Revision as of 00:42, 21 March 2019 by Garranaruto47 (talk | contribs)
About Me
Hi everyone, I'm Jacob and I'm a twomore at Saratoga Springs. I still don't really understand all the traditions of CTY, but I had a really great time there.
Courses and Memories
SAR.18.2: Fundamentals of Computer Science(Taught by Dictator Davis and Jake)
- Playing ShellShock...and failing
- Losing my MP3 player and headphones
- Singing with RA Matt and Tal in the talent show
Cool People
People who I met at CTY who are pretty cool, hence the title.
- Alex Zhong - Thank you for answering all of my dumb squirrel questions and being a wonderful hallmate and friend.
- Alice Zhang
- Angie Zhong