Holder of the Duck 1.0 (Session 1)

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The Holder of the Duck was originally only a tradition held by the ctyers of session two. However, at CAR.24.2, Annie Ehrlich bestowed the replacement Duck to a double sessioner, Sydney Schirripa in order to share the tradition with session one. It is hoped that the Passing of the Duck will thrive in session one for years to come. Because of the new story behind the Duck 1.0, the Legend of the Duck v.2.1 was created by Annie Ehrlich and written out by Ellie Hwang. It is as follows:

The Legend of the Duck v 2.1

Once, there was a Duck.

Not just any Duck, but the Duck of CTY Session 2 since that fateful Talent Show of Lancaster Session 2, 1991. The Duck of the logicians' Monty Python, Beetlejuice, and many other Talent Show acts. The Duck cherished by a duckworthy Session Two-er Holder of the Duck each year.

Once, there was a double-sessioner.

Not just any double-sessioner, but a double-sessioner if CTY Carlisle 2024. The double-sessioner with an immense attachment to the Duck. Such double-sessioner was ill-fated, never to return to Session 2, and their beloved Duck, causing both the Duck and the double-sessioner great sadness. Putting their talented youth minds together, the 2024 Holder of the Duck, other 2024 Position Holders, and former Holders of the Duck came up with a solution: the Duck's identical twin, the Replacement Duck would, through an act of pure CTY magic, transform into Duck 1.0 and would be passed down to the double-sessioner and, consequently, to Session 1.

Each year, the Holder of the Duck 1.0 passes it on to some duckworthy Session One-er.

From Session 2 to Session 1, from the first Holder of the Duck to the present day, the Ducks live forever onward.

List of Holders of the Duck 1.0

2024: Annie Ehrlich

2024-2025: Sydney Schirripa