Why are you here???
There's nothing interesting about'd you find this page?
You're still here? Don't you have anything better to do?
Well... I admire your dedication... I suppose i'll reveal a little about myself. The name is George Turmail. I'm a former CTYer. I attended:
CAR.16.1-Fundamentals of Computer Science
CAR.17.1-Probability & Game Theory
LAN.18.1-Number Theory
So, that's cool. If you care. Which you don't.
Do you want more?
-I won the Quizbowl CAR.17.1
-My favorite canon song is Dragostea Din Tei (Numa Numa) by O-Zone
-I had no parent! I was a poor little orphan squirrel...
-Furthermore, I never had a child, due to me sitehopping for my nomore year
-My favorite site is Carlisle (sorry, LAN)
-Why are you still reading this? Everything I said above is boring!
That's all from me......