- animated_div
{ width:20%; animation:animated_div 5s 1; position:relative; border-radius:5px; -webkit-border-radius:5px; animation-iteration-count: infinite; }
@keyframes animated_div { 0% {transform: rotate(0deg);left:0%;} 25% {transform: rotate(20deg);left:5%;} 50% {transform: rotate(0deg);left:90%;} 55% {transform: rotate(0deg);left:90%;} 70% {transform: rotate(0deg);left:90%;} 100% {transform: rotate(-360deg);left:0%;} }
My Name
Hi, I'm Alexander Velikanov, but I go by Alec, not Alex, Alec. I won't correct you if you call me Alex but I will secretly think less of you
About Me
2016 is going to be my second year at CTY at Saratoga Springs. After my first year at Saratoga Springs, I have slowly taken up maintaining the Saratoga Springs wiki page. Most of what you see on that page was either written or reorganized by me.