Jesus is a position at Lancaster passed down from a no more to a one more. Jesus should be able to help the first years with the traditions and be approachable, or at least more so than Satan. Due to the loss of the Jesus fishbowl and most of the duct tape suit, the remaining item, the duct tape staff (made out of a stick of iron, a tennis ball, and duct tape with a blammo spoon taped on), is passed down from Jesus to Jesus. The position of Jesus is passed on at the Last Supper, upon which it is traditional for Jesus and Satan to make out. Jesus has very few other responsibilities, but as a part fo the Holy Trinity along with Satan and the Duck Holder is accorded great respect.
In Lancaster '06 session 2, when Rachel Todd was Jesus, she was going out with a boy known as Christ (Chistian Burnette). Therefore "Jesus fucking Christ was a one time thing" took on another meaning that never, ever got old.
2003-2004: Eve Privman
2004-2005: Mark Hendrickson
2005-2006: Rachel Todd
2006-2007: Magdalena "Laney" Newhouse