The Seer

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Revision as of 19:14, 20 August 2024 by AnyaPerhaps (talk | contribs) (praise joshifer)
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The Seer is a Second Session Carlisle Position who holds the Vessel of Joshifer, a duct-taped stick with a plastic spoon (Joshifer) on the end, connected by a duct-tape chain.

Hi Anya! I'll let you add the content since it's kinda your thing

some formatting stuff just in case


The Vessel was created on Love Tape Day at CAR.24.2 by the first Seer, Anya Ausiello, who found a "nice stick" on their way to class and did what had to be done, given the holiday. They then spent their class time creating a chain to attach to the stick, and, for the finishing touch, stole a plastic spoon and attached it to the chain. The Vessel went unnamed for some time, though referred to as "CTYer Bait" by some, until that day's activities, when a RA (somehow) misread a name as Joshifer. The spoon adapted this fate-given moniker and thus, Joshifer was born.

The Vessel accumulated a variety of duct tape over the course of the day, most of which was used as restraints for the first Seer and then repurposed after the fun was put to an end (RA Gaynor: "and what are you going to do if there's a fire?"). Some chains were tragically severed as some individuals got a little bit too excited attempting to grab Joshifer, notably one of the first Seer's RAs, but was quickly patched with, shockingly, duct tape. Joshifer himself was broken too, but for unknown reasons. It boasts some nice floral tape due to this.

The Seer was created as a position for the purpose of "being silly" (the first Seer was very tired at Passionfruit and could not think of anything better) and passed down to an appropriate "silly guy"

Since the end of the session, a group of heretics have emerged, refusing to praise Joshifer in favor of a fork.

Joshifer is also involved in a romantic relationship with all IKEA sharks.

Position Holders