Revision as of 18:23, 23 August 2007 by LordZeebmork (talk | contribs)
CODE.CAR.06.1 MODL.SAR.06.2 EENG.LOU.07.1 COGN.SAR.07.2 and more later...
Random crap I've done at CTY that people who know me might remember me for: (I really should sort this list)
- LIGHT-UP SHIRT! (LOU.07.1, SAR.07.2)
- having a rattail (CAR.06.1, SAR.06.2, LOU.07.1, SAR.07.2)
- having a rattail that somehow survived countless plots to cut it off (SAR.07.2)
- distributing large amounts of glow bracelets (CAR.06.1, SAR.06.2, LOU.07.1, SAR.07.2)
- blasting Melt Banana (SAR.07.2)
- GIANT FRISBEE! (CAR.06.1, SAR.06.2, SAR.07.2)
- inventing the Sexy Dance (SAR.07.2)
- performing the Sexy Dance during a hall meeting (SAR.07.2)
- supposedly inventing "tree ninjas" (SAR.07.2)
- being the world's only British German emo goth stoner hippie
- JUMP! JUMP! JUMP! (LOU.07.1, along with some other people)
- getting kicked out for no reason (LOU.07.1)
- duct-taping Jim's flashlight and DS to his door (SAR.07.2)
- BING! (LOU.07.1, SAR.07.2)
- saying "ye bloody peasant" way too many times (LOU.07.1, SAR.07.2)
- mentioning Dick Cheney way too many times (SAR.07.2)
- referencing old beer advertisements (LOU.07.1)
- writing way too many calculator programs (SAR.06.2, LOU.07.1, SAR.07.2)
- getting into music wars with the people across the hall (CAR.06.1)
- epic games of the Penis Game (SAR.07.2)
- being good at dodging things (LOU.07.1)
- helping start the Ghostbusters Dance, along with some other people from the Ghostbusters weekly (SAR.07.2)
- SHOE FIGHT! (LOU.07.1)
- having an evil roommate (CAR.06.1)
- toothpaste + CD player = bad (CAR.06.1)
Are there more? Add them to the list!, I didn't really do much SAR.06.2
Website: None yet, I used to have one but it went down.. stupid hosting thing