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About me

Hello to whoever is reading this, I'm Joshua Yamada (more commonly known as Josh) and welcome to my userpage! Why you're here is beyond me, but hopefully I can entertain you while you're here. I'm that one Brazilian-Filipino guy who you can find talking in Portuguese despite only 4 people at Lan 19.1 being fluent in said language (to the extent of my knowledge), and none of them were in my class or hall (I'm weird that way). There's really not all that much to me. One thing I will say is that I am slightly salty that you can't come back to regular CTY after senior year, as I would still be eligible agewise, but not gradewise (I will finish senior year as a 16 year old). Whether or not I would really come back to CTY, or still want to, I don't know, but it kinda sucks that they closed that option off despite my having age compatibility. I'm based in São Paulo, so going to CTY is a bit of work, but I think we can all agree it's worth it.

Even if I've never met you, or talked to you, I like you, I love you, and I CTY each and every one of you all; thank you to everyone for making CTY so special.


JHU 17.1 - Mathematical Logic A

RA Ruide (Ray)

My squirrel year was cool. Looking back, it wasn't as good as my other sessions, but that's probably because of the campus itself (more rules, less tradition). Nonetheless, it was still cool, thanks to my hall and the 12 pack of Mountain Dew I bought. My instructor, Steve, was cool, and performed a dance to "Never Gonna Give You Up" at the Talent Show, along with 4 other members of the instructional staff.

LAN 18.1 - Game Theory A

RA Dionel

My 2nd year was epicly epic. Game Theory was a super fun class, and my hall was cool. I liked it a lot because I was introduced to all the Lancasterian traditions, and played lots of Avalon in class. Our TA Adam brought a cake to class once, and could rave. I spent most of my time playing soccer or getting a drink from a vending machine, so it's safe to say I spent my time well. I'm proud to say that I yeeted a bootleg tide pod against a wall maybe 7 times and was able to burst it. I wasn't actually expecting it to break, so me and my friend panicked and washed all the liquid down the sink. Also, my friend brought a cardboard box full of Muscle Milk, so I made a helmet out of the box and constantly memed both the helmet and the drink.

LAN 19.1 - Astrophysics B

RA Saúl

My 3rd year was also epicly epic. Astro was very interesting and will also be very useful for when I take IB Physics. My hall was really cool, and I had a great time. My only issue was that I got sick on the last full day and was quarantined, (I know you shouldn't go to the health office, but I had a long flight the next day, so I needed meds) and as such I missed The Last Supper, the last dance/afterdance, and Passionfruit, which really sucked. My instructor, Mr. Lemke, looks like Chris Pratt, and both he and the TA Andrew are legends. My hall spent a lot of time singing "Buy U a Drank" and "The Electromagnetic Spectrum Song", while simultaneously playing lots of Minecraft. Our hall cup team was named after me, so that was pretty nice. Overall, it was cool.

LAN 20.1 - rona szn

I was gonna take fphs physics but alas covid happened


josh!!! living legend!! john cena himself!! online session events were so much better with you there and i'm so glad i got to meet you online this session. i cty you!
Planetary lt.png - lauren:)

hi josh! so glad that we go to know each other during online session <3 also ur john cena costume was the best hands down :) User:Caitlin Fox

Blossom.jpg discord wouldn't be the same without u :) -dani

Happy love tape day!
Caution.jpg - Connor

I rly hope we get another chance to ply soccer, and im so glad i got to play with you all those times 18.1 - User:Friendly KGB officer

Oh hi! Took me a while to find your page but here I am! Ready to love tape you! And hey, if you want to hit me up either to talk casually on s42 or in the dms, you know where to find me. Switch tape.png ~ Switch

~~non-love tape comments~~

i like your music taste! ty for the reccomendations - grateful new green day enthusiast//your music buddy