
From RealCTY
Revision as of 16:45, 2 May 2010 by Ducttape (talk | contribs)
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Hello there. I see you are looking at my page. Well, for starters, I have been to CTY for 2 years in a row at Baltimore, and I lived in AMR I at Wilson Hall for both years. However, I will be attending Lancaster for my nevermore year in 2010 AND I'M SUPER EXCITED NOW BECAUSE IT'S ALMOST SUMMER! :)

CTY Attendance History

SERV.JHU.2.08 - Instructor: Dr. Kenya Davis-Hayes - TA: Julie Ritchick ETYM.JHU.2.09 - Instructor: Jon Pirnia - TA: Doug Fraleigh (COGN.LAN.1.10)