Residential Quad
Social time is here. It is in front of Ryan and Padua.
Ryan Hall
No AC, micro-sized dorm rooms which are often compared to prison cells. It is not required by the CTY packing list, but it is IMPERATIVE to bring a fan. Bring two for safety. Laundry room (which by the second week is covered in peoples' forgotten laundry) is on the first floor. There are four bathrooms: one for each floor. The only lounge is in the basement, but very few people hang out in here, as it smells absolutely disgusting.
Padua Hall
The dorms here are huge, they have AC in every room, personal bathrooms, and a laundry room and lounge on every floor.
Academic Quad
Fields and paths on the side of Sarazen that faces Foy and Roger Bacon. No laying on the grass or frisbees across the walkway. This is where many classes have their break, and it is not uncommon to see about fifteen frisbees in the air at any given time.
The grassy knoll
A very comfortable, very small hill where people often sit. Pulling up grass from the grassy knoll is not unheard of...
Sierra Hall
The dining hall. Pizza, pasta, salad, and many varieties of fried food are served here every day. There is also a frequently used soft-serve ice cream machine. It's pretty good.
Sarazen Student Union
If Sierra isn't under construction, dances and Casino Night are here. Bring ramen if Sierra Hall is.
Foy Hall
Talent Show and various activities. During 2006, we ate here because of Student Orientations. Dances here if Sierra is under construction. The last dance is always held in Foy.
Roger Bacon Hall
Classes held here and movies in RB 202. RB 202 is great. So much room.
Morell Science Center
Chemistry class is here. So is Biology. Long walk from Sierra to here.
Siena Hall
Classes only. Nothing special here.
Hines Hall
Home to the girls in 2004. No AC, smaller dorms, and communal bathrooms, except some rooms had a sink and mirror. Still better than Ryan.
Athletic center. Activities are held here. The CTY Olympics are here.
Standish Library
Some classes do research or work on projects here. Activities are sometimes held in the AV room on the ground level. The Butt Rock is on the lawn in front. Passionfruit is held in the brick section with benches right in front of the door.
The Butt Rock
Memorial for 9/11. It can be heated by the sun, and it's shaped like a heart. Try to sit on it without being caught. It's not allowed.