User:Lucy Danger

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Revision as of 19:07, 3 September 2014 by Lucy Danger (talk | contribs)
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Hi! I'm Lucy, sometimes known as Dangerzone, and I currently miss CTY a whole lot. I love you(even if I don't know you), and I'd love for you to talk to me!! I really like dancing, KIVO quesadillas, polygamy, ethics, philosophy, and SKL.

Baby CTY

Writing Workshops CHS 11.2

CTY Courses

Ethics (ETHC) JHU 12.1

Law and Politics in U.S. History (LAWP) JHU 13.2

Utopias and Dystopias (TOPI.A) LAN 14.2

???????????? LAN 15.2

Hey friends

leave me a message!!!