Hey, I'm Naomi Carpenter! I'm most notably Carlisle's 18.1 Poetry Goddess!
CAR.15.1: I took Freaks & Geeks In Popular Media with Val (Instructor), Ceci(TA), & Marisa, Simone, Sydney, Louise, Kelly, Anatolia, Erica, Blue, and others. - Let me know if I forgot you! Kelly's hall was so much fun that year, as we shared it with Fast-Paced Chem. In the talent show, I did an improv lyrical dance number called "This Gift."
CAR.16.1: I took Fiction & Poetry (FICPOE LINEUP) with Dockins (Instructor), Josh (TA), Helen (TA) & Marisa, Simone, Louise, Vi, M(PEROR), Aoife, Sammy, Rachel, & some other people probably. Aliya's hall was LITTY never forget! Having two members of royalty (SK & M) was so much fun & inspired me to want to be royalty! In the talent show, I performed a tap piece I choreographed myself to "Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy" by Queen. Let's be real- my girl Faith from Aliya's hall stole the show.
CAR.17.1: I took Ethics with Karl (instructor), Rachel Silverbloom (TA) Alex from Poland (Honeysuckle), Meimei (fight me), my gorgeous roommate Nina Lucy, Isabel, Brendan, Ian, Andrew, Talia, Sam, Noa, Maddie, and Robin & Tali who left halfway through (RIP). Soraya's hall was amazing, Soraya is the bestest prettiest RA in the whole world! I just Kant. Leena, Shira, and Nadia were also amazing in our hall. This year I did a musical theatre talent show piece to "Hot Honey Rag" from Chicago. The best part of this session was when Reese named me Poetry Goddess for next year- such an honor! I cried for the first time at a dance this year and it was so bittersweet. I was truly an independant, strong woman who didn't need no oxygen @Isabel & Talia and I was creepy according to Noa. Also I didn't shut up about my girlfriend Stephanie the whole three weeks. I like you, I love you, I CTY you! And hey, less than 300 days til I see my family again ❤️
CAR 18.1: I tool Existentialism with Karl and Rachel, alongside Nina, Liz, Abby, Maya, Maddie, Amina, Andrew, Connor, and Red. Nina was my roomie again! It was so nice to have your roommate be your best friend. We were in Juliet’s hall, with the FicPoe group: Clara, Ellie, Alena, Jessica, and others. Nina and I both had our first CTY romances, with Reed and Marl, respectively. Being Royalty was awesome. Every time I had a moment of self doubt, I would look over at my crown and remember I was worth something. I turned looks, I yelled songs at dances til my lungs were sore, I feel in a sort of finite love. I felt like a leader, as an older kid, but still wanting to be immature, to rebel and disobey. I’m writing this on June 12th. Junior year was a lot. I became an adult in a meaningful sense, and fell in love with another man in a forever way, someone I wouldn’t have known if not for CTY. I’m a big kid. I know where I want to go to college- Oberlin, Smith, or Skidmore- and yet I have the privilege of returning to CTY, the hallmark of my youth. I will see you all in less than 11 days.