User talk:TDL

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Revision as of 00:59, 3 July 2010 by Memoriesonfilm (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Ohey== I decided it would be more useful to respond to your comments on the Saratoga site talk page here on your talk page. So, it's not Lancaster that has the final verdict on article...)
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I decided it would be more useful to respond to your comments on the Saratoga site talk page here on your talk page.

So, it's not Lancaster that has the final verdict on article quality: it's me. There are a couple of reasons for this. Well, there are two reasons. The first reason is that I manage the site, and the second reason is that I'm the most anal person I know about this sort of thing. That said, the Saratoga article doesn't actually "suck." It probably doesn't need that banner either, so I took it off. (Also, the answer to when the banner can come off is whenever you feel like removing it. I can always put it back, and so can anyone else, and if I really feel like it needs to be there I could assert tyrannical dictatorial command over the article or hit it with a meteor or something, but the simple answer is that you can just take it off.)

But, since you do seem to care about the quality of this article, I do have some suggestions for its improvement. Perhaps the most notable issue is just the writing on the page. While the overall page organization is mostly fine, the writing is choppy and somewhat disorganized -- improving this would also make the significant information pop out more. The only other big suggestion I have is to reorganize the traditions section. Instead of just having a big list, categorize them (e.g., Activities, Things we like (things like games or movies), Quotes, Miscellaneous, etc.), and provide some more description for each item or link to the proper pages / Lexicon.

Hopefully this is useful information that you can use to improve the page!