Revision as of 20:09, 18 July 2014 by Kingsjules (talk | contribs)
Hi! I'm Julia Guziewicz.
Things about me:
I'll have five years at CTY and a year at baby
I may not go all five years
I'm odd (but...this is CTY)
I wear skirts. A lot. They're usually pretty long too
I've never participated in a drag day
I'm loud. Like, I have no volume control whatsoever. So I apologize if I scream in your ear.
I'm also fabulous
I'm 2015 Carlisle Session One Poetry Goddess!!
My Courses (so far)
The Renaissance~Bethlehem 10.2
Fiction and Poetry~Carlisle 12.2
Freaks and Geeks~Carlisle 13.1
(and unless I die) Cryptology~Carlisle 14.1