Pride parade

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Pride parade happens every 3rd Monday during Love Tape Day day at Lancaster and is run by the Gaylord (LAN.1) or the Egg holder/Fairy ( also known as the Rainbow) (LAN.2). People usually meet at the North Ben Patio after dinner to collect signs that they made previously at pride parade planning. People are often seen carrying flags and chanting for a few minutes before night study session. Taking pictures is strictly prohibited.


"CTY has a gay butt, CTY we love you, forevermore, forevermore, CTY we love you," (Alternately, substitute trans for gay)

"She's beauty, she's grace, she's really really ace," 

"G is for gender, that's good enough for me, G is for gender, that's good enough for me, G is for gender, that's good enough for me, oh gender gender sexuality!,"

"Things are so gay, but they could be gayer!"

During the 18.2 pride parade WE OUR was a chant because someone forgot to finish a "we heart our gay son" poster. "L! G! B! T! Luigi's got big tits!" was also seen as an 18.2 chant.

In 19.2, there was another unfinished sign that said Gay By (with no context) so WE OUR GAY BY was also added.