Sebastian Reardon, Manhattan, New York City. Age 14.
I'm Sebastian Reardon, a 14 year old from New York City. I have been to Easton at Lafayette for 4 sessions at CTY. I admin @CTYEaston4Ever on Instagram.
Sites and Sessions
Easton 14.1 (YS) - INDE-A South 3, RA Andrew Kirkland Roommate: Avi Shah
Easton 15.1 (YS) - CPOL South 2, RA Jaquone Bradley Roommate: Steven Yu
Easton 16.1 - PDOX Keefe 4, RA Richard Horan Roommate: Trrishaant Sarin
Easton 17.2 - MONY McKeen 3, RA Allan Hall Roommate: Steven Zharov for two weeks (see Hall of Shame), followed by Phil Han, Jonathan Hunt, and Bertrand Li.
- 16.1: The chaos that was a 17 person sleepover in Ethan Davidov's room
- 16.1: Voted saltiest camper in Keefe 3/4 camper ratings
- 17.2: R.I.P. Martha, Ankur's deceased wife
- 17.2: Literally all of week 3. Thank you Allan for letting us ISO after my roommate got kicked out.
- 17.2: Stopping the microwave at 1 second on the unusually loud microwave on McKeen 3 at 3:00 am
- FreeThe11
Long Live CTY.