Hey! I'm Riya Kishen and I was (supposed to be) a 20.1 Blammo Goddess at Lan :)
About Me
My wonderful predecessor Lindsey Russ gave me this position and I love her to pieces. I live in New Jersey right now and I'm super into music, art, superhero movies, and soccer. SO sad that I wasn't able to see all my babies for my nevermore year, but, I'm always here in spirit. Don't hesitate to dm me on instagram (@riyakishen) if you ever wanna talk or make a new friend. I was also in charge of the virtual blammo for 20.1 with Myrah Charles. A big thanks to everyone who participated in that <3 it was so amazing to bring a small chunk of CTY back home during rona season.
- Paradoxes and Infinities, Bristol 18.1
- Mathematical Logic, Lancaster 19.1
I'm gonna fill this in once I give my speech :)
You did an amazing job with online blammo! Keep being awesome!
- Connor