User:Harper The Grear

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Hello hello.

I’m Harper Nelson-Wooley, (she/they) your super special Lancaster-turned-Carlisle Jester of 24.2 (despite being crowned at LAN 23.1.) and Five Year Freak who has attended 22.1 and 23.1 Lancaster sessions. Upon the relocation of Lancaster tradition and students to Dickinson, I performed my jesterly duties at Carlisle 24.2, and persistently tried very hard to get Canon played (crossing my fingers for the last dance) (should these efforts be a Jester duty?)

I have taken Cognitive Psychology, Zoology, and Exploring Ethics. Hit me up to talk about traditions and everything CTY! You can find me on Server 42 all the time. (@hharpsichord)

Co-runner of locked out of the quad, our wonderful Lancastrian refugee server made especially for YOU... after Lancaster shut down. join it now, we've got some great CTY resources and wonderful people on there

love tapes you* *love tapes you* *love tapes you* *love ta

DaBal quad DaBal vis duo do... and long live the Gayble!