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Welcome to the CTY Hall of Shame.  The object of this page is to lambast stupidity related to CTY, meaning stupid actions, traditions, customs, and other shameful items.  Acts of infamously stupid weirdness belong here, where they will receive the...um...commendation/attention they...um...deserve.
Welcome to the CTY [[Hall of Shame]].  The object of this page is to lambast stupidity or shamefulness related to CTY.  The hall is composed primarily of student actions that were shunned even at CTY, or administration decisions or mistakes that were unfavorable to the camp.  Acts of infamously stupid weirdness belong here, where they will receive the... um... commendation/attention they... um... deserve.
==Siena CTY gets negative article in college paper==
The Hall of Shame has also been divided by site:
During Session 1 of 2004, the Siena student newspaper came out with an especially vicious editorial lambasting CTY students.  A CTYer enrolled in the Astronomy course wrote a letter of rebuttal to the newspaper and circulated it, collecting over 50 signatures.  It was presented to the site director, who said that he would look over it and submit it to the paper if he deemed it appropriate.  As the paper isn't available online, the letter's fate remains unknown.
* [[Hall of Shame:LAN]]
* [[Hall of Shame:CAR]]
* [[Hall of Shame:SAR]]
* [[Hall of Shame:LOU]]
* [[Hall of Shame:JHU]]
* [[Hall of Shame:KNE]]
* [[Hall of Shame:LOS]]
* [[Hall of Shame:SUN]]
* [[Hall of Shame:EST]]
* [[Hall of Shame:PAL]]
* [[Hall of Shame:SRF]]
* [[Hall of Shame:SCZ]]
{{The Essential CTY}}
=="Stairway to Heaven" cut short scandal==
Another editor of this page, me, heard my hallmate from Lancaster '05, Henry, that "Stairway to Heaven" got cut off sometime in the past two or three years at Lancaster. Then everybody protested during "American Pie."
There have been rumors that a sit-down occured at the end of the dance.  More rumors say that the sit-down actually worked and the RAs did play "Stairway to Heaven" due to the fact that nobody would leave the dance.
This definitely did happen at Siena, session 1, 2004 (second dance). The last minute or so of "Stairway to Heaven" was cut off because it was nearing 10:30 and American Pie hadn't started yet. So a group thought to be lead by Steph and Tim sat down in the middle of the dance floor, breaking all sorts of fire codes. American Pie played through, and by the end almost the entire group of students attending the dance were seated on the floor. The admin then re-played Stairway, and we got an extra 10 minutes of dancing out of the deal.
=="Get Low" cut short scandal==
At Dickinson, Session 1, 2005, at the first dance, the RAs began to play Get Low. Only the first few seconds were heard, and then, as everybody was ready to sing along, they cut it. Uproar was everywhere.
This happened also with other 'controversial' songs throughout later dances, including such songs as Electric Six's Gay Bar and System of a Down's B.Y.O.B.  What now?
However, at Dickinson, Session 2, 2005, they did play the full rendition of Gay Bar at almost every dance.
=="The Peeing Bandit"==
At Skidmore College, Session 1, 2005, there was a bandit on the loose.  During the last week, a boy decided to pee all over the bathroom wall. The next day, all the guys were called to a meeting, at which the RA's proceeded to threaten the guys with horrible things if no one confessed. Shortly after the meeting, the bandit struck again, and two more bathrooms were destroyed. The RA's brutally took away quad time for all the guys. The girls were in an uproar, and rumors started to circulate that the last dance was at stake. That night, the bandit struck for the last time, but was not caught. After intensive interrogations, the RA's gave up. All privileges were re-instated, but we never found out who the peeing bandit was. It might remain a CTY mystery forever.
BTW, Lee's Hall kicks [edit] butt
I second that from Session 2, Skidmore, Lee's Hall, 2005. On the last day of session 2 Lee played a prank by taking all kids from his dorm out and telling them a "peeing incident" had occured.
LEEEEEEEEEEE'S HALL!  Actually, this isn't true.  He came into our sleepover with some other RAs at 2 AM (when we were still awake and singing... seriously...) and told us about a 'peeing incident', saying that Nikki Rude (the site director... yes that was her name... she was a nightmare) needed to talk to us.  It was an awesome prank, but we got him back by screwing up all the signs in the hall.  HAHAHA
omg i totally remember that. i was on the phone with the guys in that room when they wer elike "shit i gotta go, the RA's coming" and afterwards they told me that Lee had came in and played a prank on them.
==Prank Calls==
At JHU Session 1 2005 there was this doofus who was prank calling Clark 2nd floor AMR 1 dorm at 2 am.......pretending to be the pizza guy, insurance company, et cetera. Two roommates pretended to be KGB operatives to the prank callers and the calls ended.
==Dances at Carlisle 06.1==
It was decided by the administration of Carlisle that Forever Young by Alphaville was no longer Holy  Canon and should only be played before stairway to heaven at the last dance. The student body complained, but it was not played until the last dance, as they had said. Is it up to the administration to decide on the students traditions?
Also, During most dances there were lots of technical dificulties, spaces  of time when no song was played and songs cut short.
During the last dance, we were told that there was to be absolutly no grinding or suggestive dancing "because we have 12 year olds (AKA, RA Elena) here" and that any suggestive dancing would result in the people dancing being sent to time out, the further into the dance, the more time.
It is unkown as to whether or not this policy was carried out, as I have not heard or seen anyone getting in trouble for grinding.
Additionally, the RA's decided that should ORGY be yelled after the traditional DieLiveSexMore chant, they would stop the song.  After various plots by students to get around this threat, the RA's issued a flyer stating that words that sounded like sexual words, such as "orange" were contraband, too.
edit----- I know of at least 4 people who got sent to the "penalty box."  molly, david, julia, and maggie
Any sort of sit down protesting was also outlawed by the Admin.
RA Elena also tried to induce a "no touching rule" for students Seamus McCabe and Nathan Pinsky upon the invention of "Jesus grinding," a form of grinding in which plenty of room is left for Jesus.
~~note: Tess aka. "fire eyes" is evil and her and other RAs such as "the grinding nazi" and "the fun nazi" should all be condemned to an eternity in the fiery depths of hell (yes i know i am a bit bitter... sorry). they almost ruined my last cty dance ever. but i made the best of it and Amanda Marra, Ani Whitehurst, i (Traci Di Tirro) and many of our other amazing friends made the best of it and left plenty of room for mary, jesus, joseph, god, the holy spirit and especially for Jeanette. i would also like to say that we did get away with grinding a bit using a system where we surrounded the offending dancers (usually Suhayl and sometimes me (Traci)) with and thick wall of horny teens and by making weird noises like "kaw-kuh-kaw" whenever RAs walked by. despite our having sex with clothes on (also known as dancing) we managed not to get sent to the penalty box. *this senseless rambling was brought to you by Traci Di Tirro (aka. Pinki)
==Dance Warning at Carlisle Session 2.06==
In order to prevent the type of dancing exhibited by Carlislians at session one, such as Julia von Turk, Maggie Zellner, Suhayl Chettih, John Kennedy, Elliott Rosenbaum, Tina Garrity, Kara Dent, Ali Greenberg, Ram Narayan, Lauren McGurrin, Eve Rosenbaum, Traci Di Tirro, Courtney Koval, and others, the staff of second session issued the following warning to campers before the first dance:
"Absolutley no:
-Dancing in way that mimics sexual acts
-Dancing in a manner that would induce an ORGASM."
==Pop Your Collar Day Skidmore==
It was already decided by the majority of the nevermores of 2006, the former emperor of 2006, and all 4 new emperors and empresses of 2007 that Pop Your Collar Day will not be continued.
==Die, Die, Die==
At each dance at Loudonville 2006 Session 1, the newbies insisted on singing, "Die, die, die..." during American Pie. The time-honored tradition at Siena College has been not to do so - it's one of the unique points of the campus culture. However, due to nevermore and nomore turnover and a suddenly influx of second-year students who had not gone to Loudonville before, this tradition was overturned. At the last dance, RA Brendan O. made an announcement that "this Die Die Die stuff is offensive, so don't do it", but the crowd at large persisted anyhow. It appears that this Siena tradition has been lost.
==Pictures of Infamous RA (Carlisle Session 1.06) in CTY STAFF LANYARD Doing Hookah==
The infamous Elena, who has been known to enforce the CTY "rules" very very strictly, can be seen on the communication network, Facebook, doing hookah in her CTY staff lanyard. People who attended Carlisle 1 must know how insane this sounds. This RA was the least-chill one I've ever met. She can do what ever she wants on her own sweet time, but posting pictures of herself wearing the CTY lanyard thats represents something freakishly special to us is definitely overstepping the line.
==Cross-Dressing Day Cancelled at HPU Second Session==
The site director called a meeting, at which he discouraged all kids from participating in cross-dressing day.  The RAs told all of their halls that they supported his opinion, and that cross-dressing would only be permitted during activities and other non-class time events.  However, the activites scheduled for the day, capture the flag and dodgeball, were site wide, so it became impractical for anyone to switch clothes and still hope to be able to actively participate in the activities (think: guys in skirts running amock).  It seems as if cross-dressing day should have just been officially cancelled.

Latest revision as of 21:13, 10 August 2024

Welcome to the CTY Hall of Shame. The object of this page is to lambast stupidity or shamefulness related to CTY. The hall is composed primarily of student actions that were shunned even at CTY, or administration decisions or mistakes that were unfavorable to the camp. Acts of infamously stupid weirdness belong here, where they will receive the... um... commendation/attention they... um... deserve.

The Hall of Shame has also been divided by site: