Revision as of 00:26, 21 May 2015 by Jackymoore (talk | contribs)
Hey, I'm Jacky! I went to LOS 14.2, and this year, I'm going to LOS 15.1 (Law and Politics in US History).
- Witnessed acid flying into the eyes of fellow 'chemists'
- RA: Rachel Davis
- 'Girl Who Wears Elites' (chaos in my hall on Drag Day)
- Celine, aka the perfect roommate!
- Pied RA Jon, much to the dismay of multiple others.
- Caught hiding by Rachel
- Blammo'ed Mitchell T., could not Blammo Cam T.
- "#BRINDY 2K14"
- Every dead baby joke made by Hanson James and Tristan Thurlow in the Jokes activity* (Absolutely all Cindy Wang's fault.)
- "It's called a Ben and Jerry's, and you lick it, you know, you've got to [PORTION OMITTED BY JACKYMOORE] and then you're forgiven." - John, to Paru and me, in describing how to correctly get Tristan Thurlow to break the Bro Code. (Follow-up: I did not break the Bro Code.)
- "The struggle is real." -RA Rachel
- "Oh my God, what is that?!" -Everyone, after smelling The Towel
- "So mean!" -Paru, to Rachel L.
- "CHEM-istry."['ch' pronounced like the ch in 'Cheerio'] -Chem teacher
- "Yoo." -Literally everyone, to Ryan Yoo.
- "You'll live."
- "Perry!"-to Paru
- "Hashtag brindy2k14!" -Everyone, to Cindy Wang and Brian Chang
- "The struggle!" -RA Rachel, different from "The struggle is real."
- The Sign
- [Me]: *points at yellow 'CAUTION: WET FLOOR' sign*
- [Me]: "Cindy, that means 'Run fast and stop abruptly."
- [Cindy]: "I speak Swedish AND English!"
- "We're on a diet." -Paru, before drinking cups of Mountain Dew and sharing a plate of fries with us.
- "Oh, ****, it's Rachel!" -Paru and I, which Rachel heard and led her to find us hiding in a stairwell.
- "Gilgamesh!" -Paru and I, to John
- "Racists!" -John, to Paru and I
If you clicked the link on the LMU page
My apologies to whoever was butthurt about me pieing Jon. (I was randomly selected after I participated in a set of assigned activities.)
I was a taller Desmond res who usually wore Elites and ankle braces (bad ankles) and/or had my hair in a ponytail. Might've seen me eating a banana or playing football.
This is a public thank you to Soojung Choi for using her status as a Blammo God to help me.
Co-Creator of 'Juan'/'Juanita' and 'Jacquelina'
Creator of #brindy2k14