Hi. I'm cat. I used to be at CTY but I'm all old now.
Let's see if I can remember all of this...anyhow, I'm pretty sure most of the courses don't exist any more.
baby CTY: 94.1 (Sandy Spring. math something.) 94.2 (Alexandria. Individually Paced Math Sequence.) 95.1 (Conn College. lab science or something.) 95.2 (Alexandria. Individually Paced Math Sequence.)
everything else: LAN.96.1 ISCI LAN.96.2 GEOM LAN.97.1 MODL LAN.97.2 BIOL LAN.98.1 CALC LAN.98.2 ACHM LAN.99.1 CPS1 LAN.99.2 PHYW LAN.00.1 THEO LAN.00.2 GRK1
I could've technically gone in 2001 (I believe Bob designated me a "six-year satan spawn") but alas, that was the summer between high school and college. No one believed that I was 11 during my squirrel year at LAN.
Uh, what else...I held the duck. I explained how to make a circle (because for college 1, 2, or 3, it's different!). I was in LLRT. Other stuff of little significance to those who weren't there at the time.
Now I teach rocket science. It's kind of awesome.