User:Lucy Danger

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Revision as of 19:05, 3 September 2014 by Lucy Danger (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Hi! I'm Lucy, sometimes known as Dangerzone, and I currently miss CTY a whole lot. I love you(even if I don't know you), and I'd love for you to talk to me!! I really like dancin...")
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Hi! I'm Lucy, sometimes known as Dangerzone, and I currently miss CTY a whole lot. I love you(even if I don't know you), and I'd love for you to talk to me!! I really like dancing, KIVO quesadillas, polygamy, ethics, philosophy, and SKL.

'Baby CTY

': Writing Workshops CHS 11.2

CTY Courses

Ethics (ETHC) JHU 12.1 Law and Politics in U.S. History (LAWP) JHU 13.2 Utopias and Dystopias (TOPI.A) LAN 14.2 ???????????? LAN 15.2

leave me a message!!!