My name is Siri Maley. I have no nicknames that I know of or wish to share. sorry. However, for those who don't know, my screen name is derived from the theme and title of the LAN.05.2 Alcove t-shirt.
I'm currently a onemore and horribly depressed about it. I was an fringe [[Alcove| Alcovian] in LAN.05.2 for no real reason, but other than that, I contend myself with loosing the game. I'm friends with Max Wang even before he truely found his camera (yes, there was a day. just one.) as well as the first nonymous Lore Keeper (yes, that friend).
[[Course:MIND| Mind].LAN.05.2 with notable characters such as Beans, Marley, Rachel, Iggy, Acid, Charles, and Max
[[Course:CHEM| ChemA].LAN.06.2 with not quite as many
Lore Keeper
Essay Comments (big achievment there)
Added the 06.2 Afterdance songs
Updated Blammo for LAN.06.2
Others I may of may not eventually remember.
Traditions are the best things ever in the history of ever, and you will always be a forevermore.