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About Me

Hey, I’m Ceci and I’m going to be your 19.1 stripper. I’m pretty excited for next year and I look forward to seeing everyone. You can probably find me sitting in the alcove, attempting to rave, or stealing the gaystick. Feel free to talk to me anytime, even if I don’t know you; I love meeting new people.

Courses and Sites

15.2 - CHS - Examining the Evidence (baby cty)

16.2 - LAN - Introduction to Biomedical Science

17.2 - LAN - Paleobiology

18.1 - LAN - Number Theory

18.2 - LAN - Nueroscience


Guess whooooo~

hint: it's your favourite hall mate who wasn't in your class

  • gasm* -Singed Ass 2k19

You know there's an extra condom in the Jester jacket...

Love you but I'm going to steal the Gay stick back every time!! ❤️🌈