Duncan Rheingans-Yoo
Day Camp '05-'09 Sandy Spring Friend School
Through the Microscope
Scope and Scale
Creative Writing: Modern Fantasy
CTY '10-'13 Carlisle
Probability and Game Theory
International Politics
Poetry Night Contributor '10-'13
CTY Carlisle Emperor '13
Teacher of Carlisle Rave Kings/Lords of Dance Renee Vogt ('12) and Alex Schneiderman ('13)
CTY is by far the greatest thing that I have had the good fortune to discover and explore. The friends I made, the things I discovered about myself, and the experiences I had have changed me more in the few weeks I've been there than in all the other years of my life. CTY will always hold a sacred spot in my heart, no matter how long I've been separated from it. 2013 will be my last year, and I know I will love it as I love all CTY, and all the wonderful people who attend it.