Revision as of 22:30, 2 July 2016 by Miselaineneous (talk | contribs)
Hi, I'm Elaine! You may know me for having the really old bottle of juice (Fruitopia 16.2 ayy) from 2015-2016, flailing and hitting myself in the LAN 14.2 and 15.2 rave circles, or accidentally causing the 3rd evacuation of Schander in 15.2 (sorry). Outside of CTY, I can usually be found doing behind the scenes work on musicals and plays, doodling, watching Studio Ghibli films, playing the piccolo, or trying to get my cat to love me. I like you, I love you, I CTY you!
Classes (so far):
- LOGCB 13.2
- INBSC 14.2
- COGNB 15.2
Halls (so far):
- 13.2 - Adrianne's
- 14.2 - Eva's
- 15.2 - Lisa's