Revision as of 18:33, 16 July 2017 by ArugulaBannerji (talk | contribs)
Arugula/Aradhana (uh-ra-the-nuh) Bannerji Two-year Tragedy
Just Fiction & Poetry 17.1 and hopefully 18.1 though idk what course
hit me up if u like musicals, drawing/art in general, reading (I hope we're all literate), writing (grocery lists don't count), good Memes (hey beter), Lacrosse (#laxislyfe), and/or my darling room mate and ~blammo god~ Hill Mak (swiggity swooty)
When Ananda sits on my lap (I love u sm doll but I am not a chair), when the dining hall has no cones and I have to eat soft serve out of a bowl like some sort of peasant, being ousside for two seconds only to be attacked by the infamous Lancaster Mosquitos™, birkenstock tanlines (it's a real problem, y'all), not being allowed to pet dogs in the campus