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-blinks- A visitor. Hello, whoever you are. My name is Emily, although I don't particularly like it and thus go by many many nicknames. I am a loyal Lancasterian and also a one-time Carlilian (although I would go back there again if I wasn't a nomore), and I think they're EQUALLY awesome. So there. *sticks out tongue*

You may know me as the First Nonymous Lorekeeper at Lancaster, or perhaps as a member of the Cult of Godzilla at Carlisle. That is all I shall say of my accomplishments, for I am humble. And also there aren't any more.

Um...yup, this is my page. I got nothing else to say. Except, once and for all to Jeff Sachs...


(Edit by NoT:) Yes it is.

I love CTY and I love the Passionfruit! All hail Godzilla!

Ewww... Emma's name is all... non-Emma-y.

(Other edit by NoT) -pouts- You stole my dash-ness. Now there's a bandwagon. Now what am I going to do?

Nothing wrong with the name Emma. (emmatheduck)