Boyd is one of the full time employees of the JHU CTY program, and he was one of the founders of the Princeton site. He began working for CTY over the summers teaching Crafting the Essay and Pop Cult. He fell in love with the students, and found himself working year-round with the program. He had taught high school and college English, and he says that his favorite group to teach were the CTYers. His love for the program comes across whenever you talk to him. (Which I suggest you do) He loves the traditions and the quirky students. For example, he asked two students to talk about their experience at CTY at closing ceremonies, Alex Pressman and Julie, and he introduced Alex by commenting on the pretty floral sundress he wore on Drag Day, while he introduced Julie as the God of Blammo. Boyd has also said that he promotes the return of CTYers as RAs, TAs, and Instructors, which busts the myths that CTY somehow discourages the return of students as staff.