerds come together to insult each other
  • ... people will work themselves into a fury when they hear the words "free books"
  • ... will "nerd" and "geek" be taken as compliments 100% of the time and people proudly refer to CTY as "nerd camp". (THAT IS SO TRUE!)
  • ... can boys be both sexy and smart
    • ... A girl wrote this, didn't she?
  • ... can you find people with hand-drawn Magic: the Gathering card backs taped to the front of their binders
  • ... does not finishing your homework in study hall mean nothing and you don't have to bring it back "home" to finish it
  • ... does God swing his lanyard every time you kill a squirrel (Lan05.1)
  • ... can orgies, kissing, grabass, smackass, and groingrab be completely platonic
  • ... are orgies more public and commonplace than kissing
  • ... do crazed students find dead squirrels and beg their teachers to allow them to dissect said squirrels
  • ... do students fish for squirrels with donuts from the dining hall
  • ... can a girl walk around dressed like a cartoon everyday
  • ... are boys complimented on their ability to wear girl-pants
  • ... do you walk around singing "WHEN I THINK ABOUT YOU I TOUCH MYSELF"
  • ... do you walk around shouting "Die, die, die, die! Live, live, live, live! Sex, sex, sex, sex! More, more, more, more! ORGY!!"
    • ... except at Siena 
    • ... and no "ORGY" at Saratoga. NOT TRUE!Only to the shouts of "Fuck that Lancaster shit!" It's a touchy subject.
    • ...    and Carlisle
  • ... can you send penis-shaped balloons flying around the room---and make any and all dirty jokes that occur to you--- without getting in trouble
  • ... can orgies be platonic
  • ... does every meal consist of SOME type of potato (Carlisle and Lancaster and LMU and JHU)
    • ... actually I remember one meal that didn't. It was all anyone talked about the whole meal. (LMU 06.1)
  • ... must you take pictures of anything and everything
  • ... is rice served breakfast, lunch, and dinner (HPU)
  • ... can a guy gravity check for the safety of all
  • ... do people form words using the periodic table (Iridium, Oxygen, Nickle, Carbon: Ir O Ni C)
  • ... are grass orgies a required experience
  • ... can a boy be the prettiest girl on campus
  • ... can you hear words like ericoid
  • ... can you use a violin to pick up girls (or an electric violin, or bagpipes)
  • ... can you hear two guys have a serious conversations about how lines can/can’t have area
  • ... can you argue the for the rights of religious homosexuals...and prove your love by making out with a same sex person sitting next to you
  • ... can you hear people arguing about figures of speech at Passionfruit
  • ... can someone say "He's got the big guns hidden under his skirt."
  • ... can you appreciate the true stupidity of the Rinas
  • ... does your mom call to tell you that you can't take medications and drink alcohol at the same time
  • ... do you have "Optimum Breakfast Time"
  • ... can you compare an RA to both Napoleon Dynamite and Ben Folds (Napoleon Folds/Ben Dynamite)
  • ... are the HUB workers GORGEOUS. Especially "milk-man" (Carlisle--05)
  • ... can someone be Ukrotish (Ukraine/Scottish)
  • ... can you room a punk, a hippie, and a billionaire
  • ... can you get class back on track by talking about a cow
  • ... can you witness two animal control guys and a huge policeman with a net the size of a small CTYer chase a squirrel around a tree for hours
  • ... can guys squeal "That squirrel is so cute!!" (LMU 06-2)
  • ... does someone think trees are vegetables
  • ... can you teach someone to dance by telling them to move 12 parts of their body before they completely understand when you use the word "pelvis"
  • ... is gravity overrated
  • ... can you see one guy attempting to remove a piece of duct tape from another guy's crotch---with his teeth. (LAN 06.2)
  • ... can you make up a word like "splootch" and have everyone understand it
  • ... does everyone have some type of musical ability or talent
  • ... can people say the internet is invented for porn (LMU 06-2)
    • ... WAS, not IS
  • ... is the accordion cool (CAR Talent Show, 05)
  • ... are the three most obvious religious groups atheists, Jews, and Pastafarians.
    • ... Slushites if you know Meng. (Siena 07.2)
    • ... and Stefanists at Saratoga (SAR.06.2)
    • ...and members of the Mortos Cult (CAR.07.2)
  • ... do people spend most of the money they have on energy drinks
  • ... are you campsick 49 weeks out of the year...
    • 46 if you do double sessions!
  • ... can a tree prepare for the End of the World (LAN 06.2) (SO TRUE! There was a towel in the tree!!)
    • ... as of 07.2 that towel is still there.
  • ... does EVERYONE in Ukraine have penis
  • ... can you join 30 students skipping down the street while singing "Build Me Up Buttercup," just like a cheesy 60's movie (CAR.06.1)
  • ... can the game of RISK become a fiery session of plotting and friendship-determining back-stabbing
  • ... do people have outdoor shin-digs or cake fights and birthday humps on their birthday
  • ... do girls dance around their hall with no shirts on having an STD...Spontaneous Techno Dance Party (CAR.06.1)
  • ... can over $1000 dollars worth of alcoholic drinks be found in the ceilings (JHU 06)
  • ... can multiple straight guys sleep in the same bed and not mind
  • ... can sexual references like wet origami be made up
  • ... can even the newbies immediately find the wall of "Adult DVDs" at Record and Tapes (JHU)
  • ... can people shout blasphemies at random people and not get in trouble (LAN 06)
  • ... does your RA tell you that you can't wear science goggles just because you feel like it
  • ... while the nation is in the middle of a same-sex marriage debate, do you celebrate the nation's birthday by cross-dressing
    • Frank Wang only swung his lanyard once...the world didn't need another Grand Canyon.
      • "When Goofus swings his lanyard, everything dies..." *crash* "...including the stage..." (LAN 07.1)
  • ... can people can juggle three Rubik's Cubes and solve them at the same time (LMU 06-1)
  • ... can you find people with nicknames like "Firefox" (CAR 05.2)
  • ... can you have an emo soda machine (I am broken - inside) (in K-W, CAR 06.2)
  • ... can people worship and equation (EXTENDED EUCLIDEAN ALGORITHM) (Crypto A - Car.07.2)
    • ... and devise a mystical creature for it - Extended Euclidean Algorithm Ninja Pirate Farie Pixy!
  • ... can squirrels always be crossing.
  • ... can piggy-backed-weight-difference-lifting-and-walking be a competitive sport - and completely hetero (BRI.08.2)
  • ... can you trick an entire room of people into listening to you read the ingredients of Pringles (in English and Spanish) by telling them there are Hitchhiker's Guide references hidden inside (LAN 06.2)
  • ... can you find "mandatory fun", "inescapable bliss", and "required jubilee"
  • ... does a Tunak Tunak Tun line go from the academic quad to the residential quad at meet market, make two circles and people still want to dance (Car 06 2.)
  • ... does Jorge yell GO HOME! and students yell back NOBODY LOVES YOU!! without any authoritative punishment. (LMU. 06. 1 and LMU 06.2)
  • ... do you say "I Fountain East Quad" and have everyone understand you (LMU 06.2)
  • ... can you argue with your friends over who's geekier...and *want* to be the geekier one.
  • ... is the meaning of life a burning cake (Baked Alaska)
  • ... is Duct tape not only a tool but a fashion statement.
  • ... can two girls cause a fire drill for all of KW at 7 am in a desperate attempt to straighten hair (Carlisle 06.2)
  • ... can playing Texas Hold 'Em for two hours in class be considered "learning"
  • ... can a couple of guys come up with a way to toast pop tarts on a household lamp, and break it(RIP-the Toaster^^), releasing possibly deadly gas into the room (Thank god for shea...).
  • ... is the definition of what's really sketchy determined
    • ... (rachel, christ, a cow, and a couch!)
  • ... do guys go to class without pants (LMU 2-06)
  • ... can you have everyone singing a song for you in the cafeteria on your birthday (LMU 2-06)
  • ... can two guys stare into a tree and have a dozen people also stare in the tree trying to figure out what's up there (CAR 06.2)(LAN 07.2)
  • ... can someone refer to themselves as "rebellious" because they claim to be 100% heterosexual
  • ... can a bunch of guys put ICYHOT on their balls, and be proud of it (Bethlehem 06.2)
  • ... do people burn ramen noodles (SAR 06.2)
  • ... is mealtime the worst part of the day (LMU)
  • ... can girls have a bigger penis than guys (KNE session 2 '06)!!!!
  • ... can you catch AIRBORNE AIDS (KNE session 2 '06!)
  • ... can you say OHH MY JAAYYYSUS!
  • ... can you do yoga and laugh whenever you want
  • ... can you hang out in the laundry room for hours until Frank kicks you out
  • ... can you find people with the most racisttttt hair
  • ... will people have illegal sleepovers with Asian noodles at 2:00 in the morning
  • ... can you find nerds who are amazing enough to make the rest of the cool world jealous =]
  • ... can you come up with ELWEES! (two crazy nerds, Basement Schneider 20, LAN 06 sess2)
  • ... can card-throwing be considered a talent.
    • ...and deadly one too (LAN 11.1)
    • and have your hallmates throw cards at you hard and trust them they'll miss you (LAN 11.1)
    • and have a card-throwing competition, which results in the total loss of two decks of cards (EST 16.1)
  • ... will 'Joemma' babies be born (Easton 06.2)
  • ... will you find the Swedish-Dutch-Swiss-Kid (Easton 06.2)
  • ... will Hall Meetings and fire drills be called just before Alex gets in the shower and is stuck in a bathrobe for the next fifteen minutes. (Easton '06-s.2)
  • ... can people be found playing chess during a dance.
    • ... JOE!
  • ... can people be found asking each other and memorizing used quiz bowl questions during a dance (LAN 06.1).
  • ... does casual lunchtime conversation involve String Theory, Theodor Hertzl, and sexual morality.
  • ... will boys crowd around three girls because one (Liz Breeze) can build a house of cards (EST.06.2)
    • .. will another group of boys try to knock over the house of cards by playing Egyptian Rat Screw (Sarah Badenhorst, Saratoga 17.2)
  • ... can you be trampled by nerds for reasons not including books (Anna and Liz Breeze slipped on lemonade and fell during American Pie when everyone was jumping in the middle...causing several others to fall on them. It hurt.) (EST.06.2)
    • ... also happens while moshing to Smells Like Teen Spirit (SAR 08.1)
  • ... will you invent something that's already been created and you didn't know it (JELLO SHOTS!) (EST.06.2)
  • ... can trees play basketball and gerbils be funny. (inside joke SAR 06.2)
  • ... do people make jokes like, "Do you know what they say about grass? It's green." and people will laugh hysterically.
  • ... can you meet the one, and only, FLAVVA FLAAVVVVVVVVV!!!!!!!!!!
  • ... do people memorize pi for fun
    • ... and it quickly becomes a competition on who can correctly recite the most
  • ... can there be a hall meeting where the first words are "please stop masturbating in the bathroom"
    • ... "or someone peed in a trash can on the hall"
    • ... all because there were too many people brushing their teeth
  • ... will the third floor be terrified because girls with toilet paper around their heads come upstairs and knock on every single door saying "We ran out of toilet paper...no idea why. Can we have yours? Or coffee...coffee is good." -- (Easton, s.2, '06 TPN forever)
  • ... can you buy fruits, vegetables, cheese named after Australian animals, and yogurt from a man in a do-rag, wifebeater, and gym shorts with a card table and a cooler (CAR 07.1)
  • ... can you sacrifice a potato to a statue of Benjamin Rush(Car 06.1) 
    • ... and the following year get your class to worship the statue and get a red stuffed dolphin as a class mascot from it(Ethics, Car 07.1)
  • ... can you create a song about wanting to have someone's babies and NOT be thought of as a total creep.
  • ... can you prove that pants are the same as chairs.
  • ... must rules be enforced on studying
  • ... can classical music be "blasted"
    • ... at 6am in the morning to go with jacked tea from the cafeteria (LMU 07.2)
    • ... and Avril Lavigne
  • ... can the icebreaker "What's your favorite color?" spawn a discussion about light and pigment (in an etymologies class, no less)
  • ... does a TA set up a game of Park Bench on his class' meeting spot (The Bench/ The Etymologies Bench/ The Bench of DOOOM) for his own entertainment (LAN 07.1)
  • ... do people play foursquare while sitting on aluminum chairs
  • ... do other people play foursquare by hitting the ball with sketchbooks or large stuffed grasshoppers... and get to King.
    • or play by using a raw cabbage as a ball (LAN 17.2)
  • ... do people mix together half-eaten tomato soup, smashed jell-o, the remainders of different sports drinks, and whatever other leftovers they feel like (which I suspect included some form of potato) in a glass... and drink it.
    • and like it.
    • GREGORY!! (CHS.14.2)
  • ... can the elusive Golden/Yellow/Blond-tailed Squirrels be found (Lancaster)
  • ... can Frank Wang be exiled to the Hartman Green and tackled from behind. (LAN 07.2)
  • ... can photo and video recording be banned. (LAN 07.2)
  • ... are people knighted with umbrellas. (LAN 07.2)
  • ... can we steal other people's ramen without them noticing (LOU, 07.1)
  • ... can other people steal our ramen without noticing them
    • ... because we were too busy stealing their ramen
    • ... and they were too busy stealing our ramen
      • ... so we practically just trade ramen
        • ... and wonder why ours is chicken flavored and why theirs is coincidentally barbeque flavored
  • ... can CTYers learn how to be intelligently lazy. (Physics B! Lan 07.2)
  • ... is necrophilia socially acceptable
    • ... and even attractive!
  • ... is rock paper scissors a deadly serious sport that involves mathematical theory and no luck whatsoever
  • ... do you ask male nurses extremely feminine questions
  • ... can you be hysterical in the academic office until 1am (LAN 07.2)
  • ... can you pause in a conversation and hear somebody say "fucking marmosets!" over lunch (LAN 07.2)
  • ... are you considered a priestess for possessing a spork (LAN 07.2)
  • ... do you tally slaps on the ass during BLT
  • ... can you learn how to hand-rave, grind, dance to Cotton-Eye Joe, and kiss all at one dance
  • ... does EVERYBODY have the Schnade (LAN 07.2)
    • ... and still makes out at Passionfruit anyway
  • ... are there really long lines for four square after lunch and dinner
  • ... can RAs be found defending pantsless campers to security guards (LAN 07.2)
  • ... can you talk about "intellectual prostitution" in class (JHU 07.2)
  • ... can people be found playing Risk and watching Jaws at the same time (JHU 07.2)
  • ... does spanking a robot help to prove a philosophical point (LAN 07.2)
  • ... is boobtag platonic, but cows aren't (LAN 07.2)
  • ... should you not smoke salmon, because it's a gateway fish (LAN 07.2)
  • ... are bananas the atheist's worst nightmare (LAN 07.2)[this i think applies to most logic classes]
  • ... can people become honorary Jews for eating cinnamon raisin bread at Quad Time (LAN 07.2)
  • ... can two guys sing the Pokemon theme song... and have over 400 other people join in immediately (LAN 07.2)
  • ... can a group of people systematically making out with one another be platonic and normal (LAN 07.2)
    • ... well, maybe just normal.
      • ... sort of normal.
  • ... can realizing that Cthulhu and the Flying Spaghetti Monster may be the same cause a mass epiphany (LAN 07.2)
  • ... can you have a geekgasm over Starcraft II  (LAN 07.2)
    • ... .....and then realize it doesn't come out for three years (OMG it just came out *geekgasm*!!!!!!!)
  • ... can you have the communal ramen, blessed by a high priestess of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (LAN 07.2)
  • ... can getting threatened with hugging cause you to hide under a table... multiple times (LAN 07.2)
  • ... can chicken in a cup break your brain (LAN 06.2)
  • ... can Kosherization be a noun, and fuckupededest be an adjective(LAN 07.2)
  • ... can Frank Wang getting PWNED be grounds for a serious recalculation of one's perceived order of life, the universe, and CTY hierarchy itself (LAN 07.2)
    • ... will multiple people (some of whom I know) be astounded/offended that the last bit of the above statement isn't "everything"
  • ... does sanity warrant scrutiny and shunnage
  • ... do people sprinkle salt/pepper in unsuspecting victims' drinks (LMU 07.2) (EVERY SITE)
    • ... or food and dessert (which doesn't taste so bad) (SAR 07.2)
    • ... and trick people into eating/drinking hot pepper by putting it in their sprite 
    • ... especially on the 4th of July ('MURICA!)
  • ... do people smuggle garlic bread out the cafeteria by stuffing it down her bra (LMU 07.2)
  • ... do people go to the meds room to steal candy (LMU 07.2)
  • ... can you seriously refer to intellectual prostitution in class (JHU 07.2)
  • ... can you have a classroom conversation about necrophilia (JHU 07.2)
  • ... can you dance the Macarena to "SexyBack" (first dance of LAN.07.2, every dance LAN.09.2)
    • ... and can it actually be sexy.
      • ... especially when the upper balcony is lined with Macarena dancers in boxers (last dance LAN 08.2)
  • ... is groping one's boobs/waist/inside thighs be utterly platonic (LMU 07.2)
  • ... is there Pikachu porn..(and that's not his tail) (LMU 07.2)
  • ... does a class argue if numbers exist.
  • ... can a Yankee and a Red Sox be friends. (CAR 07.2)
  • ... can Scintilla be everywhere. SCINTILLLLLLAAAAAAAA! (CAR 07.2 [Latin specifically])
  • ... PDA with a boy in a skirt
  • ... can people argue with each other about something they agree on
  • ... can people go to a dance looking like ninjas (JHU 07.2)
  • ... Chinese CTYers sing Korean songs (JHU 07.2)
  • ... do girls attach gum wrappers to everything they can get their hands on
  • ... can you learn the game  (I LOSE!)
  • ... can there be Racism that doesn't refer to discrimination, but rather to a religion following a kid named Race. A religion in which all of the followers are called Racists.(LAN.07.2)
  • ... can students and their TA be locked in a garden. (Advanced Chemistry, LAN.07.2)
    • ... and some have to climb out the window to save the rest of the class. (Advanced Chemistry, LAN.07.2)
  • ... can you draw a goatee on someone in pen and have them actually encourage it. (JHU.07.1)
  • ... can you sit on a wall and talk about penises, CTYers and rulers. (JHU.07.1)
  • ... can throwing bowls of unopened ramen (and cowtails and tubes of toothpaste) ensue after a discussion about thunder thighs and colossal calves. (JHU.07.1)
  • ... can an entirely new music taste form.
  • ... can an RA be half-worshiped for having asymmetrical hair.
  • ... can you get ice cream three times in a day for it being your birthday.
  • ... can you TP the outside of your RA's room on the last day and have them laugh it off.
  • ... can someone stick a candle in a brownie bite and call it a birthday cake.
  • ... can you FLY!
  • ... can you never entirely rule out the possibility of a velociraptor attack.
  • ... can you be told to keep a low profile, begin to come up with tribal dances, and still be thanked for keeping a low profile.
  • ... can you watch Tweety Bird approach the volleyball court, start playing volleyball, and then get chased away by an angry RA. (CAR.08.1)
  • ... is everyone a vistor.
  • ... can you worship Satan during a Lockdown  (LAN.08.1)
    • ... can a few guys trying to kill a moth result in said campus-wide lockdown.
  • ... can you smash fireflies and watch their splattered ends glow even after they're dead
  • ... can you have an orgasm in front of a couple and their young children
  • ... can you poke your friends while they are in the shower
    • ... or take pictures of your friends while they are in the shower (SAR 08.1)
  • ... can you cover yourself in a white sheet and pretend to be a ghost as your friends get out of the shower
  • ... is burning puppies ethical (but only in some cases). (LOS.08.1.ETHC)
  • ... can a class conclude that no, you cannot save your dead mother if she is, in fact, dead. (LOS.08.1.ETHC)
  • ... does the dean of residential life get "WE LOVE YOU JASON!!!!!" yelled at him on a daily basis. (LOS.08.1)
  • ... does a hall skip dinner for three days in a row having a "three day birthday celebration" with more junk food than has EVER been seen in one place. (LOS.08.1)
  • ... can two people use five napkins each to get the grease out of a piece of fried chicken... and then eat them anyway. (LOS.08.1)
    • ... and does the above probably tastes better than most the stuff in the cafeteria anyway.
    • ... and can a student tell what the next meal in the cafeteria will be based on the type of potato had for breakfast.
  • ... does an entire class sing "Bananaphone" at the closing ceremonies (much to the confusion and amusement of the parents.) (LOS.08.1)
  • ... does a whole activity go around singing "Bananaphone" and annoying everyone else to death. (LOS.8.1, 08.2)
  • ... does a whole class periodically yell "That's Wassup!", even though said words are going to haunt them forever. (LOS.8.1.LAWP)
  • ... can the RAs perform a live action Tunak Tunak Tun for the Talent Show (CAR.00.1)
  • ... is rape "loving without permission" (LOS.08.2 ETHC)
  • ... can exploitation of sea turtles make sense (LOS.08.2 ETHC)
  • ... do two halls wage a war using Axe, Silly String, real string, shredded newspaper, pasta, lint and hairspray (LOS.08.2)
  • ... do people say a series of colors after burping, and the last person makes a sex noise that sounds like a moose (LOS.08.2)
  • ... does orthonitrophynalgalactopyranoside become a word in everyday vocabulary (GENE.LOS.08.2)
  • ... does sneaking 7 pieces of cake on one plate out of the cafeteria become a big feat. (LOS.08.2)
  • ... do people name frisbees after his body and her body, a stuffed cow named after your body, a fork named georgie-poo (the genetics instructor), a volleyball after kevie-poo (the genetics TA), a bed named johnny, and a blanket named bo's body, and then you start talking about them and it starts to sound sexual. (i.e. i slept on johnny last night)(LOS.08.2)
  • ... can you be married to nineteen other people, regardless of gender and relationship status, because there wasn't enough room on the certificate for forty-two. (LAN.08.2)
    • ... or be married to 160 other people (161 total) at one time (LAN.09.2)
  • ... is the entire class obsessed with blue tape and perfecting slow-clapping (LOS.08.2 LOGC)
  • ... does your class debate about whether god exists in a classroom with a crucifix over the doorway(LOS.08.2 LOGC)
  • ... do people argue about Deal or No Deal (LOS.08.2 GAME)
  • ... do flyswatters have a purpose other than to swat flies(LOS.08.2)
  • ... does glomping Jason Boring and Dane Holding become a sport(LOS.08.2)
  • ... do people shout I LOST THE GAME!!! in the stairways
    • ... by the way, you just lost the game >:)
  • ... do people write on their legs with glitter
  • ... do people reply to "Go get a life!" with "I could have gotten a life, but I saved the money and went to CTY instead."
  • ... is a cipher system named "Juicy Nazi (Misspelled as "Natzi") Cows" (CODE.A.LOS.08.2)
  • ... can you spend half a class talking about violent overthrow of the U.S government
    • ... violence is the answer!(LOS.08.2)
      • ... violence is the question, the answer is YES!
  • ... do you have classmates who list their religion on facebook as "Social Darwinism"
    • ... promote civilization, use sterilization!
  • ... can a teacher rip off his shirt screaming The Odyssey in Greek and be applauded. 
  • ... can you be worshiped by your hallmates just for having snacks.
  • ... can pictures and videos be so amazing.
  • ... can you hear/see the words "I LOSE" so often.
  • ... can a summer camp for nerds be your WHOLE LIFE.
  • ... will students do just about anything for Otter Pops. (LOS)
  • ... can you fall in love in less than three (<3) weeks.
  • ... do people fence in drag, and is it the most brilliant thing ever. (LOS.08.1)
  • ... will your teacher have to turn around in the middle of a lesson and chastise, "No throwing ninja stars in class."
  • ... is it acceptable, and even applauded, to draw a picture of a lion, a grappling hook, and a preposition on the blackboard and have it take up 10 minutes of class and give someone the hiccups. (CAR.08.1)
  • ... can you meet your soulmate and never even go out with him, even when he has admitted that he thinks you're "attractive" and would hook up with you if he didn't have a girlfriend at home
  • ... do people who have never met one another break into song in the middle of cloud-watching.
  • ... do people scream "I LOVE YOU JOJO" to their male instructors and not receive any discipline.
  • ... can someone who's an outcast at school be thisclose to a really hot smart person. (probably every CTY site, am I right?)
  • ... can a group of people carry on a game of frisbee with three different frisbees and not get each other killed.
  • ... can you slow-dance three times with two separate people with whom you have never had a conversation.
    • or six different guys...
  • ... do girls put a lot of time and energy into how they're going to wear their lanyards at the dance.
  • ... do boys compliment girls on how they're wearing their lanyards.
    • ... especially during dances.
  • ... do people get mobbed by random ballerinas.
  • ... can squirrels be screamed at for being ugly.
  • ... do people argue at length about whether or not it is a good idea to mix ice cream into your root beer float.
  • ... is it considered highly uncool to receive grades lower than A in regular school.
  • ... does the word "banana" acquire such intense personal meaning that you have to hold back tears whenever it comes up post-CTY. (Ancient Greek CAR.08.1)
  • ... are people shunned for listening to pop music and immediately immersed in "music education" by their fellow 13-year-olds.
  • ... can one be deemed "so cool people think he's gay."
  • ... does a whole hall rebel against "Emo Day" by wearing bright colors--hot pink, neon green, etc.
  • ... do two RAs carry on mysterious beasty carboard battles for 10 minutes at a time and fight to the absolute death (meaning you don't lose until the last duct-taped-on shinguard has been removed entirely from your body) (CAR.08.1)
  • ... Are various fruits and vegetables attached to the board while writing a mathematical proof.
  • ... do real men not lift weights or women...they lift textbooks (CAR.08.2)
  • ... can you nickname guys Tree, Kaboom, Converse (the word that means to talk, not the shoe one), Phone, Doorknob, Waffle, and Wall. And then refer to being able to see them as "having Vision" (Stemmed from Tree-V) and be extremely sad when you have zero signal. (EST.08.1)
  • ... does your teacher believe "Stoichiometry" said in a New York accent is extremely hilarious. (EST.08.1.CHMS)
  • ... do guys run around screaming "FOR NARNIA!"  (haha, actually this was GIRLS, me and my logic class. JHU.08.1)
  • ... do 2 halls of girls put pink in their hair?
  • ... do classes make petitions to extend CTY?
  • ... do punx and hippies get along?
  • ... do u enjoy watching your teacher twitch?
  • ... WAA!!!
  • ... can you be a Muslim firefighter that lives in a box and drives a roflcopter?
  • ... can you steal the Skidmore beanie (No!)
  • ... who has the rant sheet?
  • ... can your activity be interrupted by mummies, then continue unfazed.
  • ... can you wake up to see an RA juggling tennis balls on the roof of the dining hall.
  • ... do people get naked at Ralph's. (Naked is a delicious juice, we didn't do anything illegal...)
  • ... does an entire hall of teenage guys call an RA's... parts, if you will, her personality, and for her to like it
  • ... does your entire hall, class, teachers, and RA call masturbating "committing genocide" to make fun of pro-life stance
    • ... in the supposedly non-biased "history of US law and politics" and "ethics" classes
  • ... does somebody sign his goodbye email "sincerely the biggest jerk at CTY", have it be true, and still be amazing
  • ... will you find "only at CTY..." jokes
  • ... is it more common to hear a song from the 1970's than soldier boy or any other recent popular song
    • ... or "Dancing Queen" by ABBA (PHYW, SAR.09.2)
  • ... can you drop water balloons from the second floor windows on a RA, have him see you, shoot at him with a nerf gun, and not get in trouble (Lan.08.2)
  • ... does an entire dorm (excluding the basement. stupid basement) have a hall vs. hall vs. hall vs. hall vs. hall vs. hall vs. hall vs. hall nerf gun fight, when there are only 4 nerf guns and 13 nerf bullets (9 by the end of the night)
  • ... is 4square a contact sport
  • ... can you hold demon summonings in the dorm bathrooms, set off the fire alarm, and become immortalized in the annals of Stanford CTY history (which was the goal of the ceremony anyway)
  • can girls scream quite sooooo LOUD (happened when a male RA "visited" as we came down the hall soaking wet in our towels)
  • ... does the dance floor ACTUALLY move (Carlisle 4ever)
  • ... Can you see PacMan running around the quad one lazy Sunday morning. (LAN.09.1)
  • ... can watching South Park be considered academic (POLY at SAR.09.2)
  • ... can everyone in the hall be shirtless for the hall picture (SAR.09.2)
    • ... or have people in only a towel or boxers for the picture (SAR.09.2)
  • ... can you have a coffee drinking contest with your TA (CAR.09.2.POLY.A)
  • ... can you have a break called during an essay writing period and people just ignore it taking another sip of coffee and

stare harder at the screen(CAR.09.2.POLY.A)

  • ... would someone ask if we can have a sleepover in which 16 people sleep in the same room only to have it denied by Swine Flu
  • Paranoid SRAs (CAR.09.2)
  • ... can you find people discussing the chemical make up of a Purell Kleenex Lime Juice bomb (CAR.09.2)
  • ... can the guys look hotter as girls than the girls do
  • ... can you attack people with a blond wig named Bradley (Wigginstern).(Lan.09.2)
    • ... Bradley Attack!
    • ... and attack them with another red wig named Bartebus
  • ... can Physics be the place where... FUN DIES, Pfl (PHYW, SAR.09.2)
    • ... can fun quickly be reincarnated by the end of study hall (Who wrote this, by the way? ^)
  • ... can you not only go through a year's worth of coursework but also a year's worth of emotions
  • ... do people call Dragostea din Tei Dragostea din Tei instead of Numa Numa.
    • ... and scream the lyrics in public and not be stared at. (SAR 09.1)
  • ... do people substitute a forward slash (/) for double asterisks (**) for emotes. (Battle.Net)
  • ... can you develop severe potato withdrawal and have it manifest itself even months after the session. (CAR)
  • ... can you run around at Meet Market introducing yourself to everyone with a fake name, just to see their reaction. (CAR.09.1)
  • ... is Purell used as a verb. ("I want to Purell my mouth.")
  • ... can nearly everyone on a college campus want to either be or be with Jesse Boring, academic counselor. (LAN.09.2)
  • ... can the Greek letter "rho" be very funny (PHYW, SAR.09.2)
  • ... do you get your temperature checked every single morning (SAR.09.2) (LAN.09.2) (LOS.09.2)
    • ... and are people excited about it.
    • ... can any living person get a body temperature of 88 degrees F, and have everyone think it is normal. (LAN.09.2)
  • ... can you duct tape your teacher to the door and have it be completely consensual. (LAN.09.2.ETYM)
  • ... can you ask about the etymology of "orgy" and get a serious answer -- "'Orgy' originally referred to religious ecstasy, so when you're having an orgy, you're excited." (LAN.09.2.ETYM)
  • ... can you be taught about the Greeks having thirty-nine words for "prostitute" (LAN.09.2.ETYM)
  • ... can you have a teacher write "I am cool" on the chalkboard, stand on a chair, and rub it onto his pants so it says "I am cool" on his butt. (LAN.09.2.ETYM)
  • ... can you realize that treefrogs are taking over the world. (LAN.09.2.ETYM)
  • ... can you read things aloud in funny voices including: Yoda, Borat, Brooklyn accent, surfer dude, valley girl, first date voice, and more. (LAN.09.2.ETYM)
  • ... can you have a teacher that has an (unfortunately fake) tattoo on his arm that says "NEW JERSEY LIBRARIES ROCK!" (LAN.09.2.ETYM)
  • ... can you call your teacher "Whipcream Daddy" (LAN.09.2.ETYM)
  • ... can you touch people's legs during break and not be considered a sexual freak. (LAN.09.2)
  • ... can you put everything back togedda wit' sum RIIIIICE! (LAN.09.2)
  • ... can you carry around an ukulele...and have people pronounce the word "Ukulele" correctly! 
  • ... can someone from chile attract crowds with three simple words: "In My Country..." (LOS.09.1)
  • ... can the MCs for the talent show slide onto the stage in nothing but button-down shirts, boxers, socks, and sunglasses. (LOS.09.1)
  • ... can you eat a dinosaur-Jesus sandwich. (LOS.09.2)
    • ...do people classify jesuses as dinosaurs, but not dinosaurs as jesuses.
  • ... can you get top-secret cookies from the NSA's cafeteria. (LAN.09.1.CODE/LAN.10.1.CODE)
  • ... can you make a parody to Fire Burnin' making fun of the PDA rules (LAN.09.2)
  • ... do you need to make room for Jesus (room for Jesus on the dance floor)
  • ... will a graphing calculator fall out of someone's back pocket (LAN.09.2.CHEM)
  • ... during break (LAN.10.2.FCPS.B)
  • ... can you interrupt Courting and Wooing by hugging trees.
  • ...can guys get pregnant from too much hugging
  • ... do you find the university you will attend in the future. (UCSC.04.2)
  • ... will you see Asian Santa, dressed in his entire outfit, on a day where the temperature is supposed to reach 99 degrees Fahrenheit. (LAN.10.1)
  • ... see: Recursion (LAN.09.1)
  • ... do guys walk better in high-heeled boots than most girls.
  • ... do RISK games reach levels of epic proportions, including cards worth hundreds of troops and rolling the dice down the halls. (LAN.10.1)
  • ... do you see students act out Pokemon on the quad and RAs thoroughly enjoying it. (LAN.10.1)
  • ... do you see people swing dancing, waltzing, hustling, or cha-cha-ing to Top 40 songs.
  • ... can you find others who know the lyrics of Tong Hua (SAR)
    • ... and who also sing it along with you on rainy days. (SAR.10.1)
  • ... do white kids eat cup noodles
  • ... do students tape crosses on others' backs using sex tape. (SAR.10.1)
  • ... is discussing ninja poop on-topic and completely relevant to the class (LAN.10.1.HDIS)
  • ... can your class dedicate an entire morning class period for yoga (JHU.10.1.LOGCA)
  • ... can one person start singing songs from Lion King and the rest of the class join in, all without looking up from their study hall work (JHU.10.1.LOGCA)
  • ... can you fit ideas fit into bathtubs (JHU.10.1.LOGCA)
  • ... can you form an all girl grind line and the guys just stare (JHU.10.1)
  • ... can you ask for a "fork" at the dinner table and have everyone burst into a laughing fit (JHU.10.1)
  • ... can you find a group of kids eating ramen in their lounge at 4 in the morning (LAN.10.2)
    • ... with a glowstick as the utensil
  • ...does a teacher, in the middle of a discussion about stars, randomly ask "Has anyone seen my oven mitt?" (Astro LAN.10.2)
  • ...does the teacher have to order students to stop working and take a break from class (LAN.10.2)
  • ...are vending machines and gift shops so amazing (KNE.10.2.VACO)
  • ...can you randomly get "married" to your hallmate (LMU.10.2)
  • ...can the whole cafeteria start clapping just because. (LMU 10.2)
    • And LAN.10.2
    • ... and pretty much everywhere
  • ...does a rabbi walk back and forth past your table to make sure things don't get too insane (LAN.10.2)
  • ...is someone assigned to stalk everyone else with a camera
  • ...can you write a declaration of independence from your RA (RA Eric)(JHU 10.2)[LAWPsters forever!]
  • ...would guys actually sign up for friendship bracelet making and hemp bracelets (JHU 10.2)
  • ...playing the Penis Game with the RAs turning a deaf ear towards it (JHU 10.2)
  • ...are there Eskimo and Puppy Kisses - <3 Maddie Caballero! (JHU 10.2)
  • ...can you randomly start singing the Pokemon Theme song, not be considered weird, and have everyone in the room join in.
  • ...can coconuts migrate. (JHU.10.2.MATH.C)
  • ...does your teacher randomly speak several sentences in a Scottish accent before returning to his normal voice (Astro LAN.10.2)
  • ...are the spoons edible (KIVO!!!)
  • ...can eyeshadow make a statement about gay rights (LAN.10.2)
  • ...would one read Kafka while listening to Taylor Swift (LAN.10.2.TOPI.B).
  • ...does a teacher dress up as a pirate to teach finite machine automata (LAN.10.2.FCPS.B)
  • ... can everyone make sexual jokes without being reprimanded . [Mr.Site Director: I have a biigg patch of love tape righht heree] [JHU.10.2]
  • ...do couples regularly slowdance to the Pokemon theme song (CAR.10.2, probably among others)
  • ...can you simultaneously hold a quesadilla with one hand, play frisbee with the other, and have two girls making out on the hill behind you. (LAN.09.2)
  • ...do teachers use losing the game and spreading the schnade to explain graph theory (LAN.11.1.DATA)
  • ...would anyone spend their time to read this ENTIRE list, and recognize at least half of the items.
  • ...do people seeds make complete sense. (ETHC.JHU.11.1) (also BIOE.EST.11.2)
  • ...are the people who are supposed to be more mature aren't and are complete pervs.
  • ...does saying 'duty' make a 17 year old laugh his head off. And then making jokes about it, like, "You're bound to your duty! It's a gift from God!" "No it's not! It's a gift from within!" (ETHC.JHU.11.1)
  • ...can shy 12 year olds turn into  the loudest 17 year old perverts you will ever meet. (You know who you are.) (ETHC.JHU.11.1)
  • ...can the young people (12, 13) become best friends with the older ones (16, 17) and not be judged for it. (I'm pretty sure this applies at every site, but if not- ETHC.JHU.11.1)
  • ...can students revolt and tie up the staff should they ever cancel Passionfruit using our overwhelming numbers, duck tape, and art supplies.
  • ...can you find all the prodigies, mentals, nerds, and Asians of the world.
  • ...do people read "Metroid High School" and find it funny to watch others die from the author's terrible writing! (LAN.11.1.)
    • …and discuss what, exactly, the author did wrong.
  • ... do people take "swag walks" (JHU.11.1.WRIT3B)
  • ... can an entire class burst into a fit of "awkward palm trees" (JHU.11.1.WRIT3B)
  • ... is killing babies and drowning puppies encouraged (JHU.11.1.WRIT3B)
  • ... Can a girl become her own species (Maxime, JHU.11.1.Bonnie's hall)
  • ... are vegans small square lamposts, and vehgans people who don't eat animal products. (JHU.11.1)
  • ... can 1 squared equal 5 (JHU.11.1.IMPS A)
  • …can teenagers listen to baby bedtime stories and love it! (LAN.11.1)
  • ... does a group of 25 people sit outside and applaud everyone exiting or leaving the dining hall for no reason (LAN.11.1)
  • ... can someone's name turn into a meme (LAN.11.1)
    • ...Joshua Swarz?
  • ... can someone sidewalk chalk the entire perimeter of the quad (LAN.11.1)
  • ... do you get to watch RAs fight each other to the death in improvised robot boxes (LAN.11.1) (LOS.11.2)
    • ...also in ninja costumes or with mattresses taped to their backs (LOS.11.2)
  • ... can the best way to annoy someone be to ask if you can sign up for Blammo (LAN.11.1)
  • ... does a whole hall group chase one squirrel
  • ... does a guy say "Unicorns are cute!"
  • ... does a teacher hate the word "cute"
  • ... does a whole class learn the Waka Waka dance
  • ... are entire breaks and meals spent discussing ways to develop horribly inefficient, yet functional sorting algorithms. (LAN.11.1.DATA)
  • ...does your teacher find readings for your class on sexual perversion and incest. (BIOE.EST.11.2)
    • ...and your RA shows up for class that day and only says, "I UNDERSTAND NOW!!!"
  • ...can an entire hall walk around singing "I Just Had Sex" and not get yelled at.
  • ...can the RA's play "Friday" at a dance and people actually dance to it. (EST.11.2)
  • ...will people cheer loudly when Let It Go starts playing, mob the one RA dancing to and singing it as loudly as possible, and take a video of the SRA running around screeching to the song and sticking their face into the phone camera. (SUN.17.2)
  • ...can a girl randomly say, "Cheese puffs!" and for it to be relatively normal. (EST.11.2)
  • ...can a cookie monster hat be someone's claim to fame. (EST.11.2)
  • ...can a floor make up a parody of "We are Family" to find everyone. (Third Floor Easton 11.2 c:)*
  • ...where code names go to the extreme
  • ...you can say all the crap you want about someone you JUST met and no one gives a flying monkey because you're not going to see that person after 3 weeks
  • ...you can be whoever the fuck you want because no one knows you:)
  • ...do friendships last a lifetime
  • ...does a squirrel fall out of a tree, everyone be shocked, and someone randomly say, "OOH. Squirrel!"
  • ...can someone make a band-aid out of leopard duct tape. And it be relatively comfortable. EST 11.2
  • ...can cartoons become the bane of your existence
  • ...can songs that are relatively upbeat make you cry
  • ...can building a duct tape bathtub be acceptable hall bondage (LAN 11.2 Katy's Hall)
  • ...Can people be banned from Thomas for making the squirrels uncomfortable (LAN.11.2)
  • ...Is marching up the stairs carrying two suitcases full of SKL yelling "BECAUSE WE ARE MANLY WOMEN!" not commented on. (LAN.11.2 Katy's hall)
  • ...Can people come up with 8 different methods of boobtag:
   *...Grab, Grope, Punch, Poke, "I JUST WANNA FEEL YOUR BOOBS!", Double handed, Carwash, and Juggler  (LAN.11.2)
  • ...Can it take over a half hour to cut through Alex Kohanski's ponytail. (LAN.11.2)
  • ...does one boy become an entire hall's inside joke...mainly due to his girlfriend. (Venya Guschin LAN.11.2)
  • …can someone make a sailboat out of chicken parmesan in one minute. (LAN 11.2)
  • …is a French fry happy to fall down a girl’s shirt. (LAN 11.2)
  • ...is people-watching a legitimate activity that is encouraged (JHU.11.1)
  • ...can you have deodorant bombing wars in the hallways (JHU.11.1 REAS and ASTR)
  • ...can your instructor and TA be absolute frisbee-throwing ninjas and puzzle-masterminds (JHU.11.1 REAS)
  • ...can you duct tape 49 bananas and 1 apple to your RA's door (LAN 11.2)
    • ...and spend the next three days eating them during hall meetings
  • ...can you make dying duck screams on the LAST morning of CTY as you march down the stairs with your friends and have a RA tell you "Girls, please don't do this tomorrow." (LAN 11.2)
  • ...will your teacher ask "what's the difference between a whore and a slut?" (LAN.HDIS.11.2)
  • ...will secret messages/acronyms be understood by your TA (LAN 11.2)
  • ...can Kiyun's legs be used as a pillow
    • ...and a blanket
      • ...and a conversation starter...
  • ...can you make a CTY parody of Friday (CAR.11.1)
  • ...can you kidnap two RA's and an SRA and keep them hostage so you get your own continent... and more (CHS 11.2)
  • ...Crazy? I'm not crazy, but people call me nuts! (CHS 11.2)
  • ...Where Whovians can freely speak of the TARDIS
  • ...Can an instructor call his students 'stupid' for being too smart.(CAR.12.2)
  • ...Reading too much is a very bad thing.(CODE.SUN.12.1)
  • ...can an RA tell you to stop dancing because it looks way too much like bloodbending (SAR.12.1)
  • ...Fail the Kinsey test (Princeton.12.1)
  • ...Can dinner never be ready! Cena nunquam parata est! (Lancaster 12.1 Latin)
  • ...Can you run around chasing guys in white sheets dressed up like a Ghostbuster and not get stopped for running. (LAN 12.1)
  • ...can a discussion about sexuality be the best way to understand Sartre (EXIT CAR 12.1)
  • ...can kids lip-synch to "Boyfriend" and then be followed by RAs lip-synching to "What Makes You Beautiful" (SAR.12.1)
  • ...can you argue over whose subconscious is controlling reality...and actually have valid points
  • ...can you take a chisel... (LAN.12.1)
  • ...can you perform SKL mouth-to-mouth exchange. It tastes better! (LAN.12.1)
  • ...can you have a Floorgy (LAN.12.1)
  • ...can you COUNTER the latest jokes (For those of you who understand, fine. For the one this is aimed at, heeheeheehee...) (LAN.12.1)
  • ...can you walk into a dorm room you've never been in before and say (or think, depending on who you are) "I'M HOMEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (I'm sure this applies at every site.....)
  • ...can you go to Acting Improv and ___ (Fill this in)
    • ...yell "AIR ASSASSINATION!" as you dive towards Johnny Tamburo with your shin-guard chopstick duct tape hidden blade and be called out for CTYI. (LAN. 12.1)
    • ...see a guy dump a canister of Pringles on a girl during the one time where there IS actually a park bench...and then dump a second one the next time he goes up. (LAN. 12.1)
      • ...I had to help clean that. Thanks for reminding me.
        • ...He actually dumped them on me and I'm a guy xD The reason he did it is cause I (Blammo god Bob) blammoed him by asking him to give me his spoon. He did, I said thanks, blammoed him with it, then walked away to AI
    • ...QUADS
  • YOLO run down the hall - YOLO running is when you run down your respective hall in a towel while shouting "YOLOOO" (JHU. 12.2)
  • can you sneak out cookies in coffee cups every lunch and dinner (JHU 12.2)
  • ...can you have Bradley the Burgeritto be your nephew (JHU 12.1)
  • ...can you have a joke about being... wet at water day (JHU 12.1)
    • ...so many opportunities with that last part...
  • ...can you pronounce pants ponce (JHU 12.1)
    • ...or "payants"
    • ...or "punts" (No joke-one of my friends actually says it in that way)
  • ...can you party all day every day (JHU.12.1)
  • ...can you just walk around saying "it's because we know we're beautiful" (JHU.12.1)
  • ...can you have a mobile Afterdance during the walk back to the dorms when it's thundering and lightning (but no rain) (LAN. 12.1)
    • ...fastest IHTINB I ever saw. Also the most fun.
    • ...there was an afterdance during that night?
  • ...I like turtles (EST. 12.2)
  • ...where the ice cream flavors are named after bodily excretions (LAN.12.2)
  • ...where a guy is a walking duct tape dispenser (LAN.12.2)
  • ...where there is a stripper (LAN)
    • ... who goes up to tour groups!
      • ...wearing drag and proclaiming "15 dolla for whole package" while rubbing chest sensuously
  • ...where we THROW IT ON THE GROUND! (LAN.12.2)
  • ...can you GANGNAM STYLE!
    • ... it's at the top of iTunes list as of September 18, 2012 =D
  • ...can the Latin have a war with the Ancient Greek!
    • ...GREEKS WON
      • ...only because the Latins had a Pax Romana
        • ...Latins were the farmers. Romans had the P.R. And "I can't wait to kick some Roman ass!" Reference anyone?
          • ...the Latins are our nickname and we were Roman... yes, the Latins were a tribe but we were Romans
            • ...and one of the Greeks was wearing a tin helmet, with fingerprints on our door afterword :P
  • ...can you call your TA a sexy panda with no friends! (LAN 12.2 BIOL A)
  • ... can a summer camp have a nice butt
    • ...or nice quads
  • ...can you marry 12 people (same-sex or not) and not get ridiculed for it
  • ...can you see a muffin explode
  • ... are midterms secretly RPGs (Crypto A CAR.13.1)
  • ..."Pockets" is a great conversation/argument starter (LAN.13.1 TOPI)
  • ...Can you lose last dance for laundry (LAN.13.1)
    • Moral of the story, never do your laundry
  • ...can one have two complete strangers sleeping under one's bed while frantically finishing one's passionfruit speech next door (SAR.13.1)
    • ...before being interrupted by the SRA who doesn't even care/notice that you are in the completely wrong room.
  • ...do you see people fighting over who gets to wear the bleached bandeau from reverse tie-dyeing (JHU.13.1)
  • ...do you play X-BOX every single break because your class is in the digital media center (REAS.JHU.13.1)
  • ...can creative cussing be a sport (LMU 13.1)
  • ...can you get jumped on, right after an hour of flute practice, by a crazy girl holding a spoon and yelling "BLAMMO!!!"
  • ...can you yell give hickeys to various people in only a few minutes. (LAN 13.1)
  • ...can you do shots of bubble mix (LAN 13.1)
  • ...can you be a member of a Cthulhu cult (LAN 13.2)
  • ...can you twerk in front of the entire camp (SAR 13.2))
  • ...can it be perfectly normal to legally analyze the lyrics of 99 problems(LAWP JHU 13.1)
  • ...can you not get in trouble for randomly attacking people as a pedophiliac sheep(JHU 13.1)
  • ...can you have a gang called the death eaters, where membership includes tattooing the dark mark on your left arm. (SEA.13.2, Floor 6)
  • ... can you decide that your future daughter will be named molybdenum, because its atomic number is 42, and her nickname can be Molly.
  • ... does an R.A. tell you that dying isn't allowed until you leave.
  • ... can you attach maximum swag to a cone hat made out of construction paper, casino night money, and two cotton balls.
  • ... does someone tell a barista at Starbucks that their name is "gvprtskvnis", and they misspell it as Prince of Nice. (ahem Evelyn)
  • ...can you spend a German 101 activity learning how to pick up people with German pick-up lines.
  • ... is there a competition to get to the corners of the elevator.
  • ...can you find safety goggle face marks attractive
  • ... can you see a guy regurgitate over 300 digits of pi at the talent show
    • ...or a girl spit out over 1000 digits of pi at the talent show while a dude beatboxes in the background (JHU 13.2)
  • ...can you talk about what it would be like for the guys in your class to be gynecologists
  • ... do elevators literally bring you closer, and make it socially acceptable to be sandwiched between two people of the opposite gender (SEA.13.2)
  • ...can someones last name in your phone be the country they're from
  • ...do you have a legitimate explanation behind every nickname for the guys in your class
  • ...do you fight for bear's rights in perfect worlds. (TOPI A LAN.13.2)
  • ...can it be perfectly acceptable to fill a My Little Pony Pinata with ramen noodles cooked inside a closet and throw it around during a dance (CAR.13.2)
  • ... do you spend every class creating various drawings, masks, comic books, and sculptures involving horses, then give them to overexcited students to hold (SUN.13.2)
  • ...can you wear a cape for the last two weeks and not get in trouble, or a Iron Patriot mask for the entire time. (CAR 13.1)
  • ...can you engage in a conversation about whether your 80-year-old self having sex with your 20-year old self is incest, masturbation, or rape. (LAN 14.1)
  • ...can multiple halls run around campus trying to get a selfie with a squirrel (LAN 14.1)
  • ...can you literally catch Rubella (LAN 14.1)
  • ...can you drink water out of soup bowls (LAN 14.1)
  • ...can you ambush your fellow classmates at social time with cornstarch and it be perfectly acceptable (LMU 14.1)
  • ...can two people start a relationship that spans (literally) half the world and still be very much in love (JHU 14.1)
  • ...can you have an (almost) campus-wide argument on how to pronounce Reese's Pieces (CAR 14.1)
  • ...do you play human 2048 (LAN 14.1)
    • ...and have one of the tiles run off to blammo her target
  • ...can you have a platonic 4-way makeout sesh be wildly misunderstood when it reaches the internet
  • ...can it not be gay if it's in a-multiple-of-three-way!
  • ...can you sacrifice a watermelon (LAN 14.1)
    • ...and drink its blood mixed with cherry soda and SKL
  • ...will people paint their fetal pig with the latex injected into its veins, resulting in the pig turning pink and/or blue
  • ...can you start a cult. Casually. (LAN 14.1)
  • ...can you wear a dress made of cards all day. (LAN 14.1)
  • ...Will your instructor lock you in a large room with nothing but an unladen European swallow and a bottle of passionfruit juice, and ask you to find the dielectric constant of a wild Pikachu (ENGE-A.CAR 14.2)
  • ...will people bond over being nearsighted
  • ...can you give twerking lessons
  • ... can "sphygmomanometer" become part of one's vocabulary
  • ...can you find prostitution at casino night (BRI 14.2)
  • ...can one perform juggling tricks like the coolest badass during the talent show
  • ...is stealing promoted at Casino Night
  • ...can you play foursquare without a ball
  • ...will a class, led by a male teacher, name a skeleton Theo James (BRI 14.2)
  • ...will people, specifically boys, bond over being uncircumcised
  • ...will you be put in a situation where you have to learn the reproductive system outside because there was a gas leak while a college tour walks through (BRI 14.2)
  • ...can you play badminton with flyswatters because you have a giant bin of random equipment in your common area
  • ...can you casually play baseball with a croquet mallet and a frisbee in the common area of your dorm building (BRI 14.2)
  • ...can you tell people "exist in me" and not get in trouble (CAR)
  • ...do you manage to lose weight without trying
  • ...can you solo an entire Vermonster without throwing up (SAR 08.2-14.2)
  • ...can the spelling of the word "quirky" vary from person to person (LAN 14.2)
  • ...can name puns become the only puns (LAN 14.2)
  • ...can Birthday Cake Oreos become the basis of the cruelest bet (LAN 14.2)
  • ...can someone cry over the fact that they were bought 2% milk instead of 1% milk for Passionfruit (LAN 14.2)
  • ...can someone cut open and eat an entire watermelon with a plastic fork (LAN 14.2)
  • ...can "daddy saddles" become a thing of beauty (LAN 14.2)
  • ...can you live love lev (LAN 14.2)
  • ...can you tape a Nicolas cage mask to a cardboard cutout of Benedict Cumberbatch and have it go mostly unnoticed (LAN 14.2)
  • ...can you make out doing a variety of ambiguously kinky things (LAN 14.2)
  • ...can you hype up two hundred or so kids about going to Walmart and then cancel it halfway there due to 'possible torrential downpour' and send them all to the gym (CAR 14.1)
  • ...can you be relaxing during your tae kwon do activity when crossdressers jump over you, flop down on their pillows next to you, and power nap for 2 minutes, during which protesters circle you, yelling "You can divide by zero!" and "You lost the game!" (ahem Kainoa) (LOS 13.1)
  • ...can you play the trololo song next to your RA's door when he's trying to sleep (JHU 14.2)
  • ...can you read badly written erotic fanfiction a little too loudly by the light of a streetlamp during the third dance (LAN 14.1)
  • ...can you start the session completely straight and leave with a huge gay crush on someone who lives 3,000 miles away
  • ...you will be part of class composed by five students (BIOTECH SUN 14.2)
  • ...can you talk with the students on the other floors by talking with them through the windows (SUN 14.2)
  • ...can you marry on the last dance with all the people you want (HAV 13.2)
  • ...can you point out which table is composed of the Puerto Ricans (BTH 11.2)
  • ...can barely-there 13 year olds become best friends with 17 year olds and have extremely intellectual conversations
  • ...can innocent and shy (but extroverted) 12 year olds become the loudest, most self important and self loving nerd, with extremely dirty humour, sixteen year old
  • ...can a regular question to the Australian be 'do you ride a kangaroo to school' or 'do you have a pet dingo'
  • ...can you have heated debates about whether or not haiku, when translated into English, has to follow the 5 7 5 pattern
  • ...can six guys pile on top of each other on a couch made for two people and it be completely normal
  • ...can sweet potato fries be a meal
  • ...can you be paid 100 (casino) dollars to get up on stage and have a fake yelling match with your boyfriend of a week (but now ten months!!)
  • ...can you find love with someone, romantically, platonically and obsessively
  • ...can hundreds of teenagers dance and sing at the top of their lungs together to I'll Make A Man Out Of You from Mulan (LAN 15.1, plus many many other sites and sessions probably)
  • ...can you yell FORTY-TWO in Russian at the top of your lungs (LAN 15.1)
    • ...even if you initially didn't have any idea what SORAK DVA means
  • ...can you parade The Painting through the dining hall, chanting WANT IT, EARN IT, OWN IT (LAN 15.1)
  • ...can you do a painfully off-rhythm waltz to "Nightswimming" with occasional swing moves thrown in (LAN 15.1)
  • ...can you JUST DO IT!!!!!!! (LAN 15.1)
  • ...can you be adopted and feel loved in 5 minutes
    • ...can you adopt and love a squirrel in 5 minutes <3
  • ...can a space potato and a pterodactyl become best friends (LMU 15.1)
  • …can you be yourself without being judged
  • ...can you yell SOCIOLINGUISTICS and have 15 people echo the call in return (LNCS.LAN.15.2)
  • ...can you order 10 quesadillas from the dining hall and screw up the dining experience for everyone wanting more than 2 tuna melts (LAN.15.2)
  • ...can you carry around a bag of Hershey kisses in one hand and SKL in another without too much judgement
  • ...can the entire camp sing "Jedidiah is a roof goat!" (CAR 15.2)
  • ...Can a guy be touching your sideboobs and you not mind (JHU 15.1)
    • ...Only because you felt masculine that day and he damn well knew
  • ...can you walk around with no pants on and no one bat an eye (JHU 15.1)
    • ... Except the SRA Brian
  • ... Is it acceptable to run around the hall in a sports bra (JHU 15.1)
  • ... Is the answer always yes to the question, "Do you play piano?" (LAN 15.2)
  • ...can several members of a hall obsessively fall in love with a foreign guy (LOS 15.1)
  • ...do teens wait in line just to eat an omelet with toothpicks
  • ...do people run around with KBBQ signs, pool noodles, and blue face paint (LOS 15.1)
  • ...when you find a kid who barks at viners (LOS 15.1)
  • ...can a whole hall fight over a girl (LOS 15.1)
  • ...and can't stop even with the intervention of 2 RAs (LOS 15.1)
  • ...when you ask a girl for a bra and she can nonchalantly give it to you (LOS 15.1)
  • ...can you sing 'Sweatshirt' to the top of your lungs (EST 16.1)
    • or 'Hit or Miss' (EST 16.2)
  • ...can you do a silly walk all the way back to class from Hartman Green (LAN 16.1)
  • ...can you pitch a tent on the quad and have a casual breakfast there (LAN 16.1)
  • ...can you fall in love and believe it
  • ...is three weeks forever yet too short at the same time
    • accurate af
  • ...can you be surrounded by Pokemon Go players at a nerd camp (EVERYWHERE 16.1/2)
  • ...is foursquare more fun than any other sport
  • ...can 'Card Games' become 'Sophisticated Astrophysics discussion involving students and RAs' (EST 16.2)
  • ...can 'SILLY' mean anything and everything (LOS 16.2)
  • ...can a decent haircut be given right before the KBBQ rally (LOS 16.2)
  • ...can 17 bagels be stolen from the cafeteria for bagel mural death squad (LOS 16.2)
  • ...can someone crumple up a napkin in the dining hall, shout, "KOBEE!" and sink it an unsuspecting person's drink (EST 16.1/16.2)
  • ...can a 50+ person mob surround couples sitting on the quad during quad time and chant, "ONE OF US! ONE OF US! ONE OF US!" (EST 16.1)
  • ...can your class make "satan's jizz" (4 teabags in 100 mL of water, which forms a opaque black liquid) (LAN 16.2)
  • ...can first kisses be preceded by lengthy discussions on the history, purpose and science of kisses, all while giggling furiously. (Probably not just me, but if, then LAN 16.2)
  • ...are conversations with your CTY girlfriend (and now actual one!) concerning how close your relationship is to incest after being mistaken for siblings. (Surprisingly close, due to shared red hair and religious background) (LAN 16.2)
  • ...can a Bottle Miester conduct an annual game of spin the bottle on Valentine's Day (LAN 16.2)
  • ...can an entire class buy a giant sports bra from the bookstore and have everyone sign it (WHOD, EST 16.1)
  • ...can everyone cry, not a word spoken, and everyone just silently understands. (EST 16.2)
  • ...is George Bush "hot," "sexy," "sensual," and "curvy." (EST 16.1)
  • ...can someone intentionally misspell the word 'squad,' by writing 'SQAD' on their arm in huge lettering and then be proud of the fact that it took an entire week to wash off. (EST 16.1)
  • ...can you call RAs "daddy," "side-daddy," "mommy," and "side-mommy." (EST 16.2)
  • ...can "Gotta catch 'em all!" be WAY more than a Pokemon reference (EST 16.2)
  • ...can you be doing verticals with your friends an someone cuts their shins almost to the bone (LOS 16.2)
  • ...can you buy 15 cups of cup noodles at a time (LOS 16.1)
  • ...can your teacher be called Cornbread Cody (Code A LOS 16.1)
  • ...can you win a debate by arguing for the other side (LOS 16.2)
  • ...can you freak out at people for drinking soda at 7 in the morning (EST.17.1)
  • ...is frisbee baseball, a joke of a sport accidentally invented by a group of students, become an organized activity and tradition. (EST.17.2)
  • ...is a widely-followed instagram account made for the sole purpose of honoring an RA's shorts (EST.17.2)
  • ...do halls become cults with rituals, cultures, and cult meetings (EST.17.1/2)
  • ...can an entire class attend the esteemed college of John John John Marshall Marshall Marshall Harlan Harlan Thurgood Marshall. (LAWP JHU 17.2)
  • ...is it perfectly acceptable to shout at an RA "Your beard turns me on!" (JHU 17.2)
  • ...will an entire hall sing You Belong With Me as loudly as possible and at every opportunity. (JHU 17.2)
  • ...is half a class singing consecutively through Hamilton with the TA on the way to study hall absolutely normal. (LAWP JHU 17.2)
  • ...will a boy get another chance to slow dance with the same girl after she has to tell him to move his hands up (JHU 17.2)
    • ...she was wearing a dress with a very low back that would have made normal hand placement also awkward
    • ...and then get told the second time to move his hands down as the ribcage is also not where you are supposed to put your hands
  • ...will an entire class wearing duct tape armbands to see how many people say something get a total of five comments spread through 15 kids. (LAWP JHU 17.2)
  • ...is having philosophical discussions on the first day as to what the official birth state of a baby born exactly on the four corners would be. (LAWP JHU 17.2)
    • ...and also whether the killing of a pregnant woman is two murders or one
  • ...can you perform a dramatic Hamilton sing along in the dorms using comforters as robes and resulting in your roomate choking. (JHU 17.2)
  • ... can you yell "I LOVE YOU CELLO DUDE" to a random camper carrying a cello (CAR 17.2)
  • ... can one class collectively empty a basket of temporary mermaid tattoos and use them to make one (majestic) tattoo sleeve (CAR 17.2)
  • ... can you yell the words "Professor McHitler" in public with no repercussions.
  • ... can one play ERS with gay and incest marriages on Drag Day (LOS 17.2)
  • ... can one watch an RA spend the entire breakfast period cutting fruit (SUN 17.2)
  • ... can you overhear RAs talk about farting into trashcans (SUN 17.2)
  • ... can one randomly scream "OXYTOCIN!!!" and hug someone (SUN 17.2)
  • ... can a hall sing songs as loudly as possible fifteen minutes before lights out and keep going until midnight and not get in trouble for it (SUN 17.2)
  • ... does a TA willingly cut a student's hair (SUN 17.2)
  • ... does one hall start scream-singing the Little Einsteins theme song and have every CTYer in the vicinity join in with just as much enthusiasm (LOS.15.1, PAL.16.1)
  • ... does an instructor name his laptop, two projectors, and stuffed moose
    • ... does said instructor also turn his students into boats and try to force them to sink, to no avail
      • ... and also detail what to do "In the unlikely event that [he is] decapitated and [his TA] is rendered unconscious"
  • ... does CTY become the Catholic church
  • ... will an RA run screaming down the aisle waving their hands in the air to entertain CTYers
  • ... are players of a strategy game told to be less smart so others can win
  • ... does making weird hand motions mean ghosts are in the vicinity
  • ... can a RA scream "KILL ME" and "PUT YOUR HANDS AROUND MY NECK AND SQUEEZE" out of happiness after listening to Cowboy Bebop songs (LAN 18.1)
  • ... can you hear someone exclaim, "Did you just castrate my pretzels?" (LAN 18.1)
  • ... can you hear someone say, "Deep down, we are all lanyards" (LAN 18.1)
  • ... can you hear someone ask, "Wanna Eiffel Tower Jesus?" (LAN 18.1)
  • ... can your RA say, "Death is the body's way of dying" (LAN 18.1)
  • ... can you hear someone say, "You don't have to put your pants on for class yet" (LAN 18.1)
  • ... can you consistently refer to two people as "Straight Guy" and "Other Straight Guy" (LAN 18.1)
  • ... can you hear someone scream, "LET ME ENFORCE SEXUALITY ON MY LANYARD" (LAN 18.1)
  • ... can someone named Daniel be consistently called "Mark" by every single person even though none of his names are actually Mark (LAN 18.1)
  • ... can a hall break out into a war over which direction the telephone on the wall should be placed in (LAN 18.1)
  • ... can you have a discussion involving giving right whales liposuction, putting them in a wind tunnel full of water and feeding them only tardigrades fed on tartar sauce (LAN 18.1)
  • ... can a discussion about what topic to teach for an experiment on recognition and recall can become a discussion about crayfish copulation (LAN 18.1 COGN A)
  • ... can a camper become and radical anti-capitalist in just a few weeks (CAR 18.1 DSET)
  • ... can someone be asked "are those your gay shoes" and happily answer"YES!"
  • ... does your teacher give a presentation on "meme culture" (CAR 18.1 DSET)
  • ... can an Instagram be created for Ricardo the tree (SAR 18.1)
  • ... can the game be lost twenty (or more) times a day (SAR 18.1)
  • ... can there be so many memories and jokes and so much love that it is impossible to express it on this page (every session ever)
  • ... can you create a fanpage and within a week have a hundred followers (LAN 18.1)
  • ... can your RA eat onions while you are in class (LAN 18.1)
  • ... can Pokemon Go ruin your relationships(LAN 18.1)
  • ... can you watch clouds indoors (LAN 18.1)
  • ... do you go through shitty first drafts
  • ... is Yeon Cho Katara's first crush ( LAN 18.1) (the Avatar trivia)
  • ... does someone have a jar of pickles for their passionfruit drink (LAN 18.2)
  • ... can a group of 5 wake up their RA at 2 am simply to say "vorgy", getting the response of a silent stare and door closed and locked in their faces (JHU 18.2)
  • ... can a class enjoy Hungarian Sort-Dancing.
  • ... can an entire hall rant to their TA about all the *tea* going on and have the TA actively enjoy it
  • ... can all of the boys in your class have a cult-like following of their TA and hail him without repercussions. (LAN 18.2 INBS C)
    • ... all while shoving your right hand in an "L" in their face saying "Take the L [insert name here]" (usually the TA) without repercussions.
  • ... can you meet someone who is more intelligent yet even more reckless than you are and instantly be friends.
  • ... can your RA squawk at you in an intentionally weird chicken (or witch!) voice to get you moving
  • ... do you wear high heels when it's pouring rain to dinner so you'll be prepared for the dance
  • ... can Flex Tape be applied to Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union (CAR 18.2 INTERPOL)
    • ... and almost fix PCTYD
  • ... can the word "sovereignty" be read as "sov-virginity" (CAR 19.1 POLY)
  • ... can you buy 30 cans of watermelon arizona at cvs and drink it all in a week (PBD 19.1)
  • ... can you accidentally join a head cult during a dance (don’t ask) (LAN 19.1)
  • ... can you microwave ramen and create a microwave explosion (LAN 19.1)
  • ...can 16~ kids and their two instructors cry while singing "you belong with me" by Taylor Swift (ETHICS CAR 19.1)
  • ...can you overhear in the hallway two kids screaming, “OMEGA, TO THE OMEGA, TO THE OMEGA, TO THE OMEGA, TO THE OMEGA....” (LAN 19.2 THEO)
  • ...can you make better friends in three weeks than you have in your entire life
  • ...does one drink 271 sips of SKL watching Starcrash
  • ... Can you dig a 1.5 foot diameter hole in the grass to find quartz, marble and other rocks (15.2, Alexandria)
  • ... Can you name your teachers after foods (15.2, Alexandria)
  • ... Randomly say "You need some milk!" in a deep voice (Sandy Springs, 17,2)
  • ... Have a beetle send vibrations up your lanyard, making you jump 5 feet back (Sandy Springs, 17,2)
  • ... can you be told by everyone you meet, CTYer or staff, "Your accent is so cute."
  • ... can you be told by your teacher to be a villain and lock them out of your classroom (19.1, LMU, BabyCTY)
  • ... can your RA's spirit animal be Remy from Ratatouille
  • ... can you play Tunak Tunak Tun very loudly in your dorm and not be judged
  • ... can you find out one of your best friends there actually lives 10 miles away from you.
  • ... can you actually touch grass and have everyone being shocked at your
  • ... can nerds talk to girls without being embarrassed
  • ... can you make a meme out of nerd music and blast it down the hall while your friend pushes you on a rolling chair (LAN 22.1)
  • ... can you be adopted by one hall and deified by another, whilst your own hall remains completely oblivious to WHAT was going on (JHU 22.1)
  • ... can you use duct tape to cover your poi blisters and then masking tape to cover your duct tape rashes (JHU 22.1)
  • ... can you fire frisbees at falling pasta structures (IENG JHU 22.1)
  • ... can you be pick-pocketed of $400, win it back and lose it on a horse race #casino night (JHU 22.1)
  • ... can you break down crying when you revisit parts of your site after being away for 5 years (JHU 22.1)
  • ... can you debate the forms of bestiality in greek mythology (JHU 22.1)
  • ... can EVERYONE you meet be so easy to talk to, yet more interesting and original than anyone you've ever known.
  • ... can individuals of incompatible sexualities be happily married (JHU every year)
  • ... can your instuctor show you videos of Boston-dynamics robots dancing to prepare for your dance (IENG JHU 22.1)
  • ... can chalk-skippers be worshipped as Gods (JHU 22.1)
  • ... can somebody put a rock in the dishware and have SRA Vee get together the entire CTY just to talk about it. (SAR 22.1)
  • ... can you get banned for being an opposition group (LAN 23.2)
  • ... can your first conversation with your hallmates be a heated debate about whether sugar can be considered a condiment (LAN 23.1)
  • ... can you and the bois snort fun dip in some basement somewhere (JHU 23.1)
  • ... can you assault your friend's moisturizer (JHU 23.1)
  • ... can you run through the sprinklers in the dead of night screaming something nerdy (FOR NARNIA!)(JHU 23.1 and hereafter)
  • ... can you try (and succeed) to prove cats (JHU 23.1 Topology)
  • ... can your instructor gently encourage sneaking off to high up places (JHU 23.1 Topology)
  • ... can lvl.100 asexuals discover their true potential… in cards against humanity of the DIRTIEST kind (JHU 23.1)
  • ... can an SRA be brought over by flying squirrels in meme form (JHU 23.1 (SRA Vee was the RA in question. The best thing we ever got from Saratoga))
  • ... can your class bond by sending feet pics (JHU 23.1 Playing God)
  • ... can everything somehow be perfect in retrospect. You'll remember the hard times and maybe some people you knew will turn out to be not so great, but somehow that'll never ruin CTY… the magic won't go away.
  • ... can you bribe your TA, RA, and the DRL to get you fireworks and set them off on the last night (CAR 24.1)
  • ... can complimenting hair or clothing somehow be considered harassment (CAR 24.1)
  • ... can you give a buzzcut to a random kid in your hall bathroom and be cheered on by multiple RAs for it
  • ... can you somehow have spouses-in-law