User talk:Sammka

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Do you have any, descriptive rules for the Malkavian Poking Game?

Yes, I just added a little bit more. Let me know if it's clearer now. Earlier, I was just working with what was there. it's a chain of four pokes, and then everyone screams "LA" eight times?

Yup. I should also mention that people say "poke" out loud when they poke each other. is actually just me, when I'm too lazy to log in. --Max W. 18:28, 28 August 2006 (MST)

Was the Duck something that sorta lingered within the realm of LLRT? Nowadays, most positions are passed within the Alcove simply because the Alcove tends to be the most knowledgable about tradition; was this true in the past?

We love you sam! Thanks for letting us vote on yoru hair...though I belive the acutale vote was for half-blue half-...something?- Bee