Luke Farrell
A Little Bit About Me
Hi. As you probably guessed it, my name is Luke. I have been going to CTY for three years now and it has been a great experience. I was at Mt. Holyoke for Baby CTY in 2013 and have gone to Skidmore in Saratoga Springs for the last two. I have had a lot of fun in my past years and why not I explain why. Let's start with Mt. Holyoke.
Baby CTY at Mount Holyoke
As my first year at CTY like many kids I was nervous. Being away from my parents for three weeks seemed like a good thing, but it was scary at first for me. Well I got there and it was a great environment. I remember my hall was very nice and there was a person from my home of Long Island (Let's Go Islanders). However, the problem with Baby CTY why was well a lot of things (I didn't know these problems at first, but this is what they were)
- They didn't have many Canon songs. Only American Pie nothing else.
- You were escorted by an RA. Not like the freedom you have at regular CTY
And on and on
Saratoga CTY
This is the REAL CTY experience. It was and still is amazing. Whether it's Love Tape day, Tunak, Tunak, Tun at the dances, or watching "The Princess Bride" (Inconceivable. You keep on using that word I do not think it means what you think it means) I was in Dan's hall when the MAD SPOONER struck, but don't worry, I was not it. But it is a great experience.
To be continued...