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Revision as of 23:51, 10 June 2024 by Grasshopper (talk | contribs)
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About Me

Alyssa K

I am the ketchup

And a proud member of the snurch

Honoured to be the Muse for Lan 24.2

I like you, I love you, I CTY you!




  • Model United Nations and Advanced Geography
  • Taught by Megan Nicholson with TA Erin



  • Cognitive Psychology
  • Taught by John “Comma” Price with TA Aliya
  • Schnader 3 with RAs Nia and Joy



Contact Info

If you need to contact me for any reason, here are a few ways! I’d be happy to answer any questions about CTY! I check RealCTY pretty regularly so feel free to write a note on my user page :)

Discord: grasshopper1942

  • I’m on Server 42 (and Locked Out of The Quad) as Alyssa K


For future Lancastrians

Since Lancaster 2024 was canceled, I will not be the muse :(

If you are reading this one day in the future, and Lancaster happens to come back, I’d love to help however I can. My contact info is above, and if you have any Lancaster, CTY, traditions, or muse-related questions, I’ll help however I can. You’ve got this! Good luck and have fun!

Have a great day!

-Alyssa K November 2023