Revision as of 20:49, 19 November 2009 by Be.the.turtle (talk | contribs)
Babycty SCEN.{Moravian}.05.1 CHEM.{Mount Holyoke}.06.1 UNAG.{Mount Holyoke}.06.2
Cty ETYM.LAN.07.1 GRK1.LAN.08.1 HDIS.LAN.09.1
I am James Turtle Buckland, and I should be doing homework. People often ask me why other people call me turtle. People call me Turtle, partly because I like turtles, partly because I ask them to. People often ask me why I am not doing homework.
I am currently the Son at LAN, and am very very sorry to have not expressed any emotion whatsoever in this writing. I'll go back and change this later.