About Me
Hey, I’m Ceci and I’m going to be your 19.1 Stripper and 19.2 Co-King James. I’m pretty excited for next year and I look forward to seeing everyone. You can probably find me sitting in the alcove, raving, or stealing the gaystick. During session 2, come find me to get glowsticks and learn how to rave! Feel free to talk to me anytime, even if I don’t know you; I love meeting new people.
Squirrel Parent: Nathan Burke
Squirrel Children: Caroline Huber and Rolina Qu
Courses and Sites
15.2 - CHS - Examining the Evidence B (baby cty)
16.2 - LAN - Introduction to Biomedical Science A (Clarisavel’s Hall)
17.2 - LAN - Paleobiology (Emma’s Hall)
18.1 - LAN - Number Theory A (Megan’s Hall)
18.2 - LAN - Neuroscience B (Esmeralda’a Hall)
Guess whooooo~
hint: it's your favourite hall mate who wasn't in your class
- gasm* -Singed Ass 2k19
You know there's an extra condom in the Jester jacket...
Love you but I'm going to steal the Gay stick back every time!! ❤️🌈
Ceci you’re a living legend and I love you
Oh look it's Ceci "9-beat" Skinner-Grant
Hey kiddo, I miss you loads and I’m always in your corner. Love, Dad.
You are going to be such an amazing strippyboi and kingyboi, and I love you. Adopting squirrel kids with you and messing up the family tree even more is going to be a blast! -spookyboi
Skinner-Grant, the light of my life, the yin to my yang, the yee to my haw. You knock my socks off ;)
Hello miss u <3