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  • 2013 (Maybe? Copied from site page, don't know if "13" meant the year 2013 or something else. If it did not mean "2013," please fix it.)
    • Ravi: known for being the frisbee guy and having an angelic singing voice
    • Nick: known for his beard and being a power lifter. Also known for having an eagle eye for lanyard violations. Also made announcement during meals to clean up but most of the time no one did. Knew a lot about rap and heavy metal/death metal. Performed a death metal? song at the talent show
    • Borja: known for soooooooooooooooooooooooooccer!
    • Jeeves?: Ask Jeeves
    • Marshall: dyed his hair purple the second week and then again the third week. Also taught a bunch of people different dance moves and organized a routine for Lady Gagas song Judas during the second dance
    • Sonny: known for his short short short short american flag shorts (sonny is so yummeh)
    • Laurel: known for running the weirdest yet the most fun activities. Such as: Jellies jellies, is it a cat?, league of legends...
    • Steph: Sassy RA that says TWIST a lot. Arguably the most responsible RA.
    • Charles: intimidating but fun RA who had the ability to shout very loudly and was strong enough to pick up RA Fatim like a baby (250+ pounds?)and beat RA Nick and everyone else on the floor in arm wrestling. Also, really good at playing pokemon and loved to sing pop songs with anyone on the floor at night
    • Fatim: hilarious RA. Loved to make beats and play basketball. Also had a ps3 in his lounge. Don't talk to him about tater tots and hash browns. AND DON'T TOUCH THE TREES OR HE WILL TACKLE YOU
    • Mica: known, especially amongst the girls, as being absolutely beautiful. During session 1, he was often seen holding a pink Victoria's Secret umbrella.
  • Rumors
    • RA Borja and Nuria were dating.
    • RA Borja and Alex were dating.
    • RA Borja and Jeeves were dating.
    • RA Laurel and Jeeves were dating.
    • RA Nick and Laurel were dating

2014 2nd Session Staff

  • Kim RA's:
    • Gustavo: He studies Biology at The university of Mexico. This was his second session and first year being an RA at CTY. He is very kind and caring. Despite his lack of a full formal education of English his English is very good just a medium accent of mexican lingo. He took pictures at all the dances and was on every dance committee. He follows and inforces most rules but isn't strict. He refuses to yell. And taught the bachata dance class.
    • Conrad: he sounds like Benedict Cumberbatch.
    • Matt:Plays League
    • Derek: Almost has a PhD in philosophy. He has a code that "if he doesn't see you do it go ahead and try". He never stopped anyone from attempting to break small rules. His hall was known for being crazy and doing stupid stuff like move furniture around and have massive sleepovers. His hall meetings were always informal and open. Not the most responsible and known to be in his room with the door locked. It was said by people on his hall that one time he was seen buying condoms at the bookstore. We don't know if that is true though. He occasionally got prank called by boys in his hall. COOLEST RA on the campus!
  • Tritton RAs:
    • Mali:
  • Jones RAs:
  • Barclay RAs:
  • Teachers:
    • Stephanie:
  • TA's:
    • Meagan:
  • Barclay Office and Site Staff:
    • Jason:
    • Amy: