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CHS.06.1.???? → Linnea's hall, somewhere in Queen Anne.

BTH.07.2.HERO → Hassler 1, Lucy's hall.

LAN.08.2.WRT3.A → Thomas 2 South, Kirsten's hall.

LAN.09.2.ETYM.A → Schnader 1 North, Kirsten's hall.

I am Marnie Pimentel, a onemore LANatic from New York, on PCTYD with the same username, on Facebook (so friend her), and lots of other things. Also, you just lost The Game.

I love CTY, and I love you. Is that poetic enough?

LAN.09.2 Quotebook

Compiled by Marnie Pimentel. Various quotes were also scrounged from Haley B-E’s Notebook of Win and Giby Gibianski’s Thought Book, since much of the quote book was lost near the end of the session…cutting it down from around 300 quotes to near 150.

1. “Otter, I’m a killer whale!” ~ Various

2. “Wanna see a repeat joke?” ~ Various Alcovians

3. “Sweetie, forget her. I’ll bear your children.” ~ Eliz

4. ???: “Listen, I know I’m a good looking woman, but please leave me alone.”
Otter: *laughs* “I have no morals.”

5. *with hands flung out at ninety-degree angles* “Okay, I know I’m Jesus, but don’t take it this literally…” ~ Eliz

6. “I told you I wanted the whipped cream half an hour ago!” ~ Otter

7. “Oh my god, he’s finally dead!” *proceeds to lick*” ~ Race

8. “Pikachu! I just wanna chop you up and feed you to orphans!” ~ Otter

9. “Hey Sean, what’s the etymology of ‘orgy’?” ~ Ramsey

10. “The service of a prostitute cannot be brought back.” ~ Greek textbook

11. Charlie: My door is open from 10:30 to 11 every night, and you can come in whenever you like.
Otter: Ooooh! I will.

12. “I’m Hermione’s Patronus!” ~ Otter

13. “Did he make you deputy Headmaster?” (Press Conference: Married Dumbledore)

14. “Am I Race in Harry Potter land?” ~ Charlie

15. “Wait, horses have sex?” ~ Allison

16. “I think we just gave Otter the quirk of…being Otter.” (Party Quirks: thinks that he’s a character in High School Musical)

17. “Don’t be subtle! You have only three weeks to get her to take her pants off!” ~ Cleo

18. “When slow dancing, you have to leave room for Jesus. Except you don’t need to leave that much room, because she’s really skinny.” ~ Liz

19. “Everything in Gumdrop Land is make of Gumdrops.” (New choice!) “Everything in Gumdrop Land is made of lava.” ~ Race/Vinny?

20. “I’m a little worried about this.” (New choice!) “I’m a little sad about this. (New choice!) “I’m going to kill you.” ~ Eliz

21. “It makes me want to eat lubricant.” ~ Vinny

22. “O Great and Mighty Sphinx, are Voldemort and Michael Jackson the same person?”
“Yes.” “Period.”

23. “Hugs have to be three to five seconds, so keep going or you’ll make me uncomfortable.” ~ Marnie


25. “All hail Sean Lake’s crotch…all hail Sean Lake’s crotch…” ~ Tess

26. “It’s clearly unicorn buttsex.” ~ Wendy

27. “Feel the tree! Feel the photosynthesis!” ~ Claim it

28. Park Bench: “Hi, I go on 4chan.” ~ Marnie

29. “The blue-green fish is purple.” ~ Connie

30. “Oooh, I have a pickup line! You. Me. Rule 34.” ~ Marnie

31. “Flesh is strength.” ~ Sean

32. “This sentence is beautiful.” ~ Allison

33. “What’s your pet peeve?”
Declan: “Murder.”

34. “Death is bad. To steal is bad. Therefore, death = stealing.” ~ Ramsey

35. “One in every hundred images is a cow.” ~ Ramsey

36. “Pain. Is. Pleasure.” ~ ETYM class

37. “The winds are the bile of horses.” ~ Tess

38. Tess: “The marketplace of children is the theater of pain.” Sean: “The marketplace of pain is the theater of children!”

39. “My brother is a woman.” - Tess

40. “Half a fish is holy.” ~ Sara

41. “This is my Gnomic saying: women are hot.” ~ Yoni

This is quote 42.

43. [reading Life of Pi] “I looked between my legs. I thought I would faint for joy.”
Marnie: “Bzzt.”

44. “I hate you. Let’s go bowling.” ~ Sean

45. “I need a thermometer condom.” ~ Various

46. “Dammit! I’m in drag and I’m still gay.” ~ Liz

47. “I’m another kind of happy. Trigger happy.” ~ Mike

48. “No throwing ninja stars in class!” ~ Tortoise

49. Marnie: My favorite weapons are words.
Dan: My favorite weapons are guns!

50. “You may be awarded penance or penis points, and you are not allowed to say anus pronouns while in the Universe.” ~ Gibi?

51. Ben: “Hey guys, look!” *holds up cicada shell*
Ben: “No, no, it’s empty. It’s an empty outside shell.”
Marnie: “It’s just…like…me…”

52. Gibi: “People usually use their fingers, but I get yelled at a lot for that.”
Marnie: “Bzzt.”

53. “Oh man, you wanna hear about Sada Abe? Okay, so there was this married couple in Japan, right, and they were really into sadomasochism so they kept strangling each other and threatening one another with a kitchen knife and were all turned on by it. Yeah? So Sada Abe, she cuts off her husband’s penis, he bleeds to death…and she pulls a Race.” ~ Marnie

54. “In Soviet Russia, babies eat YOU!” ~ Liz

55. Sean: “Where is the worst place to be stabbed in battle?”
Allison: “Your…area!”

56. “I just killed 108 people. Now dance! Dance like it’s a wedding!” ~ Odysseus (paraphrased by Sean Lake)

57. “No, unfortunately, Ovid didn’t have Viagra.” ~ Sean Lake

58. “Bullets are like raindrops. Except faster.” ~ Sean Lake

59. “O Great and Mighty Sphinx, why did you think this was a good idea?” [referring to giant nomore pile]
“Shut.” “Down.”

60. “O Great and Mighty Sphinx, how do you get a black lanyard?”
“Favors.” “Sexual.”

61. “O Great and Mighty Sphinx, what is love?”
“Baby.” “Don’t.” “Hurt.” “Me. “NOMORE.” “Period.”

62. “O Great and Mighty Sphinx, what are the ingredients of strawberry kiwi lemonade?”
“Rip’s.” “Pants.” “America.” “Period.”

63. “So apparently, six or more people in a bed without shoes on constitutes an orgy.” ~ Liz

64. ???: “I’m sorry.”
???: “Stop apologizing!”
???: “I’m sorry.”

65. (to Marnie in pigtails, suit jacket, and fedora) “You look just like a terrorist!” ~ Otter

66. Sean: “Oh yeah, all my friends call me that.”
Yoni: “Are they really your friends?”

67. “Don’t you DARE lick those people!” ~ RA ?

68. “I always thought human flesh was kinda sour-tasting.” ~ Gibi?

69. Charlie: “There’s this joke that our hall [TOPI B] is the most homoerotic hall on cam — “

70. “So she declared.” ~ Various

71. “[goose call]” ~ Stacee

72. “Why haven’t you been answering your calculator?!” ~ Declan?

83. “You[r mouth] taste[s] like a KiVO spoon.” ~ Claim it

84. “What’s this? Otter is evolving into…RA Charlie!” ~ ?

85. “A wild Dennis appears!” ~ ?

86. “Dennis uses ASK NICELY. It has no effect.” ~ ?

87. “Incest is WINCEST!” ~ Liz

88. “I’m straight as a rainbow.” ~ Liz?

89. “What happens at CTY, stays on Facebook.” ~ Stu

90. Sean: “Do it from behind so I can’t see it coming.”
ETYM: “Bzzt.”

91. Sean: “What’s your name again?”
???: “So she declared…"

92. “Happily single means you’re happy I’m single.” ~ Cassidy

93. “No, I’ve already been impregnated four times today, so I’m pretty sure it’s you.” ~ Liz

94. “Your reasoning is phallacious. It resembles a penis.” ~ Liz/Haley

95. “Sausage fail.” ~ Dennis

96. Liz: “Orifice-hole.”
Haley: “Isn’t that kind of redundant?”
Liz: “Hole-hole.”
Haley: “Hole squared.”
Liz: “Meta-meta logic-logic-logic.”
Emma: “What on earth was in the food today?”

97. “Do you want me to put your basilisk in my chamber of secrets?” ~ Liz (Also: “It would be a bad thing if the basilisk died inside the Chamber of Secrets…”)

98. ‘The lesbians were not discovered by me.” ~ Gibi

99. “Cherry-flavored assault?” ~ Liz

100. “Stop! You’re egging on the gay orgy in my bedroom!” ~ Vinny

101. “He’s trying to make me female!” ~ Dennis

102. “Single-file lines are for Nazis.” ~ Otter

103. “Two people, one very large diving suit.” ~ Haley

104. “We don’t want KiVO to crucify us!” ~ Victor/Charlie/Gibi/?

105. “That must suck about being tall. You have a small penis. Ha-ha, tall people, ha-ha!” ~ Victor

106. “Are there nuclear launch codes embedded into your gay porn? … Is ‘nuclear launch’ now a euphenism?” ~ Cassidy

107. “Why is Antarctica a fish?” ~ Liz

108. “And the cheese is like ‘Caw! Caw!’ and the raven is like, ‘HOLY SHIT! A talking cheese! I don’t wanna eat that,’ and flies away. And then the fox dies of radiation poisoning.” ~ Gibi

109. “Michael Jackson: The Game. You accumulate white points to eventually become as white as possible. LIttle boys boost your energy and make you happy.” ~ James

110. “Look what you’ve done! You fucked the rainbow off!” ~ Victor

111. Shae: “Welcome to GLOW.”
?: “Wait, you mean this isn’t zombie awareness? … I guess I’ll be leaving now…”

112. “I feel dirty in so many languages now…” ~ Cassidy

113. “You realize Second Saturday is like Victor’s Christmas, right?” ~ Cassidy

114. “I’m not a whore. I feel depressed.” ~ Rebecca

115. “Cells reproduce asexually. I am made of cells. Therefore, I reproduce asexually.” ~ Sam (guy Sam)

116. “Aww, they’re so cute…poop.” ~ Haley

117. Dan: “Charlie, my penis just broke in half.”
Charlie: “That’s okay…cuz you can put it back togedda wit some RIIIIIIICE!”

118. “Wait…there are twins that make out? I want to see that!” ~ Gibi

119. “You rhair smells like my outhouse. … I mean, there’s a scented candle and it smells like that. … Oh, shut up.” ~ Cassidy

120. “Victor’s very rape-able.” ~ Jay

121. “A wonderful children’s book: Do Vampires Eat Piggies?” ~ Liz

122. “If you show me your gay porn, I’ll tell you who I’m stalking.” ~ Cassidy

123. Victor: “I’m having sex with your back.”
Gibi: “…is it a good sex partner?”
Victor: “No. It SUCKS.”

124. “Wait…someone gave Stuart Red Bull? That’s like giving Osama bin Ladin your stockpile of SARS.” ~ Cassidy

125. “…an overwhelming desire to fuck one’s mom or climb back into one’s uterus.” ~ Peter

126. “Tonks — she can change herself into thousands of different faces — AND THEY’RE ALL ON FIRE!” ~ Cassidy

127. “You guys are awful human beings.” ~ Cameron

128. “It’s like all roads lead to Rome. All roads lead to Mike’s mouth.” ~ Cassidy

129. “I started out the day straight but now I’m at least heteroflexible. Not quite sure how that happened, but now I’ve made out with more guys than girls.” ~ Cassidy

130. “The question should be, why are there ONLY two people reaching into your crotch area?” ~ Cassidy

131. “Remember, remember, the 5th of November, the crotchtag treason and plot.” ~ Cassidy

132. “You were crushed by a two-ton John the Baptist.” ~ Jim

133. “We spooned. It was fun.” ~ Liz

134. “I’m not crazy.” ~ Otter

135. “Even though the tofu have the texture of the inside of a limp penis, it is delicious.” ~ Cassidy

136. Cassidy: “Ouch! I can’t deep throat…ow my tonsils…I broke it.” (referring to a banana)
Dennis: “I have a version you CAN’T break if you want…”
Cassidy: “Oh, don’t be so sure.”

137. “I’m not going to lick Stuarts face, no you can’t make me.” ~ Sam

138. Giby: “You could just ask for the hat back…”
Rebecca: “No, that’s mean; I’ll just steal it back.”

139. “Saying that My Immortal is a ‘bad’ Harry Potter fanfic is like saying that the Holocaust was a ‘bad’ year.” ~ Liz? Cassidy?

140. Giby: “It’d be worse if he asked what sex was.”
Nimish: “What’s sex?”
Giby: “Let me show you.”

141. “I slowdanced for the first time at CTY with the cute one [I keep] in my basement.” ~ Nimish

142.”Q.E.D., bitch!” ~ Soham and Jay

143. “In problems 6 - 9, you will be asked a question. Answer it.” ~ Telephone operator entrance exam

144. “Somebody call DRL / A couple’s making out on the dance floor, woah / Something dirty’s gonna start if you don’t break them apart / On the dance floor, woah / Make room for Jesus, room for Jesus on the dance floor (x4)”

145. “Dark curls, with our heads underneath/We got a bounce in our hair, and you know that it’s sweet/and they touch it (touch it) but they ain’t got no need/there’s another over there that looks just like me/C-c-c-curls always boun…ce when we walk/so the girls don’t see our eyes whenever we talk/and tell your boyfriend (boyfriend), if he says that we’re wrong/all the ladies only like it curly and long!

She wants to touch it woah-oh/She wants to love it woah-oh/She’ll never leave it woah-oh, woah-oh-oh-oh/Don’t trust a fro/Never trust a fro/Won’t trust a fro/Don’t trust me. [repeat]

“Fingers” always run through our locks/and the girls- they- come running in flocks/and the shampoo (shampoo) you stole from our room/smells like a flower, in mid-April bloom/B-b-b-babes always under our arms/Fah-low us like we got a treat in our palms/and the best is (best is) you all know who we are/two kids with big hair and “skin that is dark”

~ Vinny and Race

146. “Okay, I’m going over there. If you’ve never kissed me, and you thought I was cute at all, you should come over there. If you’ve kissed me once and want to kiss me again, you should come over here. … Come on people, FLOCK!” ~ Mike

147. Liz: “Today’s actually my 16th birthday…”

148. “I love CTY, I love the Passionfruit, and this stuff tastes like ass.” ~ Cassidy

149. “You are shedding PINS!” ~ Dan

150. Rips: “Hey, do you know a Yuri? Does anyone know a Yuri?”
Theo: “Um, Rips, I wouldn’t be shouting that so loudly if I were you…”
Rips: “What? Why?”
Theo: “Yuri is lesbian anime porn.”
Rips: “…YURI! YURI! YURI!”