Hey, I'm Naomi Carpenter! I'm a five year freak about to start her third summer at normal CTY. Also known as "the girl in the David Bowie crop top", "the girl with the gold/blue/purple lipstick/eyeliner", "the dance girl", or "RA Sim Rivers' OFFICIAL best friend." I spent four years at baby CTY in Baltimore. Add me on Snapchat @naomicarpentr or text me at 443-821-2711!
CAR.15.1: I took Freaks & Geeks In Popular Media with Val (Instructor), Ceci(TA), & Marisa, Simone, Sydney, Louise, Kelly, Anatolia, Erica, Blue, and others. - Let me know if I forgot you! Kelly's hall was so much fun that year, as we shared it with Fast-Paced Chem. In the talent show, I did an improv lyrical dance number called "This Gift."
CAR.16.1: I took Fiction & Poetry (FICPOE LINEUP) with Dockins (Instructor), Josh (TA), Helen (TA) & Marisa, Simone, Louise, Vi, M(PEROR), Aoife, Sammy, Rachel, & some other people probably. Aliya's hall was LITTY never forget! Having two members of royalty (SK & M) was so much fun & inspired me to want to be royalty! In the talent show, I performed a tap piece I choreographed myself to "Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy" by Queen. Let's be real- my girl Faith from Aliya's hall stole the show.
CAR.17.1: I will be taking Ethics! Looking forward to the best three weeks of my life <3