Glowsticking is an umbrella term used to describe dancing with glowstick and/or other lumiscent devices . There are two forms of glowsticking: Freehanding and Glowstringing/poi. Both disciplines of glowsticking do intersect at some point, though their roots are radically different. Freehanding is the neon-tastic maverick sibling of other ungderground dance styles, such as liquiding, breakdancing, and popping. Glowstringing originated from poi, a dance that the Maori people of New Zealand used to stay fit and look badass. Poi were traditionally set on fire for perfomances. It is an internationally recognized fact that fire poi is as visually enticing as a voracious lesbian orgy. Glowstringing is essentially poi with a much wider moveset. The moveset of glowstringing is much more expansive than that of poi because the glowsticks aren't on freaking fire; as such, body wraps and the like are now possible to do without burning the feces out of your skin.
Glowsticking at CTY
Glowsticking is often referred to as raving at CTY. At every dance, there are designated "rave songs" during dances. These songs include the ever-popular "Sandstorm" and the infinitely sextastic "James Brown is Dead". At every site, there seem to be one or two really awesome glowstickers every year, be they freehanders, stringers, or both. At LAN.06.2, we were exceptionally lucky, for we had 4 glowstickers of awesomeness, namely Mike Len, Christ, Yoshida, and Matt. The latter are freehanders while the former are stringers. Mike and Christ are godly, FYI. We can only wonder what new glowstickers the future will bring. As of now, Gavin Cook and David Shen are determined to become the next Mike/Christs, while two other kids whose names I can't recall also want to take over the throne. Because of glowsticking's anti-competition philosophy, the 4 will all probably glowstick together in one massive glowsticking grass orgy. I think.
Glowsticking Culture
Glowsticking is a staple at raves, so glowstickers follow the rules of raves. Raves have only one rule: Follow the doctrine of PLUR. What does PLUR stand for, you ask? It stands for "Peace, Love, Unity, Respect." Follow it. Now. That means that if someone is better than you at glowsticking, don't be a tard, respect them. If you want to learn how to glowstick from them, you simply ask. If you ask in a kind, caring, manner, they will most likely teach you, lest they happen to be a dickface. Because of the culture that surrounds the art, glowstickers are normally very personable, gregarious, and open.
Things to Know About Glowsticking
In order to glowstick, you need glowsticks, obviously. Go into your hardware store or local camping outlet to find some. Military surplus stores also have them. I wouldn't reccoment doing it, though, because the glowsticks they carry normally suck and cost 4 dollars a pair. 4 FREAKING DOLLARS. That blows, now, don't it? How do you get glowsticks on the cheap? You can either buy LEDs or buy these in bulk. Buy glowsticks on the cheap at this place. They also sell high and ultra high intensity sticks. They rock. Trust Me. If you want to be a a pimp, buy high intensity LEDs, or photons. Theseare the best photons available. Granted, they're expensive, but they rock hard. They also strobe. DUDE, THEY STROBE. That alone should warrant the 40 bucks. If you want, you can even modify them to make them trail better. If you're a stickler and you just NEED an LED stick, go to Home of Poi. They have some awesome LED stuff in their shop along with invaluable tutorials.
How do I learn?
LINK TIEM GO~! 1. Glowsticking.comGeneral awesomeness. 2. Home of PoiFor Poi only, but still awesome. 3. Do More PoiMore Tutorials.