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'''Saratoga Springs''' is the CTY site located on the Skidmore campus in upstate New York. The newly built dining hall arguably has the best food of any site. Saratoga's traditions, while less numerous than those of other sites, are generally the most intensely followed. While Saratoga is the smallest mainland site, the student body is the closest-knit and the [[Staff:SAR|staff]] is excellent. Saratoga is also the only site with full-blown town trips. A map of the campus can be found [http://www.myatlascms.com/map/index.php?id=11#!ct/33,34,36,38,39,4608,35,40,13299 here]. 
Saratoga was closed for 2023 due to resource shortage and management difficulties in 2022. This was temporary until CTY recovered to pre-lockdown stability; the site was reinstated in summer 2024.
=The Campus=
[http://skidmore.edu Skidmore College], [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saratoga_Springs Saratoga Springs] , NY
[http://skidmore.edu Skidmore College] is a small liberal arts college in upstate New York. The school has many well-maintained athletic and academic facilities that have well supported CTY for many years. Vineyard Vines is the result of one of the school's most notable alumni Shep Murray.
Arguably one of the most vibrant and dynamic small cities in the USA.  It has a real healthy upscale [http://www.adirondacktrust.com/downtowntours.htm downtown] and is a world class Summer destination.
== '''The Dorms''' ==
==The Dorms==
The girls' dorms, [http://www.skidmore.edu/map/howe.htm Howe-Rounds], are air conditioned***, but the guys' dorms, [http://www.skidmore.edu/map/wilmarth.htm Wilmarth], are not.  Some boys live on the third floor of Howe-Rounds.  Each room is built for either one or two people.
The dorms are nice, with both Howe-Rounds (the mixed dorm) and Wilmarth (the boys' dorm) featuring window seats, suite styled dorms, and a shared bathroom (1 for every 3 rooms). All dorms also feature desk-dressers, and some dorms have cushioned windowsill seats for sitting and chatting.
*** They SAY it's air conditioned, but trust me- they're not. Yes, there are some air vents, but they dont expell cold air. BRING A FAN
For more hall shenanigans, click [[Hall:SAR|here]].
== '''The Food''' ==
===[http://www.skidmore.edu/reslife/buildingprofile/howerounds.php Howe-Rounds]===
Students eat in the [http://www.skidmore.edu/map/murray.htm Murray Dining Hall], while the [http://www.skidmore.edu/map/murray.htm Aikans Dining Hall] , where the weekly dance is held, is where campers attending other programs eat. If you can sneak into Aikens Hall at any meal, you can bypass the 5-10 minute lines that tend to form. This is frowned upon, however.
Each year, [http://cms.skidmore.edu/reslife/buildingprofile/howerounds.cfm Howe-Rounds] houses one floor (consisting of 2 halls) of boys, with the other two floors consisting of all the girls and RAs.  Each room is built for either one or two people. Many people complain that the mattresses feel like rocks and squeak too much, but they're not that bad. Howe Rounds has one bathroom (two sinks, one shower, one toilet) for four people. In each section in Howe Rounds, there is a bathroom, a double room, and two single rooms. Can turn freezing as it, unlike Wilmarth, has perpetual air conditioning, so be sure to bring enough blankets or warm pajamas. The floors lack the central lounge present in Wilmarth. The laundry room is also shared, but 2 days a week (one in 17.1) are designated for boys to do laundry and the remaining 5 reserved for the girls. As of 18.1 this is no longer true and any student may do laundry on any day, but all students must notify their RA before going to the laundry room. On the first floor of Rounds, where the entrance is, there is an expensive vending machine. According to a squirrel girl's personal experience, it's easy to get lost when visiting your friends who live on other floors. You get used to it, though. As of 2013.1, Howe-Rounds rooms have doors girls can swipe their cards to open instead of the old-fashioned metal keys used in 2011 that gave RAs a reason to tell girls not to swing their lanyards.
Pizza, pasta and salad are served everyday along with many other food items, ranging from chicken parmesan to chinese food, which are different at each meal. Cereal, pancakes are waffles are served for breakfast.  Coffee, flavored or unflavored water, soymilk, gatorade and many types of soda are available at every meal.  The desserts, including chocolate cake and lemon mousse, change day to day, but ice cream is always available.  Specially made Kosher and Vegetarian meals are also available.
UPDATE: As of 2022, the amount of boys in Howe-Rounds significantly decreased from previous years. In session 1, there was a grand total of 0 males living in the Howe-Rounds building, and in session 2, that number largely increased to a grand total of 6 (one of which being a commuter who only stayed 3 nights, and another who, for some odd reason, decided to move OUT of the air conditioned Howe-Rounds into the non air conditioned Wilmarth).
===[http://www.skidmore.edu/reslife/buildingprofile/wilmarth.php Wilmarth]===
Wilmarth dorms are for boys. Wilmarth has 1 bathroom for every 6 people, which can lead to long wait times for showers. Features a central lounge area on every floor, where players of Egyptian Rat Screw, Mao, and chess congregate. Boiling hot all the time: bring a fan or suffer. The ground floor features a larger lounge with vending machines that either take your money and do nothing or gives you 2 bags of chips/soda bottles at once, they also always run out by the end of the first day.
Please Note: 2006- Unfortunately, this year the dining hall and quad are under going major renovations so the students have meals in the Case Center where you register. Also, The the waffle iron and soft serve machine are not functioning.
You may or may not find a hole in the wall of one of the rooms on the 3rd floor (The hole has been filled but you can still see the mark in Room 322). It was caused by a onemore boy named Jackson Hsu. He was practicing Martial Arts, didn't realize he was close to the wall, turned and punched, and thus created a hole in the wall. The RA's never seemed to find out and Jackson left safely. He got the nickname by his neighbors Jackie Chan from that day.
== '''The Days''' ==
(Dood I took Phil advice and drew a black circle on the wall around 2 pm. -Jackson)
Second Monday- Naughty Catholic School Girl Day,
Wilmarth's rooms are small compared to those in Howe-Rounds. The size of a double in Wilmarth is said to be the size of a single in Howe-Rounds.
Second Tuesday- Love Tape Day,
Second Wednesday- Crossdressing Day,
Wilmarth is missing a doorknob and a washing machine door (fixed in 2018).
Third Monday (or Second Friday)- Pajama Day,
July 1st (session 1)/August 2nd (session 2)- Slap Your Own A** Day] ,
July 2nd (session 1)/August 2nd (session 2)- Slap Someone Else's A** Day
Wilmarth has a back entrance that is easy to sneak out of undetected...following the path into the parking lot leads to the back door of Jonsson Tower.
New additions to "The Days" are:
===[http://www.skidmore.edu/reslife/buildingprofile/mcclellan.php McClellan]===
-Goth/Emo Day- Last Tuesday (Dress like a goth or emo)
Due to renovations of Wilmarth in 2008, the boys were relocated to McClellan.  This was not much improvement, as McClellan is identical to Wilmarth, but farther away.  They did, however, have rooms that could be unlocked with the swipe of a card instead of a key, which is now also the case in Wilmarth.  This card-key system was not always as helpful as it sounds, as some people took their cards off their lanyards and forgot them in their rooms, locking themselves out. McClellan is home of the famous [http://www.realcty.org/mw/index.php?title=Hall_of_Shame:SAR#McClellan_3 "McClellan 3 incident"], in which 3rd-floor citizens engaged in various antics while simultaneously trampling over any authority the RA's ever thought they had. In 08 it had no air conditioning, the main staircase "smelt like armpit', and the staircase leading to it "smelt like vomit". On the ground floor were three vending machines (maintained but cash only) and an off-limits TV . In the basement was a foosball table, a pool table without any cues, and a ping-pong table which was broken at the end of 08.1 and further damaged in 08.2. In the common room of each floor is a vent in which bats are found and people shout funny but CTYI phrases in Southern/hick accents. These phrases involve stoking of buttcracks, and actions/components of male genitals. The RA's on the third floor see it happen in their face, but are too busy laughing to punish the offender.
-End of the World Day- Last Thursday (You wear a towel- based on Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy)
-Rina Day- (Becks Only Allowed or any "Keane" replacements)
-Pirate/Andrew Yu Day- Last Thursday (alongside End of the World Day, where a bandana like a pirate)
It's unclear whether or not these days will survive, but Bex (edit: thanks, my bad.)  participated so they will probably stick.
===[http://www.skidmore.edu/reslife/buildingprofile/penfield.php Penfield]===
The 2012 site packet for Saratoga Springs lists Penfield Hall, rather than Howe-Rounds, as a residence hall along with Wilmarth. Penfield is located to the left of the Quad (as seen facing the dining hall), to the front-left of Wilmarth. Due to construction of the site, the girls this year were housed at Penfield. A carbon copy of Wilmarth, Penfield has no air-conditioning, causing many unprepared squirrel girls to suffer from the burning heat. It does have a central lounge present on each floor, though.
=='''The Squirrels'''==
==Academic Buildings==
These building aren't much different from those on any campus; they have whiteboards, projectors, desks and are ''very well'' air conditioned. Bring and leave a jacket or blanket in class because like Howe-Rounds, the AC is always on.
The squirrels on Saratoga campus tend to hang out on the patio, where they can often be seen dragging their twisted, wretched little bodies across the ground with their legs splayed out in a disturbing parody of an army crawl. They have been known to bite people going into the Green Mountain Coffee Shop.  
Layout of the classrooms themselves vary depending on the necessary use. Some classrooms are flat and have various forms of desks. Some, like those for Computer Science have computers everywhere. Others are in the form of lecture halls of various sizes.
Yup, the squirrels. They're rabid and violent. They dont walk. They lie on their furry little stomachs and DRAG themselves around. They're known to lunge at visitors and steals and then EAT their cigs. Don't feed, look at, or talk to them.
== '''Traditions''' ==
==Places for Activities==
Nevermore Steals, Mandatory Fun,
===The Duck Pond===
&quot;How long does it take to get to the top of [http://www.skidmore.edu/map/jonsson.htm Jonsson Tower?&quot;] ,
The duck pond and surrounding fields are one of the most important locations on campus. Passionfruit is held at the duck pond, as well as Water Day and the horse race on Casino Night. Daily/weekly activities that happen here include "Reading" by the Duck Pond and Frolf.
Clapping when someone breaks a plate in the dining hall,
Laser Tag,
Nevermore Shirts,
Casino night/ Lipsync night,
Talent show,
Snap your fingers while walking across the quad and say to everyone you pass "There's gonna be a rumble tonight",
Random Acts of Sensless Kindness (RASK),
Lanyard Swinging,
Duct Tape,
Monty Python,
Illegal Sleepovers,
Varsity Catch (you're the worst!!),
Dark Side of Oz,
Jon Good loves you,
Marriage Booth,
Rinas and Rhinos,
&quot;I like you, I love you, I CTY you&quot;
== '''Canon Songs''' ==
===The Athletic Fields===
Skidmore gives CTY access to two of their fields. The better of these is the football field surrounded by a track, where morning running and some daily/weekly activities occur. Unfortunately, a field hockey camp uses these fields at the same time (despite Skidmore having fields designated for field hockey), resulting in greater use of the still nice lower fields, which are built for soccer. CTYers also visit the lower fields to watch the sun rise before Passionfruit. Because of heavy rain during 13.1, the track became flooded so the Olympic Day relays and Ultimate Frisbee match took place on the lower fields.
===Gannett Auditorium/Lecture Halls===
Like a Prayer,
Gannett is the auditorium in which the camp wide movies are watched on Saturdays or in the event of rain and also where the security presentation occurs on the first day. The various other lecture halls are used for activities such as those for watching TV shows (like Pokémon or Batman)  and many presentation based passive activities (like pessimism in a cave or the RA vs camper quiz).
Birdhouse In Your Soul,
=== Case Green (The Quad) ===
The main quad at Skidmore College.
Love Shack,
Due to construction in 2006, most of this quad was off limits during most of the day. During 2007, a smaller area of the quad was blocked off due to "new sod." It was promised that the grass would be opened by July 1, but it remained forbidden during both sessions.  This became a sticking point with the administration that year, especially since the grass was lush and green while the rest of the quad was wilted and brown. Furthermore, the grass was often home to sprinklers which had a nasty habit of dousing students. Toward the end of Session 2, patches of the new grass had died, and it was covered in crabgrass, which makes people wonder why it was still verboten to go on. At the end of both sessions, students ran out onto the forbidden grass after Passionfruit and frolicked with the more free-hearted members of the administration.
American Music,
Brown Eyed Girl,
In 2008, more of the quad was opened up, but small fringes were closed due to the roof removal in Howe-Rounds (in 08.1, the roof had asbestos), and the removal of the sewer pipe thingy near Case. The sprinklers were there during first session, but by second session, the dousing force was reduced to one weak and short-ranged (about 18 inches) sprinkler on the main part of the quad, and the ones with the real range assigned to places no one goes to. On a side note, the hill between Wilmarth and Case was blocked of for some of first session and all of the second due to beautification. (There is now grass.)
My Sharona,
Blister In The Sun,
In 2018, session two campers were forced to use only the lower quad as construction closed off the quad in front of the dining hall and the smaller sliver by Wilmarth. The only acceptable door to use was the Howe-Rounds side one. The infamous Skidmore mud was also rampant that session as many days had rain or were humid.
Baby Got Back,
Can't Touch This,
==Other Places==
End of The World,
Forever Young,
===[https://www.skidmore.edu/leadership/case/ Case Center]===
I Will Survive,
Cotton-Eyed Joe,
Location of the registration center, dining hall for 2006, as the original dining hall was under renovation, and also the location of the coffee shop. That place has awesome smoothies, by the way. And orgasmic hot chocolate. Also the over priced gift/book shop is located here.  Casino night is held here.
Kung Fu Fighting,
===Jonsson Tower===
Smells Like Teen Spirit,
This is where the on-campus security stays. It is restricted to all CTYers and staff, unless under extreme circumstance. The tradition is that at the opening ceremony when the security guard asks if there are any questions, a nevermore or nomore will ask, "In the event of a(n) X, how long would it take to reach the top of Jonsson Tower?" The X will be a random event, relevant to that year. For example, in 15.1 it was said "In the event of Donald Trump getting elected, how long would it take to reach the top of Jonsson Tower?"
Tunak Tunak Tun,
Bohemian Rhapsody,
In a bold attempt to answer the question that plagues Skidmore, a nevermore in session 1, 2006 sprinted up Jonsson Tower, taking 47 seconds.
'''Stairway To Heaven''',
'''American Pie''',
In Session 1, 2007, four more nevermores also ran to the top of Jonsson Tower in one minute.
'''I'll Make a Man Out of You'''
During Session 2, 2009, three girls (with an accomplice inside Howe-Rounds) snuck up to the top in the middle of the night on the last Wednesday, taking one minute and twelve seconds, posting a sign made of duct tape and a sheet at the top. In the morning, all the girls woke up to "1 minute 12 seconds" on each bathroom mirror and "1:12" on everyone's whiteboard. The administration took the sign down, but the next morning after breakfast, a new sign reading "1:12" was posted in the top windows.
===South Park Lawn===
The lawn behind Case Center and home to the infamous penis statue. Some main quad activities like Armageddon, the Wild West Carnival, and chilling after lunch were moved to South Park due to construction in 2006.
=The Town=
[[File:Map.PNG|thumb|[https://drive.google.com/open?id=11AKQUQgep1iVzVfJoNtpl01tiqY&usp=sharing A map of the most relevant off campus locations]]]
[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saratoga_Springs Saratoga Springs, NY]
Arguably one of the most vibrant and dynamic small cities in the USA, is not only where Don McLean wrote American Pie, but where he first performed it, in Cafe Lena, a block from where the students take their weekly town trip.
== Current Town Trip Locations==
At Saratoga, town trips take place on both Sunday afternoons, with the exception of Farmer's Market as of 2013.2, which takes place on Saturday mornings. Sundays are 6-8 routes, each containing 1-3 locations. Town trips can get cancelled on account of rain, but this doesn't happen often. Note: this list is not comprehensive and may be missing certian locations. [https://goo.gl/photos/wsKUb65cocAmfFHh9 My source]
===[http://www.benjerry.com/saratoga Ben & Jerry's]===
Most sought after location among Nevermores/people who have been to Saratoga before, primarily because of the Vermonsters. Nevermores go for the buckets and most others go to help them/hang out with a more tradition-heavy crowd. A Vermonster is the epitome of commercially available ice cream: 20 scoops of ice cream, 8 scoops of toppings, a huge brownie, cookies, sliced bananas, ladles of hot fudge, and topped with a huge amount of whipped cream. This tradition has evolved in recent years to the point that vermonsters are eaten in mass quantities, and a good amount of Nevermores get buckets. 15 Vermonsters were consumed in 09.2. In order for a Nevermore to lay claim to a bucket, they must chug the melted liquid ice cream at the bottom. In 22.2, it was annoucned at a Massive Hall Meeting that all campers were banned from purchasing the Vermonster, which led to large groans and confusion from the audience. Admin's excuse was that Skidmore staff didn't want camper's throwing up on campus.
===[http://www.saratoga.com/hotspot_congress-park.cfm Congress Park]===
The park is across the street from Ben and Jerry's. It is convenient to have this be a last stop on a Vermonster route, because it allows many activities conducive to finishing/recovering from a Vermonster, such as sitting on a bench to finish off the bucket amid staring strangers, or lying in the shade to control post-Vermonster nausea. It also is a good place to hang out and/or throw a disc around. There is also a popular [http://www.saratoga.com/news/carousel.cfm carousel] in the middle of the park. Brave CTYers surviving the rough ride earn a sticker claiming "I rode the Congress Park Carousel," which is often displayed on the cardholder portion of the lanyard. (I still have mine somewhere, and can confirm that they are in fact awesome). Nevermore grass orgies are also a feature. Also, one can enjoy the numerous ducks walking around.  Nearby there is a spring which has vile water. This is also the endpoint for all the town trips, at which point everyone walks back to campus together.
===[http://www.cvs.com/store-locator/cvs-pharmacy-address/34+Congress+Street-Saratoga-NY-12866/storeid=731 CVS]===
CVS allows CTYers to stock up/restock items that they may find beneficial, such as sharpies for signing things, drinks, condoms (as gifts), hairdye, make up for dances, snacks, etc. Because town trips can get cancelled, it is beneficial to try to stock up on things like sharpies on the first town trip in case the second one is cancelled (09.2, the second town trip was rained out, leaving a dearth of sharpies for signing, as the nevermores were planning on getting them on the second town trip). If you get CVS on your trip, remember to bring backpacks and bags in order to haul all your purchases back to campus.
===[http://www.lyricalballadbooks.com/ Lyrical Ballad]===
In 13.1, this bookstore was included in the town trip. It's awesome and way bigger on the inside than it looks from outside as it was built out of a former bank vault. It's easy to get lost here as the interior resembles a maze more than a store.  Collections (not all freely accessible) include 18th century volumes of Shakespeare, early American copies of Gray's Anatomy, 15th century incunabulum, a translation of Homer's Iliad from 1524, and of course, the golden pharaoh mask. This store is not cheap; unless you have over $50 to spend, you will not be able to buy anything.
Edit: Some books are less than 5 dollars, although they are more likely to be either common or in poor condition.
===[http://www.northshire.com/ Northshire Bookstore]===
In 14.1, this stop was added on the town trips. It is a beautiful bookstore that encourages local shopping with expensive but good items. There is even a cozy children's section on the second floor. They also offer many independently published books that are unique to this bookstore.
===[http://www.gwillikerstoys.com/ G. Willikers]===
G. Wilikers is a local toy shop with a focus on classic, more traditional type toys. This store does not sell your average Toys-R-Us type toys but instead sells "back to the basics" types of toys with a trend to more expensive toys with a higher quality of manufacturer. This store is not considered a good town trip stop due to the store's small interior that gets cramped when an entire town trip group is inside of it. Most of the toys are aimed at children under the age of 12 and as a result it does not sell many toys that would interest the age group of CTY. The best use of this stop may be to buy gifts for younger siblings and such.
===[http://comicdepotllc.com/shop/ Comic Depot]===
This is a comic book store that sells the full spectrum of comic book related things. They sell both the most recently published, comic books and the classic comic books that are from before when most of the kids at CTY were even born. They have cabinets upon cabinets of these classic comic books that range from 10 to a couple hundred dollars each. They also sell various comic book related toys that also range in price as much as the comic books do.
===[http://www.starbucks.com/store/15081/us/saratoga-springs/351-broadway-saratoga-springs-ny-128663111 Starbucks]===
It's Starbucks there is nothing else to say.
===[http://www.soavefaire.com/ Soave Faire]===
This is a full-service art supply store which also sells a wide variety of other related things. One of their other major industries is selling "LOTS of hats". This store is the place to be if you finished Breaking Bad and now need a pork pie hat to satisfy your urges. On the second floor, they have an art gallery of local artists with many paintings that are representative of the Saratoga Springs culture. They also sell some cool trinkets and gifts.
===[http://www.saratogasweets.com/ The Candy Company]===
This store, which is also known as Saratoga Sweets Candy Co., is a local candy shop that sells the full spectrum of candies with everything from 18 flavors of homemade fudge to "Peppermint Pigs". It is the result of a merger between Saratoga Sweets in Halfmoon and The Candy Co. of Saratoga. Much to the delight of CTYers, the candy there is reasonably priced and can be acquired in large quantities. Candy often comes in brown paper bags with plastic wrappers.
===[http://www.plumdandyyogurt.com/ Plum Dandy]===
Plum Dandy is a popular frozen yogurt store for CTYers at Saratoga, which is right across from Northshire Bookstore. It first opened in 2010 and is Saratoga's premium frozen yogurt shop. Besides frozen yogurt, Plum Dandy has great bubble tea and smoothies.
===[https://www.kilwins.com/ Kilwins]===
Kilwins is a franchise that sells various sweets. They have ice cream, chocolates, fudge, caramel apples, corns and brittles. Their milkshakes are excellent and their selection of unique chocolates is second to none. They even have one of the most extensive selections of chocolate alligators known to man.
===[https://locations.wendys.com/saratoga-springs-ny-4233/ Wendy's]===
Wendy's, home of the sea-salt cut fries and the world famous Frosty, is a town trip location that was added in 2016 after the closure of Cookie's & Milk. And if you ever need a convenience store, CVS pharmacy is located steps away from it.
==Former Town Trip Locations==
===All Day Shopping===
Was not present in 15.1 or 17.1 (no clue about 16.1 or 16.2), so assumed as defunct.
All day shopping involves spending the entire town trip shopping.
At 09.1, however, an incident involving an expensive broken guitar along with improper behavior on an all day shopping trip resulted in the removal of this option for the second town trip. It was replaced by a more specified route involving popular stores such as GAP and Last Vestige.
Borders is a bookstore. Many don't buy books and hang out in the cafe portion. It is suggested to make sure Borders is the first location on a route containing Ben & Jerry's, because people tend to be covered in chocolate and prone to vomiting after that ordeal.
Note: It is rumored that the Borders in Saratoga has been closed, and therefore not available for town trips in 2011.
It has since been closed.
===Coldstone Creamery===
In downtown Saratoga Springs, there is also a Coldstone Creamery in addition to Ben & Jerry's. Usually, both ice cream stores are not in one route, and one may have a route such as shopping, and then Coldstone Creamery.
Closed according to Google.
===Outer Zone===
Laser tag is greeted with huge enthusiasm amongst CTYers who are at Skidmore for their first year or don't follow traditions. Veteran CTYers save their money for Vermonsters, love tape, and other CVS staples. Laser tag takes place at Outer Zone and is alien-themed. The location at seems sketchy, but they have state-of-the-art laser tag equipment. Town Trip A in 2012 included laser tag, CVS, and Ben and Jerry's.
As of 13.1, however, Outer Zone has shut down.
===Plum Dandy Cookies & Milk===
The status of this shop is unknown, but it seems as though it is closed as explained [http://skidmorenews.com/new-blog/2016/2/22/the-future-of-plum-dandy-cookies-milk-is-unknown here]. Yelp has also reported it has [http://www.yelp.com/biz/plum-dandy-cookies-and-milk-saratoga-springs closed]. This is the store that is mixed up with Plum Dandy, mainly because the real name is "Plum Dandy Cookies & Milk". It serves cookies and milk, and you can play on iPads inside the store. NOTE: The chocolate chip cookie sandwiches are big. They have two full sized chocolate chip cookies with a nice vanilla center.
=== Last Vestige ===
An indie record store. Home of $1 CDs. And also sells REAL VINYL records for the few that have a phonograph. It has closed according to Yelp.
=== Better Than Toast ===
An awesome secondhand store in which you can get great deals along with a dollar bucket.
This place was not an option in 15.1 and no further info can be found on Google.
===[http://www.creativesparksceramics.com/ Creative Sparks]===
A paint your own ceramic's place at which you need to spend at least one hour. It costs 25 dollars to go and paint something. This was used for 15.2, but has never put back on the trip since.
==Other Places in Town==
===[http://www.saratogafarmersmarket.org/ Farmer's Market]===
Added as a Saturday morning activity in 13.2, during this trip CTYers take the Skidmore shuttle to the Saratoga Farmer's Market, where they can buy everything from fresh produce and flowers to burritos and smoothies. In the third floor of Howe-Rounds, the girls pooled their snacks together in the common room to make a communal lunch.
=The Food=
Students eat in [http://cms.skidmore.edu/diningservice/halls.cfm Murray Dining Hall].
The dining hall has 7 different sections each offering their own style of food. The first and most important section is the buffet. Here is where you will find all the normal food items you could expect from a dining hall. The lineup rotates daily with dishes from chicken Parmesan to Chinese food.  The next section is the Global Cafe, which serves different international (but mostly Asian) foods. There will be one dish here at a time. Next to the Global Cafe you will find The Noodle Bar, which serves made to order Noodle bowls. Behind here is the pasta station, where they offer various forms of made to order pasta. On the opposite side of the dinning hall there are 3 sections. The first of these is a pizza station which offer every form of pizza imaginable with every topping imaginable. The second is the deli, where they offer made to order sandwiches and paninis. The last is Emily's Garden, which serves a different vegetarian dish daily and also has a large salad bar. All these sections are unlimited and included with the cost of entry.
For breakfast: cereal, pancakes, waffles, and sometimes French toast are served. For drinks, the dining hall has a few options. The first are Pepsi Spire machines, which are touchscreen soda machines that let you mix and match flavors. The second is a selection of fruit juices offered from separate dispensers. The last is a coffee and milk are which has every type of milk you may need. The desserts, including chocolate cake and lemon mousse, change day to day, but soft serve is always available (although the machine sometimes runs out or breaks). Kosher and Vegetarian meals are also available.
The setup is also conducive to breakfast of champions (lucky charms and soft serve), as the cereals and soft serve are available at every meal, although at breakfast, you can expect the soft serve machine to squirt out something more that's more liquid than soft serve. This is fine for breakfast of champions.
Overall, the food at Skidmore's dining hall is delicious (there's no Sprite though as of 17.1) and there is a huge variety of food. Although if you are kosher, the food is terrible.
In 2006, the dining hall underwent a major renovation. Students ate in Case Center, where students register on the first day. The waffle iron and soft-serve machine were chronically broken.
In 2007, the dining hall renovations were complete. Aikens was beautified. There are separate booths, tables, a much-coveted round table behind Emily's Garden, and more. The new plate-cleaning system uses Tim Perry's so-called Alice in Wonderland holes, which are about as non-Alice-in-Wonderland-esque as you can get. The quality of food improved, but the slight decrease in space caused staff to set up a staggered breakfast system, where halls took turns having breakfast in certain time slots. This system was abolished in 2008, and now students can eat breakfast whenever they want. In 08.2, there was a staggered lunch system, where eating times were organized through classes; one or two classes would be in the cafeteria at the same time. The staggered lunches were organized in 30 minute periods. A staggered lunch system was used 2009 as well, with each class having an hour for lunch, but classes arriving and leaving at 15 minute intervals so that it was only full for a short period of time. The staggered lunch system divides classes into first and second lunch, where first lunch arrives and leaves 15 minutes earlier than second lunch. This has continued as of 17.1.
The soft serve machine was missing during 13.1, despite promises it would soon return.
In 13.2, much to the delight of CTYers and even dining hall staff, the soft serve machine was repaired some time during the first two weeks. A huge line formed and by the end of that dinner, the soft serve machine had broken again. This led to Skidmore dining staff to assign one staff member the position of soft serve distributor/fixer, who gave out soft serve and fixed the machine if it broke. A 10-second rule was also developed because anyone who held down the handle of the machine for longer than 10 seconds tended to break it. Only the vanilla soft serve was available and by the end of the session, Skidmore dining staff had given up on it. By the last morning, liquid vanilla came out of the machine.
* [[Nevermore]] Steals - plates, salt/pepper shakers, or trays (new dining hall doesn't use trays, although it still has them. (Nate got a tray 09.1, years after the trays were put out of use) but most nevermores take the white plates instead, which leads to an acute shortage of white plates.) (In 19.1 admin started caring about plates and stuff and made everybody return them in exchange for a less cool paper plate. In 22.1 and 22.2, admin went through "great measures" to get actual dining hall plates for the nevermores, which took the fun out of it. Some nevermores took other plates just in spite of admin.)
* Mandatory Fun
* "In the case of (insert random event), how long does it take to get to the top of [http://www.skidmore.edu/map/jonsson.htm Jonsson Tower]?" "1 MINUTE 12 SECONDS!!!!" The best part about this is when someone tries to initiate it, but fails.
* Laser Tag (Defunct)
* Nevermore Shirts (bring different types of sharpies; 2009's were black)
* The Last Supper (Breakfast when something goes wrong)
* Water Day
* Casino Night/Lipsync "Contest"
* [[Talent Show]]
* Carnival (Defunct)
* Olympics
* Random Acts of Senseless Kindness (RASK)
* Lanyard Swinging
* Duct Tape
* [[Monty Python|Monty Python and the Holy Grail]]
* [[The Princess Bride]]
* [[Ultimate Frisbee]]
* Sunrise
* [[Passionfruit]]
* Illegal Sleepovers (ISOs)
* [[Love Tape]]
* [[Hall_of_Fame:SAR#Jon_Good|Jon Good]] loves you
* Marriage Booth
* [[Rina]]s and Rinos
* "I like you, I love you, I CTY you"
* "Good night, go home, nobody loves you except Jon Good!" (shouted by nevermores/nomores on the stage [or elevated area] during the last meat market or the last dance when it's time to go back to the dorms)
* [[Hall_of_Fame:SAR#Free_Lee-Kai|Free Lee-Kai!]]
* Stummy Lays (grass orgies, pregnancy circles)
* [[Quad Time]] (sometimes referred to as Meet or Meat Market)
* Glowsticking (raving)
* Fu-- that Lancaster sh-- in response to "Orgy" and other Lancaster American Pie traditions in American Pie (Skidmore veterans don't shout orgy and are frustrated with the aggravating campers from Lancaster who disrespect our varying traditions.)
* [[CTY Yearbooks|Nevermore Pages]]
* Vermonsters from Ben & Jerry's
* Transcendence
* Losing [[The Game]].
==Session 1==
* Dib Dib Dib (Defunct.)
* [[Varsity Catch]] (you're the worst!!) (More or less defunct.)
* Napkin Eating Contests (Defunct.)
* Snap your fingers while walking across the quad and say to everyone you pass "There's gonna be a rumble tonight". (Defunct.) (Can we revive this?)
* CTY-shaped grass orgy during the last quad time
* Clapping when someone breaks or drops a plate in the dining hall
* [[USER:AJhat]]'s Hat (The gray striped one, who has a page [http://www.facebook.com/#/pages/Falmouth-ME/AJs-Hat/106147791251?ref=mf on Facebook ] )  (Defunct.)
* [[Skidmore Twomore Duct Tape Cape|Duct Tape Triforce]] (Defunct.)
* [[The Totoro Bag]] (Defunct.)
* Kevin the Yarn Ball
* Eat cereal out of the Washing Machine Door at The Last Supper
==Session 2==
* DIPSHIT! (Defunct)
* Fruit
* Butt Wrestling during Passionfruit
* The Chillin Tree (Defunct)
* [[Hall of Fame:SAR#LOUIS!|Louis Game]]
** On the last Wednesday of CTY, at 12:00AM, everyone shouts "LOUIS!" out their window. Open your window beforehand.
* Clap Lines (session 2 - started in '08)
* Dark Side of Oz (Defunct)
* Nevermore Tokens (15.1 started doing tokens as well.)
* Surrounding DJ's table at dances during Poker Face - a tribute to SAR Forevermore Lady Gaga :)
* [[The Doctor]] and the [[Hall of Fame:SAR#Cathy Nie's TARDIS|TARDIS]] on [Uber-Expressive] Nerd/Fandom Day
* [[Blammo#2013|The giant Blammo spoon]]
* Love Plates
** On the last Wednesday night, the girls of Howe-Rounds write nice things about each other on plates, which the empresses hang up that night.
* The Claimed Tree (Julia)
==The Days==
*<s>Second Monday &ndash; Naughty Catholic School Girl Day</s> Banned in '10 - Changed to Goth Day (session 1), or Pajama Day (session 2)
*Second Tuesday &ndash; [[Love Tape]] Day
*Second Wednesday &ndash; Crossdressing Day/Gender Bender Day/Drag Day/Clothing Swap Day
*Second Thursday &ndash; Wildcard day chosen by royalty (i.e. superhero day, favorite sports team day, etc.), formally Slap Your Own Ass Day
*Second Friday &ndash; Also a wildcard day, <s>Slap Someone Else's Ass Day</s>'''Banned'''Über Expressive Nerd/Fandom Day (Session 2)
*Third Monday (or Second Monday) &ndash; Pajama Day
*Last Thursday &ndash; End of the World Day/Towel Day (Based on ''The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy'')
Session 1:
* USA Day since July 4th falls during Session 1
*<s>Rina Day &ndash; Third Tuesday as of 09.1</s> Site management asked us to get rid of this in 16.1 :(
*Pride Day as of 16.1; Third Tuesday
*Clash Day &ndash; Third Wednesday
Session 2:
*Tanktop Tuesday &ndash; First Tuesday as of 14.2
*Pigtail Day &ndash; Second Sunday as of 14.2
*RASK (Random Acts of Senseless Kindness) Day &ndash; Last Wednesday
NOTE: This section, refers to small, furry animals of doom, not [[squirrel]]s.
The squirrels at Saratoga Springs tend to hang out on the Case patio, where they can often be seen dragging their twisted, wretched little bodies across the ground with their legs splayed out in a disturbing parody of an army crawl. They have been known to bite people going into the Green Mountain Coffee Shop. Yup, the squirrels. They're rabid and violent. They don't walk. They lie on their furry little stomachs and DRAG themselves around. They're known to lunge at visitors and steals and then EAT their cigs. They also jump out of trash cans at people. Don't feed, look at, attempt to chase, or talk to them.
In 2008, a few of the squirrels had some disease involving missing fur and being even more psychotic than the normal squirrels.
In 2009, there were no squirrels. They might have died out.
[CHANGE]: In 2009 there were indeed squirrels. The biology teacher and a CTYer by the name of Max Lee were both attacked. Be careful they often pop out of trash cans. My Biology teacher threw an apple in there and was startled by a squirrel that jumped out. Max Lee was unfortunate. He leaned over to spit out his gum, and a squirrel leaped onto his head. Max Lee was scared out of his wits.
[CHANGE]: In 2010 there were once again indeed squirrels. However, they were no longer the vicious furry demons that attacked random passerby. It might've been mating season cause two squirrels were "on top of each other while thrusting." In fact, it was described as rape seeing as the squirrel on the bottom was trying to get away. Jaeho Lee found it interesting to watch the squirrels chasing each other up trees, down trees, around trees, around "squirrels", etc.
[CHANGE]: In 2012, the little furry creatures of doom were known to hiss and urinate on those unfortunate enough to provoke the squirrels by shaking the trees they occupied. Also, the squirrels were stupid this year; when a CTYer scared a squirrel in front of the Dining Hall, the squirrel ran into a tiny bush near the Dining Hall door. Due to the bush's isolation from nearby trees and its tiny size, the squirrel became trapped in the bush.
[CHANGE]: In 2015, specifically session 2, during an activity of Pirates: Terror on the High Seas, RA Dan was supposedly bitten by a squirrel while leading his own activity. Dan then had to go for rabies shots, and although he did not get a rabies shot, he got a tetanus shot. He had a Band-Aid around his arm of where he was bit, but he was the low of everyone's day in the hall when they said, "And my low of the day, was when Dan got viciously attacked by a squirrel." Making him the laughing stock of that hall meeting. The squirrel has yet to be found. AT least that's what they believe. In actuality, the activity he led was [cryptozoology] and after RA Dan ordered a large squirrel costume and tail online from Amazon, he and the CTYers trekked up near the woods and set the costume up against the trees. There was even red paint. A CTYer took a blurry [[photo]] of the squirrel as "evidence" and RA Dan swore the CTYers involved to secrecy.
[CHANGE]: In 2016 (session 2), a camper conspired with some of the RA's in Wilmarth to print a photo of a squirrel with the words "I will get you" and stuck it on Dan's door.
[CHANGE]: In 2017, the first session, there were few attacks from squirrels. Most notable was when, while playing volleyball on break, Andrew Schaeffer was used as a launching pad. A squirrel jumped out of a tree, ran up his back to his head, and jumped off to another tree, leaving Andrew traumatized by the experience.
[CHANGE]: Also in 2017, a falcon had a squirrel for lunch, causing CTYers from 17.1 logic, game theory, electrical engineering, and physics to record the event while on break.  Break was more than 10  minutes that day.
[[Category:Saratoga Springs (Skidmore)|*]]
=See Also=
*[https://mycty.jhu.edu/mycty2/parent/Templates/SitePackets/2019/SAR_SitePacket.pdf Site Information Packet]
*[[Hall of Fame:SAR]]
*[[Hall of Shame:SAR]]
*[[Love Tape]]
*[[Duct Tape Triforce]]
*[https://www.instagram.com/ctysaratoga/?hl=en CTY Saratoga Springs Instagram Account]
*[https://web.archive.org/web/20011019155813/http://www.geocities.com:80/Area51/Nebula/6140/cty/murray.html CTY Saratoga Purity Test] (1990's)
Please keep this list in an orderly fashion. Please put your name in alphabetical order with your year and session, and make sure to denote any other sites you went to during your time at CTY. Thank You.
Halim Aljibury 86.1
Lili Barouch 86.1
William Glass 86.1
Jeremy Katz 86.1, 87.1, 88.1, 89.1
Thomas Marlowe 86.1, 87.1
Vaughan Scott 86.1, 87.1, 88.1, 89.1
Eric Wiener 86.1, 87.1, 88.1
Susan Lee 87.1, 88.1
Garlen Leung 87.1
Paul Rothemund 87.1
Nicole Schlinger 87.1, 88.1, 89.1, 90.1
Kristin Vandeventer 87.1, 88.1
Elizabeth Allen 88.1
David Bondrick 88.1
Lisa Carr 88.1, 89.1
Noah Lehrman 88.1
Joshua Marlow 88.1, 89.1
Amy Martyn 88.?
Stacy Meranus 88.1, 89.1, 90.1
Sarah Day Posniewski 88.1, 89.1, 90.1
Robyn Reed 88.1
Julia Starkey 88.1, 89.1, 90.1
Jessica Walton 88.1
Edward Achtner 89.1
Andrew Chen 89.1, 92.1
James Choi 89.1
Greg Degl 89.1
Nathan Elliott 89.1, 90.1, 91.1, 91.2
Anand Joshi 89.1, 90.1
Jason Kim 89.1
Jennifer Lane 89.1, 91.1, 92.1, 92.2
Rebecca Levine 89.1, 90.1, 91.1, 92.1
William Schneider 89.1, 90.1
Brigitta Schumacher 89.1, 90.1, 91.2, 92.2
Scott Shen 89.1
Tracy Walsh 89.1
Edwin Yoo 89.1
Jocelyn Adams 90.1, 91.1, 93.1
Jared Beck 90.1, 91.1, 91.2, 92.2
Greg Bronner 90.1
Chi Chang 90.1, 92.1
Anneke Chodan 90.1, 91.1, 93.1
Jocelyn Godfrey-Certner 90.1, 91.1, 93.1
Adam Guglicello 90.?, 91.?, 92.?
Angelos Kottas 90.1, 91.1, 92.1
Sheryl Krevsky 90.1
Garkay Leung 90.1, 91.1, 92.2
Fred Lin 90.1
Anna Martin 90.1, 91.1, 92.1, 93.1
Andrew Mast 90.1, 91.1, 92.1, 93.1
Deborah Sah 90.1
Anne Stacy 90.1, 92.1, 93.1
Carnie Abajian 91.1, 92.1, 93.1
Claire Dunne 91.1
Dan Gaies 91.1, 92.2
Tony Smith-Grieco 91.1
Margaret Hsiang 91.1, 92.2
Jeffrey Knapp 91.1, 92.1, 93.1, 94.1, 94.2
Robin Kremsdorf 91.1, 92.1, 93.2, 94.1, 94.2
Sarah Milkovich 91.1, 93.1
Tony Smith-Grieco 91.1
Ian Viemeister 91.1, 92.2, 93.1, 93.2, 94.1, 94.2
Seth Baker 91.2
Keith Berman 91.2, 92.2, 93.2, 94.2
Karin Caifa 91.2, 92.2, 93.1, 93.2, 94.1, 94.2
Brad Carnell 91.2, 92.1, 93.1, 93.2
Oeindrila Dube 91.2, 92.2
Aaron Filner 91.2, 92.1, 93.1
Christina Granato 91.2, 92.2
Flynn Heiss 91.2
Nancy Houghton 91.2, 92.2, 93.2
Joshua Kagan 91.2, 92.1, 93.2, 94.1
Christopher Keetly 91.2, 92.2, 93.2, 94.2
Pamela Palladino 91.2, 92.1
Zhi-Peng Shen 91.2, 92.2, 93.2, 94.2
Ninian Stein 91.2, 92.2, 93.1
Joe Vornehm 91.2, 92.2, 93.2
Sher Kr 91.?, 92.?, 93.?, 94.?
Milhae Yun 91.2
David Chen 92.1
Paul Chi 92.1, 92.2
Elise Collins 92.1, 93.1, 94.1, 94.2, 95.1
Rebecca Dorn 92.1, 93.1, 94.1
Raj Doshi 92.1
Diana Ecker 92.1, 93.1, 94.1, 94.2
Mark Fermann 92.1
Katherine Fleming 92.1, 93.1
Jonathan Goldberg 92.1, 93.1, 94.1, 94.2
Samantha Gross 92.1, 93.1, 94.1
Clara Kim 92.1, 93.1
Randy Locklair 92.1, 93.1, 94.1, 94.2
Rajeev Muttreja 92.1
Jonathan Wachter 92.1
Jeffrey Wasserman 92.1
Julie Black 92.2, 93.2
Arvin Cang 92.2, 93.1, 93.2
John Cloudman 92.2
Colleen Hallett 92.2, 93.2
Nirad Jain 92.2
Shioka Kudo 92.2
Michael Lee 92.2
Katie Lukas 92.2
Emily Mason 92.2, 94.2, 95.2
Matt Nociti 92.2, 93.2, 94.2, 95.2
Elliot Oxman 92.2, 94.2, 95.2
Patrick Park 92.2
Kiemanh Pham 92.2
Vishala Rao 92.2
Leaor Schwartz 92.2
Neal Scoones 92.2, 93.1, 93.2, 94.1, 94.2, 95.1
Amishi Shah 92.2, 93.1, 93.2
Maureen Thyne 92.2, 93.2, 94.2
Erick Viorritto 92.2
Vanessa Adriance 93.1, 94.1, 94.2, 95.2
Arthur Ahn 93.1
Joshua Alder 93.1
Ellen Eischen 93.1
Flannery Denny 93.1, 95.2
Sanket Desai 93.1
Joel Fristrom 93.1, 95.2
David Gold 93.1, 93.2, 94.2
Aaron Kane 93.1, 94.2, 95.2, 96.1, 96.2
Jordan Kraemer 93.1
Susan Lee 93.1, 94.1
Elizabeth Loeb 93.1, 94.1, 94.2
Paul Melnikow 93.1, 94.1, 95.2, 96.2
Deepa Ranganathan 93.1, 94.2, 95.1, 95.2
Mike Riley 93.1, 95.1
Shayna Strom 93.1, 94.2, 95.2
Jillian Wallis 93.1
Justin Weiner 93.1
Nicole Mercedes 93.?, 94.?, 95.?
Ellen Williams 93.?, 94.?, 96.?
Mark Yun 93.1, 93.2, 94.1, 94.2, 95.1
Andrew Ahn 93.2, 94.2, 95.2
Arvind Bakhru 93.2
Neil Chungfat 93.2
Meghan Concra 93.2, 94.2
Sarah Elder 93.2, 94.2
Katie Hetsko 93.2, 94.2, 96.2
Robert Howell 93.2, 94.2
Anne Kelly 93.2, 94.2, 95.2
Alyssa LaRoche 93.2, 94.2, 95.2
Alexandra Mattis 93.2, 94.1, 94.2, 95.1, 95.2
Larissa Ranbom 93.2, 94.1, 96.1
Brian Smolarz 93.2, 94.2
Chris Wong 93.2, 94.2, 95.2
Zev Balsen 94.1, 95.2
Matthew Brown 94.1
Jeffrey Colen 94.1, 95.2
Jenne Connell 94.1, 95.1, 95.2
Carolyn Fredericks 94.1, 95.1
Elizabeth Gorinsky 94.1, 95.1
Emily Hall 94.1, 95.1, 95.2
Jesse Himmelstein 94.1
Kate Jordan 94.1
Atul Joshi 94.1
Benjamin Ledsham 94.1, 95.1
Destiny Dawn Long 94.1, 95.1, 96.1
Alyssa Michelle 94.1, 94.2, 95.2
Morgan Mirvis 94.1, 95.1, 95.2
Michael Montanye 94.1, 95.1, 95.2, 96.1, 97.1, 97.2
Aine O'Connor 94.1, 95.1
Jenny Olmstead 94.1, 95.2
Kim Reivik 94.1, 96.1
Raja Sambasivan 94.1, 95.1, 96.1, 97.1
Jonathan Shapiro 94.1, 94.2
Scott Siera 94.1, 95.1
Mary Stone 94.1, 95.1
Donald Sullivan 94.1, 95.2, 96.1, 96.2
Richard Allan 94.2
Michelle Andelman 94.2, 95.2, 96.2
Jonathan Barnes 94.2, 95.1, 96.1, 96.2, 97.1, 97.2
Liz Bender 94.2, 95.2
Jeff Berman 94.2, 95.2, 96.1, 96.2
Matt Bleich 94.2
Jennifer Braun 94.2
Lisa Brizen 94.2, 95.2
Matthew Dana 94.2
Laurel Grodman 94.2, 95.2, 96.2, 97.2
Liz Groleau 94.2
Adam Juda 94.2
Lauren Kennedy 94.2, 95.2, 96.2
Min-Yang Lee 94.2, 95.2
Howard Megdal 94.2
David Merillat 94.2
David Moore 94.2, 95.2
Jason Ng 94.2
Daniel Schleifer 94.2, 95.2
Deborah Yoon 94.2, 95.1
Lelac Almagor 95.1, 96.1
Brendan Anthony 95.1, 96.1, 97.1, 98.1
Mikaila Arthur 95.1, 95.2, 96.1, 96.2
Alan Bell 95.1
Laura Bennet 95.1
Andrew Chin 95.1, 95.2
Tanya Colburn 95.1, 96.1, 97.1
Dominique Coote 95.1
Siri Daulaire 95.1
Greg Elinson 95.1, 96.2, 97.1
Linette Gatmaitan 95.1
Margaret Hsiung 95.1
Hannseul Kang 95.1
Seth Kleinerman 95.1
Garmay Leung 95.1, 96.1
Christina Oran 95.1
Ellie Powell 95.1, 96.1, 97.1, 98.1
Katherine Pruzan 95.1
Philip Sandifer 95.1
Courtney Shea 95.1
Ian Struckhoff 95.1
Daniel Terry 95.1, 96.1, 97.1
Veena Thomas 95.1
Mike Tolan 95.1, 96.1
Sonja Tonnesen 95.1, 96.1, 97.1
Emily Walton 95.1
Jill Weidner 95.1
Joanne Yun 95.1
Sharms Hemant 95.?
Robin Aase 95.2
Joseph Adelman 95.2
Ira Allen 95.2
Elizabeth Blake 95.2, 96.2, 97.2, 98.2
Stephanie Bonner 95.2
Dian Chen 95.2
Jonathan Heifetz 95.2, 96.2, 97.2
Lucy Kaufman 95.2
Terri Lee 95.2
Jaemi Loeb 95.2
Adrian Periz 95.2
Maya Roberts 95.2
Dave Silverstone 95.2
Jessica Terwilliger 95.2
Elizabeth Tossell 95.2, 96.1
Esther Twery 95.2
Zoe Vanderwolk 95.2
Emily White 95.2
Matthew White 95.2
Irene Yoon 95.2
Sylva Zander 95.2
Michael Avella 96.1, 97.2, 98.2
Lauren Chiang 96.1, 97.1, 97.2
Shira Feldman 96.1, 97.1
Peter Hasegawa 96.1, 97.1
Edward Hsieh 96.1
David Kwak 96.1, 97.1
Zach Leiwant 96.1
Mary Kate Locantore 96.1
Mimi Mayer 96.1
Aviva Pittle 96.1, 96.2
Jeremiah Pond 96.1, 97.1, 98.1
Mary Ross 96.1
Avi Silterra 96.1, 97.1
Lawrence Wang 96.1, 97.1
Melissa Wu 96.1
Connie Yeh 96.1
Danny Brome 96.2, 97.1, 98.2, 99.2
Tyler Drake 96.2
Jill Feingold 96.2, 97.2, 98.2
Jim Fenner 96.2
Acacia Gaski 96.2
Meredith Jones 96.2
Bonnie Lee 96.2
James Marceda 96.2
Alissa Nelson 96.2
Raja Reddy 96.2
Lauren Schiff 96.2, 97.1, 97.2, 98.2
Ian Schneider 96.2, 97.2
Stephan Segal 96.2
Leslie Stickler 96.2
Neheet Trivedi 96.2
Kevin Der 97.1, 98.1, 99.1, 99.2
Claire Ho 97.1, 97.2
Farin Loeb 97.1, 98.2, 99.1, 00.1, 00.2
Cassandra Wolos 97.1, 98.1, 99.1
Jessamine Winer-Jones 97.?, 98.?, 99.?
Richard Barry 97.2, 99.2, 00.1, 00.2
Michael Bolin 97.2
Kathy Chan 97.2, 98.1, 98.2
Grace Chang 97.2, 98.2
Jennifer Fuller 97.2, 98.2
Andrew Marantz 97.2, 98.2
Amy Allen 98.1
James Li 98.1, 99.1, 99.2, 00.1
Vik Cicvara 98.?, 99.?, 00.?
Molly Adair 98.2, 99.2, 00.2
Dana Feingold 98.2
Ashira Greene 98.2
Colleen Mackey 98.2
Jason Pan 98.2, 99.2, 00.2, 01.2
Trevor Rogas 98.2
Sean Dyer 99.1, 00.1, 01.1, 02.1
Meghan Muldowney 99.1, 00.1, 01.2
Ricki O'Neill 99.1, 00.1
Julie Adams 99.2
Tracy Cheung 99.2
Noam Lerer 99.?, 00.?
Matt Mackwood 00.1, 01.2, 02.2, 03.2
Kathryn McDermott 00.1, 01.1
Steph Wu 00.1, 02.2, 03.2
Marina Burke 00.2, 02.2
James Li 00.?
Allison Paige 00.?, 01.?, 02.?, 03.?
Mandy Lobel 01.1, 02.1, 03.2, 04.2
Eli Aghassi 01.2
Alex Ameen 01.2, 02.2
Caroline Harrison 01.2, 02.2, 03.2, 04.2
Eric Hidalgo 01.?, 02.?, 03.?
Willie Sze 02.1
Jeff Chou 02.2, 03.1, 04.2
Timmy Li 02.2
Emily VanWyk 02.2, 03.2, 04.2, 05.2
Jane Zhao 02.2
Gina Bee 02.?, 04.?
Maria Petty 02.?
Adam Thompson 02.?, 03.?, 04.?
Christine Lee 03.1, 04.1
Chris Newhouse 03.1, 04.1, 05.1
David Bronfman 03.2, 04.1
Zara Stern-Frazier 03.2, 04.2
Lizzie Jacevicius 03.2, 04.2
Andy Jordan 03.2, 04.2
David Kwan 03.2, 05.2
Lynn Leopard 03.2, 04.2
Jessamyn Lidasan 03.2, 04.1
Neil James McCormack 03.2, 04.2, 05.2, 06.2
Kim Vanderbeck 03.2
Liz Wojnar 03.2, 05.2
Vicky Chu 04.1
Molly Huerster 04.1
Edwin Ma 04.1, 04.2, 05.1, 06.1
Swati Prasad 04.1
TK Swan 04.1, 06.2
Caroline Figgatt 04.2
Liz Simon 04.2, 05.2, 07.2
Grant Kozak 04.2, 05.2
Michael Behr 05.1, 06.1
Lauren McGurrin 05.1
Bill Landis 05.2, 06.2, 07.2, 08.2
Lana Lingbo Li 05.2
Wendy Lin 05.2
Lane Kisonak 05.?, 06.?, 07.?
Kiri Cinnamon 06.1
Theodore Strack-Grose 06.1
Isabel Sen 06.1
James Bourne 06.2
Chris Chen 06.2, 07.2, 08.2
Christine Maroti 06.2, 07.2, 08.2
Alex Olkovsky 06.2
AJ Langevin 07.1, 08.1, 09.1
Connor Harris 07.2
Phil Lowe 07.2, 08.2, 09.2, 10.2
Matt Simon 07.2, 08.2, 09.2, 10.2
Sara Lu 07.2, 08.2, 09.2
Sarah Woolf 07.?, 08.?, 09.?, 10.?
Neil He 08.1, 09.1, 10.1
Natalie Belkov 09.2, 10.2
Michael Hu 09.2
Sonya Wang 10.1, 11.1, 12.1, 13.1
Amy Brown 10.2, 12.1, 12.2
Jaeho Lee 10.2
Charlotte Murphy 13.1, 14.1, 15.1, 16.1, 17.1
Nelson Lin 14.1, 15.1, 16.1, 17.1, 18.1
Enyo Adoboe 14.2, 15.2, 16.2, 17.2
Chloe Hanson 14.2, 15.2, 16.2, 17.2
[[User: Lukepf04|Luke Farrell]] [[SHD]] 13.2, 14.2, 15.2, 16.2, 17.2
Viky Filippou 15.1, 15.2, 16.1
Alexander Velikanov 15.1, 16.1
Sophie Barth [[BRI]].15.2, [[SCZ]].16.2, [[SUN]].17.2, 18.2
Daisy Fernandez BRI 15.2, SAR 16.2, 17.2, 18.1
Kaiya Vicioso 16.1, 17.1
[[User:H double J|Hudson Jakubowicz]] [[LAN]] 16.1, 16.2, [[LAN]] 17.1, 17.2, [[LAN]] 18.1, 18.2
Spencer Wood 16.1, 17.1, 18.1
Jacob Grimm 16.1, 17.1, 18.1
Kaiti Filippou UCSC 15.1, 15.2, SAR 16.1, 16.2, 17.1, 17.2, 18.1
Alice Zhang 16.2 17.2 18.2
Sarah Woo SUN 16.2 SAR 17.1
Ella Feinberg 17.2 18.2
[[User:Yaurieehwang|Yaurie Hwang]] 17.2 18.2
Iris Jiang 17.2, 18.2
Olivia Ren 17.2, 18.2
Angie Zhong 17.2 18.2
Nastia Polina 18.2
Milo Kron 18.2, 19.2
Jacob Casper 18.2, 19.2
[[User:Gramos|GiaRamos]] CHS 14.1, SAR 16.1, 17.1, 18.1, 19.1
[[User:Nikhil Bahal|Nikhil Bahal]] EST 15.2, 16.1 SAR 17.1, 18.1, 19.1
[[User: Robert Sheng|Robert Sheng]] 17.1, 18.1, 19.1
[[User: Noorsingh19|Noor Singh]] 17.1, 18.1, 19.1
Imroze Singh 17.1, 18.1, 19.1
[[User:bdtkim|Ben Kim]] 17.1, 18.1, 19.1
Kayla Lang 17.1, 18.1, 19.1
Katie Mowry 17.2, 18.1, 19.1
[[User:kma123456|Katelyn Ma]] CHS 15.2, BRI 16.2, SCZ 17.1, SAR 18.1, 19.1
[[User: Al3xisrobles|Alexis Robles]] 18.1, 19.1
[[user: mayalaufer|Maya Laufer]] 17.1, 18.1, 19.1
[[user: Alex Stange|Alex Stange]] 17.1, 18.1, 19.1
Isadora Polish 19.1
Toby Zheng 19.1
Isabella Gastel-Alejandre 19.1
Georgia Levine CGV 18.1, SAR 19.1, 19.2
[[User: Moistsoggy|Jacob Tong]] 17.2, 18.1, 19.1
Catrina Matasar 19.1
[[User:Rhinocechris|Chris Zhang]] JHU 17.1, SAR 18.2, 19.2
[[User: Poc_rice|Max Samroengraja]] EST 16.2, EST 17.1, BRI 18.1, SAR 19.2
Grace Zheng 19.2, 20.2
[[User:Ronie|Ronie Sokolin-Maimon]] 19.2
Megan Li 20.2
Keegan Balster LOS 17.1, LOS 18.1, LOS 19.1, SAR 20.2
David Liao SAR 22.1, BRI 23.1, BRI 24.1
[[User:Adescl|Adelyne Liu]] SAR 22.1, BRI 23.1
[[User:Justriyahmyrie|Riyah Myrie]] SAR 19.2, 22.2
[[User:Madmonarch20.1|Caroline Vernon]] CHS 15.1, 16.1, 17.1, CGV 18.1, CAR 19.1, SAR 22.2
[[User:Rebeccasherber|Rebecca Sherber]] STP 14.1, 15.1, 16.1, GIL 18.1, LAN 19.2, SAR 22.2
Logan Spaleta BRI 17.1, 18.2, SAR 19.1, 19.2, 22.1, 22.2
[[User:Eliott Nozaki|Elliott Nozaki]] SAR 22.1, JHU 23.1, JHU 24.1
{{The Essential CTY}}

Latest revision as of 21:28, 12 November 2024

Saratoga Springs
The dining hall and quad at Saratoga Springs
Site Information
CollegeSkidmore College
LocationSaratoga Springs, New York
DatesSession 1: June 28 - July 17 | Session 2: July 19 - August 7
Years of Operation1986-2022, 2024
Avg. Number of Students220
Courses Offered
HumanitiesLogic | International Politics | Cognitive Psychology | Ethics | Dissent
WritingWriting Your World
MathCryptology | Probability and Game Theory | Fundamentals of Microeconomics | Macroeconomics and the Global Economy
Computer ScienceFundamentals of Computer Science
ScienceIntroduction to Biomedical Sciences | FPHS Biology | FPHS Chemistry | FPHS Physics | Electrical Engineering | Astrophysics
Special"I'll Make a Man Out of You" | "Poker Face" |
High Holy Canon"American Pie" | "Stairway to Heaven" | "Forever Young" | "Nightswimming"
Upper Canon"Tunak Tunak Tun" | "Istanbul" | "Sandstorm" | "Raver's Fantasy" | "End of the World" | "Blister in the Sun" | "The Time Warp" | "Bohemian Rhapsody" | "Tong Hua" | "Iris" | "Dragostea Din Tei" | "Bulletproof" | "Mr. Brightside" | "Ghostbusters" | "Come on Eileen"
Lower Canon"Everytime We Touch" | "Build Me Up, Buttercup" | "Come on Eileen" | "Pokémon Theme Song" | "Baby Got Back" | "Brown Eyed Girl" | "Cotton-Eyed Joe" | "Blame It On The Boogie" | "What Makes You Beautiful" | "Call Me Maybe" | "Never Gonna Give You Up" | "I Love It" | "Wobble" | "Colours of the Rainbow" | "Uma Thurman" | "Hips Don't Lie"
Site Specifics
TraditionsLove Tape | Synergy | Towel Day | LOUIS Game | Jon Good Loves You | Free Lee-Kai | Ceriously Talented Youth | Nevermore Tokens | Nevermore Pages | RASK Day | Soloing Vermonsters | Passionfruit butt-wrestling | Climbing Jonsson Tower | Dave Rave | The Giant Blammo Spoon | The Doctor and the TARDIS
Games1000 Blank White Cards | Varsity Catch | Fruit | Ultimate Frisbee | Egyptian Ratscrew | Mafia | Blammo
MoviesDark Side of Oz | Harold and Maude | The Princess Bride | Monty Python and the Holy Grail
SkidmoreansRoyalty | Jon Good | Lee-Kai Wang | SRA Kenny | Jeremy Strege | Stefan (RA) | Flava Flav (RA) | Art | Geoffrey Baltera | More staff
See The Essential CTY for cross-site articles.
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Saratoga Springs is the CTY site located on the Skidmore campus in upstate New York. The newly built dining hall arguably has the best food of any site. Saratoga's traditions, while less numerous than those of other sites, are generally the most intensely followed. While Saratoga is the smallest mainland site, the student body is the closest-knit and the staff is excellent. Saratoga is also the only site with full-blown town trips. A map of the campus can be found here.

Saratoga was closed for 2023 due to resource shortage and management difficulties in 2022. This was temporary until CTY recovered to pre-lockdown stability; the site was reinstated in summer 2024.

The Campus

Skidmore College is a small liberal arts college in upstate New York. The school has many well-maintained athletic and academic facilities that have well supported CTY for many years. Vineyard Vines is the result of one of the school's most notable alumni Shep Murray.

The Dorms

The dorms are nice, with both Howe-Rounds (the mixed dorm) and Wilmarth (the boys' dorm) featuring window seats, suite styled dorms, and a shared bathroom (1 for every 3 rooms). All dorms also feature desk-dressers, and some dorms have cushioned windowsill seats for sitting and chatting.

For more hall shenanigans, click here.


Each year, Howe-Rounds houses one floor (consisting of 2 halls) of boys, with the other two floors consisting of all the girls and RAs. Each room is built for either one or two people. Many people complain that the mattresses feel like rocks and squeak too much, but they're not that bad. Howe Rounds has one bathroom (two sinks, one shower, one toilet) for four people. In each section in Howe Rounds, there is a bathroom, a double room, and two single rooms. Can turn freezing as it, unlike Wilmarth, has perpetual air conditioning, so be sure to bring enough blankets or warm pajamas. The floors lack the central lounge present in Wilmarth. The laundry room is also shared, but 2 days a week (one in 17.1) are designated for boys to do laundry and the remaining 5 reserved for the girls. As of 18.1 this is no longer true and any student may do laundry on any day, but all students must notify their RA before going to the laundry room. On the first floor of Rounds, where the entrance is, there is an expensive vending machine. According to a squirrel girl's personal experience, it's easy to get lost when visiting your friends who live on other floors. You get used to it, though. As of 2013.1, Howe-Rounds rooms have doors girls can swipe their cards to open instead of the old-fashioned metal keys used in 2011 that gave RAs a reason to tell girls not to swing their lanyards.

UPDATE: As of 2022, the amount of boys in Howe-Rounds significantly decreased from previous years. In session 1, there was a grand total of 0 males living in the Howe-Rounds building, and in session 2, that number largely increased to a grand total of 6 (one of which being a commuter who only stayed 3 nights, and another who, for some odd reason, decided to move OUT of the air conditioned Howe-Rounds into the non air conditioned Wilmarth).


Wilmarth dorms are for boys. Wilmarth has 1 bathroom for every 6 people, which can lead to long wait times for showers. Features a central lounge area on every floor, where players of Egyptian Rat Screw, Mao, and chess congregate. Boiling hot all the time: bring a fan or suffer. The ground floor features a larger lounge with vending machines that either take your money and do nothing or gives you 2 bags of chips/soda bottles at once, they also always run out by the end of the first day.

You may or may not find a hole in the wall of one of the rooms on the 3rd floor (The hole has been filled but you can still see the mark in Room 322). It was caused by a onemore boy named Jackson Hsu. He was practicing Martial Arts, didn't realize he was close to the wall, turned and punched, and thus created a hole in the wall. The RA's never seemed to find out and Jackson left safely. He got the nickname by his neighbors Jackie Chan from that day.

(Dood I took Phil advice and drew a black circle on the wall around 2 pm. -Jackson)

Wilmarth's rooms are small compared to those in Howe-Rounds. The size of a double in Wilmarth is said to be the size of a single in Howe-Rounds.

Wilmarth is missing a doorknob and a washing machine door (fixed in 2018).

Wilmarth has a back entrance that is easy to sneak out of undetected...following the path into the parking lot leads to the back door of Jonsson Tower.


Due to renovations of Wilmarth in 2008, the boys were relocated to McClellan. This was not much improvement, as McClellan is identical to Wilmarth, but farther away. They did, however, have rooms that could be unlocked with the swipe of a card instead of a key, which is now also the case in Wilmarth. This card-key system was not always as helpful as it sounds, as some people took their cards off their lanyards and forgot them in their rooms, locking themselves out. McClellan is home of the famous "McClellan 3 incident", in which 3rd-floor citizens engaged in various antics while simultaneously trampling over any authority the RA's ever thought they had. In 08 it had no air conditioning, the main staircase "smelt like armpit', and the staircase leading to it "smelt like vomit". On the ground floor were three vending machines (maintained but cash only) and an off-limits TV . In the basement was a foosball table, a pool table without any cues, and a ping-pong table which was broken at the end of 08.1 and further damaged in 08.2. In the common room of each floor is a vent in which bats are found and people shout funny but CTYI phrases in Southern/hick accents. These phrases involve stoking of buttcracks, and actions/components of male genitals. The RA's on the third floor see it happen in their face, but are too busy laughing to punish the offender.


The 2012 site packet for Saratoga Springs lists Penfield Hall, rather than Howe-Rounds, as a residence hall along with Wilmarth. Penfield is located to the left of the Quad (as seen facing the dining hall), to the front-left of Wilmarth. Due to construction of the site, the girls this year were housed at Penfield. A carbon copy of Wilmarth, Penfield has no air-conditioning, causing many unprepared squirrel girls to suffer from the burning heat. It does have a central lounge present on each floor, though.

Academic Buildings

These building aren't much different from those on any campus; they have whiteboards, projectors, desks and are very well air conditioned. Bring and leave a jacket or blanket in class because like Howe-Rounds, the AC is always on.

Layout of the classrooms themselves vary depending on the necessary use. Some classrooms are flat and have various forms of desks. Some, like those for Computer Science have computers everywhere. Others are in the form of lecture halls of various sizes.

Places for Activities

The Duck Pond

The duck pond and surrounding fields are one of the most important locations on campus. Passionfruit is held at the duck pond, as well as Water Day and the horse race on Casino Night. Daily/weekly activities that happen here include "Reading" by the Duck Pond and Frolf.

The Athletic Fields

Skidmore gives CTY access to two of their fields. The better of these is the football field surrounded by a track, where morning running and some daily/weekly activities occur. Unfortunately, a field hockey camp uses these fields at the same time (despite Skidmore having fields designated for field hockey), resulting in greater use of the still nice lower fields, which are built for soccer. CTYers also visit the lower fields to watch the sun rise before Passionfruit. Because of heavy rain during 13.1, the track became flooded so the Olympic Day relays and Ultimate Frisbee match took place on the lower fields.

Gannett Auditorium/Lecture Halls

Gannett is the auditorium in which the camp wide movies are watched on Saturdays or in the event of rain and also where the security presentation occurs on the first day. The various other lecture halls are used for activities such as those for watching TV shows (like Pokémon or Batman) and many presentation based passive activities (like pessimism in a cave or the RA vs camper quiz).

Case Green (The Quad)

The main quad at Skidmore College. Due to construction in 2006, most of this quad was off limits during most of the day. During 2007, a smaller area of the quad was blocked off due to "new sod." It was promised that the grass would be opened by July 1, but it remained forbidden during both sessions. This became a sticking point with the administration that year, especially since the grass was lush and green while the rest of the quad was wilted and brown. Furthermore, the grass was often home to sprinklers which had a nasty habit of dousing students. Toward the end of Session 2, patches of the new grass had died, and it was covered in crabgrass, which makes people wonder why it was still verboten to go on. At the end of both sessions, students ran out onto the forbidden grass after Passionfruit and frolicked with the more free-hearted members of the administration.

In 2008, more of the quad was opened up, but small fringes were closed due to the roof removal in Howe-Rounds (in 08.1, the roof had asbestos), and the removal of the sewer pipe thingy near Case. The sprinklers were there during first session, but by second session, the dousing force was reduced to one weak and short-ranged (about 18 inches) sprinkler on the main part of the quad, and the ones with the real range assigned to places no one goes to. On a side note, the hill between Wilmarth and Case was blocked of for some of first session and all of the second due to beautification. (There is now grass.)

In 2018, session two campers were forced to use only the lower quad as construction closed off the quad in front of the dining hall and the smaller sliver by Wilmarth. The only acceptable door to use was the Howe-Rounds side one. The infamous Skidmore mud was also rampant that session as many days had rain or were humid.

Other Places

Case Center

Location of the registration center, dining hall for 2006, as the original dining hall was under renovation, and also the location of the coffee shop. That place has awesome smoothies, by the way. And orgasmic hot chocolate. Also the over priced gift/book shop is located here. Casino night is held here.

Jonsson Tower

This is where the on-campus security stays. It is restricted to all CTYers and staff, unless under extreme circumstance. The tradition is that at the opening ceremony when the security guard asks if there are any questions, a nevermore or nomore will ask, "In the event of a(n) X, how long would it take to reach the top of Jonsson Tower?" The X will be a random event, relevant to that year. For example, in 15.1 it was said "In the event of Donald Trump getting elected, how long would it take to reach the top of Jonsson Tower?"

In a bold attempt to answer the question that plagues Skidmore, a nevermore in session 1, 2006 sprinted up Jonsson Tower, taking 47 seconds.

In Session 1, 2007, four more nevermores also ran to the top of Jonsson Tower in one minute.

During Session 2, 2009, three girls (with an accomplice inside Howe-Rounds) snuck up to the top in the middle of the night on the last Wednesday, taking one minute and twelve seconds, posting a sign made of duct tape and a sheet at the top. In the morning, all the girls woke up to "1 minute 12 seconds" on each bathroom mirror and "1:12" on everyone's whiteboard. The administration took the sign down, but the next morning after breakfast, a new sign reading "1:12" was posted in the top windows.

South Park Lawn

The lawn behind Case Center and home to the infamous penis statue. Some main quad activities like Armageddon, the Wild West Carnival, and chilling after lunch were moved to South Park due to construction in 2006.

The Town

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Saratoga Springs, NY Arguably one of the most vibrant and dynamic small cities in the USA, is not only where Don McLean wrote American Pie, but where he first performed it, in Cafe Lena, a block from where the students take their weekly town trip.

Current Town Trip Locations

At Saratoga, town trips take place on both Sunday afternoons, with the exception of Farmer's Market as of 2013.2, which takes place on Saturday mornings. Sundays are 6-8 routes, each containing 1-3 locations. Town trips can get cancelled on account of rain, but this doesn't happen often. Note: this list is not comprehensive and may be missing certian locations. My source

Ben & Jerry's

Most sought after location among Nevermores/people who have been to Saratoga before, primarily because of the Vermonsters. Nevermores go for the buckets and most others go to help them/hang out with a more tradition-heavy crowd. A Vermonster is the epitome of commercially available ice cream: 20 scoops of ice cream, 8 scoops of toppings, a huge brownie, cookies, sliced bananas, ladles of hot fudge, and topped with a huge amount of whipped cream. This tradition has evolved in recent years to the point that vermonsters are eaten in mass quantities, and a good amount of Nevermores get buckets. 15 Vermonsters were consumed in 09.2. In order for a Nevermore to lay claim to a bucket, they must chug the melted liquid ice cream at the bottom. In 22.2, it was annoucned at a Massive Hall Meeting that all campers were banned from purchasing the Vermonster, which led to large groans and confusion from the audience. Admin's excuse was that Skidmore staff didn't want camper's throwing up on campus.

Congress Park

The park is across the street from Ben and Jerry's. It is convenient to have this be a last stop on a Vermonster route, because it allows many activities conducive to finishing/recovering from a Vermonster, such as sitting on a bench to finish off the bucket amid staring strangers, or lying in the shade to control post-Vermonster nausea. It also is a good place to hang out and/or throw a disc around. There is also a popular carousel in the middle of the park. Brave CTYers surviving the rough ride earn a sticker claiming "I rode the Congress Park Carousel," which is often displayed on the cardholder portion of the lanyard. (I still have mine somewhere, and can confirm that they are in fact awesome). Nevermore grass orgies are also a feature. Also, one can enjoy the numerous ducks walking around. Nearby there is a spring which has vile water. This is also the endpoint for all the town trips, at which point everyone walks back to campus together.


CVS allows CTYers to stock up/restock items that they may find beneficial, such as sharpies for signing things, drinks, condoms (as gifts), hairdye, make up for dances, snacks, etc. Because town trips can get cancelled, it is beneficial to try to stock up on things like sharpies on the first town trip in case the second one is cancelled (09.2, the second town trip was rained out, leaving a dearth of sharpies for signing, as the nevermores were planning on getting them on the second town trip). If you get CVS on your trip, remember to bring backpacks and bags in order to haul all your purchases back to campus.

Lyrical Ballad

In 13.1, this bookstore was included in the town trip. It's awesome and way bigger on the inside than it looks from outside as it was built out of a former bank vault. It's easy to get lost here as the interior resembles a maze more than a store. Collections (not all freely accessible) include 18th century volumes of Shakespeare, early American copies of Gray's Anatomy, 15th century incunabulum, a translation of Homer's Iliad from 1524, and of course, the golden pharaoh mask. This store is not cheap; unless you have over $50 to spend, you will not be able to buy anything. Edit: Some books are less than 5 dollars, although they are more likely to be either common or in poor condition.

Northshire Bookstore

In 14.1, this stop was added on the town trips. It is a beautiful bookstore that encourages local shopping with expensive but good items. There is even a cozy children's section on the second floor. They also offer many independently published books that are unique to this bookstore.

G. Willikers

G. Wilikers is a local toy shop with a focus on classic, more traditional type toys. This store does not sell your average Toys-R-Us type toys but instead sells "back to the basics" types of toys with a trend to more expensive toys with a higher quality of manufacturer. This store is not considered a good town trip stop due to the store's small interior that gets cramped when an entire town trip group is inside of it. Most of the toys are aimed at children under the age of 12 and as a result it does not sell many toys that would interest the age group of CTY. The best use of this stop may be to buy gifts for younger siblings and such.

Comic Depot

This is a comic book store that sells the full spectrum of comic book related things. They sell both the most recently published, comic books and the classic comic books that are from before when most of the kids at CTY were even born. They have cabinets upon cabinets of these classic comic books that range from 10 to a couple hundred dollars each. They also sell various comic book related toys that also range in price as much as the comic books do.


It's Starbucks there is nothing else to say.

Soave Faire

This is a full-service art supply store which also sells a wide variety of other related things. One of their other major industries is selling "LOTS of hats". This store is the place to be if you finished Breaking Bad and now need a pork pie hat to satisfy your urges. On the second floor, they have an art gallery of local artists with many paintings that are representative of the Saratoga Springs culture. They also sell some cool trinkets and gifts.

The Candy Company

This store, which is also known as Saratoga Sweets Candy Co., is a local candy shop that sells the full spectrum of candies with everything from 18 flavors of homemade fudge to "Peppermint Pigs". It is the result of a merger between Saratoga Sweets in Halfmoon and The Candy Co. of Saratoga. Much to the delight of CTYers, the candy there is reasonably priced and can be acquired in large quantities. Candy often comes in brown paper bags with plastic wrappers.

Plum Dandy

Plum Dandy is a popular frozen yogurt store for CTYers at Saratoga, which is right across from Northshire Bookstore. It first opened in 2010 and is Saratoga's premium frozen yogurt shop. Besides frozen yogurt, Plum Dandy has great bubble tea and smoothies.


Kilwins is a franchise that sells various sweets. They have ice cream, chocolates, fudge, caramel apples, corns and brittles. Their milkshakes are excellent and their selection of unique chocolates is second to none. They even have one of the most extensive selections of chocolate alligators known to man.


Wendy's, home of the sea-salt cut fries and the world famous Frosty, is a town trip location that was added in 2016 after the closure of Cookie's & Milk. And if you ever need a convenience store, CVS pharmacy is located steps away from it.

Former Town Trip Locations

All Day Shopping

Was not present in 15.1 or 17.1 (no clue about 16.1 or 16.2), so assumed as defunct. All day shopping involves spending the entire town trip shopping. At 09.1, however, an incident involving an expensive broken guitar along with improper behavior on an all day shopping trip resulted in the removal of this option for the second town trip. It was replaced by a more specified route involving popular stores such as GAP and Last Vestige.


Borders is a bookstore. Many don't buy books and hang out in the cafe portion. It is suggested to make sure Borders is the first location on a route containing Ben & Jerry's, because people tend to be covered in chocolate and prone to vomiting after that ordeal.

Note: It is rumored that the Borders in Saratoga has been closed, and therefore not available for town trips in 2011.

It has since been closed.

Coldstone Creamery

In downtown Saratoga Springs, there is also a Coldstone Creamery in addition to Ben & Jerry's. Usually, both ice cream stores are not in one route, and one may have a route such as shopping, and then Coldstone Creamery.

Closed according to Google.

Outer Zone

Laser tag is greeted with huge enthusiasm amongst CTYers who are at Skidmore for their first year or don't follow traditions. Veteran CTYers save their money for Vermonsters, love tape, and other CVS staples. Laser tag takes place at Outer Zone and is alien-themed. The location at seems sketchy, but they have state-of-the-art laser tag equipment. Town Trip A in 2012 included laser tag, CVS, and Ben and Jerry's. As of 13.1, however, Outer Zone has shut down.

Plum Dandy Cookies & Milk

The status of this shop is unknown, but it seems as though it is closed as explained here. Yelp has also reported it has closed. This is the store that is mixed up with Plum Dandy, mainly because the real name is "Plum Dandy Cookies & Milk". It serves cookies and milk, and you can play on iPads inside the store. NOTE: The chocolate chip cookie sandwiches are big. They have two full sized chocolate chip cookies with a nice vanilla center.

Last Vestige

An indie record store. Home of $1 CDs. And also sells REAL VINYL records for the few that have a phonograph. It has closed according to Yelp.

Better Than Toast

An awesome secondhand store in which you can get great deals along with a dollar bucket. This place was not an option in 15.1 and no further info can be found on Google.

Creative Sparks

A paint your own ceramic's place at which you need to spend at least one hour. It costs 25 dollars to go and paint something. This was used for 15.2, but has never put back on the trip since.

Other Places in Town

Farmer's Market

Added as a Saturday morning activity in 13.2, during this trip CTYers take the Skidmore shuttle to the Saratoga Farmer's Market, where they can buy everything from fresh produce and flowers to burritos and smoothies. In the third floor of Howe-Rounds, the girls pooled their snacks together in the common room to make a communal lunch.

The Food

Students eat in Murray Dining Hall.

The dining hall has 7 different sections each offering their own style of food. The first and most important section is the buffet. Here is where you will find all the normal food items you could expect from a dining hall. The lineup rotates daily with dishes from chicken Parmesan to Chinese food. The next section is the Global Cafe, which serves different international (but mostly Asian) foods. There will be one dish here at a time. Next to the Global Cafe you will find The Noodle Bar, which serves made to order Noodle bowls. Behind here is the pasta station, where they offer various forms of made to order pasta. On the opposite side of the dinning hall there are 3 sections. The first of these is a pizza station which offer every form of pizza imaginable with every topping imaginable. The second is the deli, where they offer made to order sandwiches and paninis. The last is Emily's Garden, which serves a different vegetarian dish daily and also has a large salad bar. All these sections are unlimited and included with the cost of entry.

For breakfast: cereal, pancakes, waffles, and sometimes French toast are served. For drinks, the dining hall has a few options. The first are Pepsi Spire machines, which are touchscreen soda machines that let you mix and match flavors. The second is a selection of fruit juices offered from separate dispensers. The last is a coffee and milk are which has every type of milk you may need. The desserts, including chocolate cake and lemon mousse, change day to day, but soft serve is always available (although the machine sometimes runs out or breaks). Kosher and Vegetarian meals are also available.

The setup is also conducive to breakfast of champions (lucky charms and soft serve), as the cereals and soft serve are available at every meal, although at breakfast, you can expect the soft serve machine to squirt out something more that's more liquid than soft serve. This is fine for breakfast of champions.

Overall, the food at Skidmore's dining hall is delicious (there's no Sprite though as of 17.1) and there is a huge variety of food. Although if you are kosher, the food is terrible.


In 2006, the dining hall underwent a major renovation. Students ate in Case Center, where students register on the first day. The waffle iron and soft-serve machine were chronically broken.

In 2007, the dining hall renovations were complete. Aikens was beautified. There are separate booths, tables, a much-coveted round table behind Emily's Garden, and more. The new plate-cleaning system uses Tim Perry's so-called Alice in Wonderland holes, which are about as non-Alice-in-Wonderland-esque as you can get. The quality of food improved, but the slight decrease in space caused staff to set up a staggered breakfast system, where halls took turns having breakfast in certain time slots. This system was abolished in 2008, and now students can eat breakfast whenever they want. In 08.2, there was a staggered lunch system, where eating times were organized through classes; one or two classes would be in the cafeteria at the same time. The staggered lunches were organized in 30 minute periods. A staggered lunch system was used 2009 as well, with each class having an hour for lunch, but classes arriving and leaving at 15 minute intervals so that it was only full for a short period of time. The staggered lunch system divides classes into first and second lunch, where first lunch arrives and leaves 15 minutes earlier than second lunch. This has continued as of 17.1.

The soft serve machine was missing during 13.1, despite promises it would soon return.

In 13.2, much to the delight of CTYers and even dining hall staff, the soft serve machine was repaired some time during the first two weeks. A huge line formed and by the end of that dinner, the soft serve machine had broken again. This led to Skidmore dining staff to assign one staff member the position of soft serve distributor/fixer, who gave out soft serve and fixed the machine if it broke. A 10-second rule was also developed because anyone who held down the handle of the machine for longer than 10 seconds tended to break it. Only the vanilla soft serve was available and by the end of the session, Skidmore dining staff had given up on it. By the last morning, liquid vanilla came out of the machine.


  • Nevermore Steals - plates, salt/pepper shakers, or trays (new dining hall doesn't use trays, although it still has them. (Nate got a tray 09.1, years after the trays were put out of use) but most nevermores take the white plates instead, which leads to an acute shortage of white plates.) (In 19.1 admin started caring about plates and stuff and made everybody return them in exchange for a less cool paper plate. In 22.1 and 22.2, admin went through "great measures" to get actual dining hall plates for the nevermores, which took the fun out of it. Some nevermores took other plates just in spite of admin.)
  • Mandatory Fun
  • "In the case of (insert random event), how long does it take to get to the top of Jonsson Tower?" "1 MINUTE 12 SECONDS!!!!" The best part about this is when someone tries to initiate it, but fails.
  • Laser Tag (Defunct)
  • Nevermore Shirts (bring different types of sharpies; 2009's were black)
  • The Last Supper (Breakfast when something goes wrong)
  • Water Day
  • Casino Night/Lipsync "Contest"
  • Talent Show
  • Carnival (Defunct)
  • Olympics
  • Random Acts of Senseless Kindness (RASK)
  • Lanyard Swinging
  • Duct Tape
  • CTYI
  • Monty Python and the Holy Grail
  • The Princess Bride
  • Ultimate Frisbee
  • Sunrise
  • Passionfruit
  • Illegal Sleepovers (ISOs)
  • Love Tape
  • Jon Good loves you
  • Marriage Booth
  • Rinas and Rinos
  • "I like you, I love you, I CTY you"
  • "Good night, go home, nobody loves you except Jon Good!" (shouted by nevermores/nomores on the stage [or elevated area] during the last meat market or the last dance when it's time to go back to the dorms)
  • Free Lee-Kai!
  • Stummy Lays (grass orgies, pregnancy circles)
  • Quad Time (sometimes referred to as Meet or Meat Market)
  • Glowsticking (raving)
  • Fu-- that Lancaster sh-- in response to "Orgy" and other Lancaster American Pie traditions in American Pie (Skidmore veterans don't shout orgy and are frustrated with the aggravating campers from Lancaster who disrespect our varying traditions.)
  • Nevermore Pages
  • Vermonsters from Ben & Jerry's
  • Transcendence
  • Losing The Game.

Session 1

  • Dib Dib Dib (Defunct.)
  • Varsity Catch (you're the worst!!) (More or less defunct.)
  • Napkin Eating Contests (Defunct.)
  • Snap your fingers while walking across the quad and say to everyone you pass "There's gonna be a rumble tonight". (Defunct.) (Can we revive this?)
  • CTY-shaped grass orgy during the last quad time
  • Clapping when someone breaks or drops a plate in the dining hall
  • USER:AJhat's Hat (The gray striped one, who has a page on Facebook ) (Defunct.)
  • Duct Tape Triforce (Defunct.)
  • The Totoro Bag (Defunct.)
  • Kevin the Yarn Ball
  • Eat cereal out of the Washing Machine Door at The Last Supper

Session 2

  • DIPSHIT! (Defunct)
  • Fruit
  • Butt Wrestling during Passionfruit
  • The Chillin Tree (Defunct)
  • Louis Game
    • On the last Wednesday of CTY, at 12:00AM, everyone shouts "LOUIS!" out their window. Open your window beforehand.
  • Clap Lines (session 2 - started in '08)
  • Dark Side of Oz (Defunct)
  • Nevermore Tokens (15.1 started doing tokens as well.)
  • Surrounding DJ's table at dances during Poker Face - a tribute to SAR Forevermore Lady Gaga :)
  • The Doctor and the TARDIS on [Uber-Expressive] Nerd/Fandom Day
  • The giant Blammo spoon
  • Love Plates
    • On the last Wednesday night, the girls of Howe-Rounds write nice things about each other on plates, which the empresses hang up that night.
  • The Claimed Tree (Julia)

The Days

  • Second Monday – Naughty Catholic School Girl Day Banned in '10 - Changed to Goth Day (session 1), or Pajama Day (session 2)
  • Second Tuesday – Love Tape Day
  • Second Wednesday – Crossdressing Day/Gender Bender Day/Drag Day/Clothing Swap Day
  • Second Thursday – Wildcard day chosen by royalty (i.e. superhero day, favorite sports team day, etc.), formally Slap Your Own Ass Day
  • Second Friday – Also a wildcard day, Slap Someone Else's Ass DayBannedÜber Expressive Nerd/Fandom Day (Session 2)
  • Third Monday (or Second Monday) – Pajama Day
  • Last Thursday – End of the World Day/Towel Day (Based on The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)

Session 1:

  • USA Day since July 4th falls during Session 1
  • Rina Day – Third Tuesday as of 09.1 Site management asked us to get rid of this in 16.1 :(
  • Pride Day as of 16.1; Third Tuesday
  • Clash Day – Third Wednesday

Session 2:

  • Tanktop Tuesday – First Tuesday as of 14.2
  • Pigtail Day – Second Sunday as of 14.2
  • RASK (Random Acts of Senseless Kindness) Day – Last Wednesday


NOTE: This section, refers to small, furry animals of doom, not squirrels.

The squirrels at Saratoga Springs tend to hang out on the Case patio, where they can often be seen dragging their twisted, wretched little bodies across the ground with their legs splayed out in a disturbing parody of an army crawl. They have been known to bite people going into the Green Mountain Coffee Shop. Yup, the squirrels. They're rabid and violent. They don't walk. They lie on their furry little stomachs and DRAG themselves around. They're known to lunge at visitors and steals and then EAT their cigs. They also jump out of trash cans at people. Don't feed, look at, attempt to chase, or talk to them.

In 2008, a few of the squirrels had some disease involving missing fur and being even more psychotic than the normal squirrels. In 2009, there were no squirrels. They might have died out.

[CHANGE]: In 2009 there were indeed squirrels. The biology teacher and a CTYer by the name of Max Lee were both attacked. Be careful they often pop out of trash cans. My Biology teacher threw an apple in there and was startled by a squirrel that jumped out. Max Lee was unfortunate. He leaned over to spit out his gum, and a squirrel leaped onto his head. Max Lee was scared out of his wits.

[CHANGE]: In 2010 there were once again indeed squirrels. However, they were no longer the vicious furry demons that attacked random passerby. It might've been mating season cause two squirrels were "on top of each other while thrusting." In fact, it was described as rape seeing as the squirrel on the bottom was trying to get away. Jaeho Lee found it interesting to watch the squirrels chasing each other up trees, down trees, around trees, around "squirrels", etc.

[CHANGE]: In 2012, the little furry creatures of doom were known to hiss and urinate on those unfortunate enough to provoke the squirrels by shaking the trees they occupied. Also, the squirrels were stupid this year; when a CTYer scared a squirrel in front of the Dining Hall, the squirrel ran into a tiny bush near the Dining Hall door. Due to the bush's isolation from nearby trees and its tiny size, the squirrel became trapped in the bush.

[CHANGE]: In 2015, specifically session 2, during an activity of Pirates: Terror on the High Seas, RA Dan was supposedly bitten by a squirrel while leading his own activity. Dan then had to go for rabies shots, and although he did not get a rabies shot, he got a tetanus shot. He had a Band-Aid around his arm of where he was bit, but he was the low of everyone's day in the hall when they said, "And my low of the day, was when Dan got viciously attacked by a squirrel." Making him the laughing stock of that hall meeting. The squirrel has yet to be found. AT least that's what they believe. In actuality, the activity he led was [cryptozoology] and after RA Dan ordered a large squirrel costume and tail online from Amazon, he and the CTYers trekked up near the woods and set the costume up against the trees. There was even red paint. A CTYer took a blurry photo of the squirrel as "evidence" and RA Dan swore the CTYers involved to secrecy.

[CHANGE]: In 2016 (session 2), a camper conspired with some of the RA's in Wilmarth to print a photo of a squirrel with the words "I will get you" and stuck it on Dan's door.

[CHANGE]: In 2017, the first session, there were few attacks from squirrels. Most notable was when, while playing volleyball on break, Andrew Schaeffer was used as a launching pad. A squirrel jumped out of a tree, ran up his back to his head, and jumped off to another tree, leaving Andrew traumatized by the experience.

[CHANGE]: Also in 2017, a falcon had a squirrel for lunch, causing CTYers from 17.1 logic, game theory, electrical engineering, and physics to record the event while on break. Break was more than 10 minutes that day.

See Also


Please keep this list in an orderly fashion. Please put your name in alphabetical order with your year and session, and make sure to denote any other sites you went to during your time at CTY. Thank You.

Halim Aljibury 86.1

Lili Barouch 86.1

William Glass 86.1

Jeremy Katz 86.1, 87.1, 88.1, 89.1

Thomas Marlowe 86.1, 87.1

Vaughan Scott 86.1, 87.1, 88.1, 89.1

Eric Wiener 86.1, 87.1, 88.1

Susan Lee 87.1, 88.1

Garlen Leung 87.1

Paul Rothemund 87.1

Nicole Schlinger 87.1, 88.1, 89.1, 90.1

Kristin Vandeventer 87.1, 88.1

Elizabeth Allen 88.1

David Bondrick 88.1

Lisa Carr 88.1, 89.1

Noah Lehrman 88.1

Joshua Marlow 88.1, 89.1

Amy Martyn 88.?

Stacy Meranus 88.1, 89.1, 90.1

Sarah Day Posniewski 88.1, 89.1, 90.1

Robyn Reed 88.1

Julia Starkey 88.1, 89.1, 90.1

Jessica Walton 88.1

Edward Achtner 89.1

Andrew Chen 89.1, 92.1

James Choi 89.1

Greg Degl 89.1

Nathan Elliott 89.1, 90.1, 91.1, 91.2

Anand Joshi 89.1, 90.1

Jason Kim 89.1

Jennifer Lane 89.1, 91.1, 92.1, 92.2

Rebecca Levine 89.1, 90.1, 91.1, 92.1

William Schneider 89.1, 90.1

Brigitta Schumacher 89.1, 90.1, 91.2, 92.2

Scott Shen 89.1

Tracy Walsh 89.1

Edwin Yoo 89.1

Jocelyn Adams 90.1, 91.1, 93.1

Jared Beck 90.1, 91.1, 91.2, 92.2

Greg Bronner 90.1

Chi Chang 90.1, 92.1

Anneke Chodan 90.1, 91.1, 93.1

Jocelyn Godfrey-Certner 90.1, 91.1, 93.1

Adam Guglicello 90.?, 91.?, 92.?

Angelos Kottas 90.1, 91.1, 92.1

Sheryl Krevsky 90.1

Garkay Leung 90.1, 91.1, 92.2

Fred Lin 90.1

Anna Martin 90.1, 91.1, 92.1, 93.1

Andrew Mast 90.1, 91.1, 92.1, 93.1

Deborah Sah 90.1

Anne Stacy 90.1, 92.1, 93.1

Carnie Abajian 91.1, 92.1, 93.1

Claire Dunne 91.1

Dan Gaies 91.1, 92.2

Tony Smith-Grieco 91.1

Margaret Hsiang 91.1, 92.2

Jeffrey Knapp 91.1, 92.1, 93.1, 94.1, 94.2

Robin Kremsdorf 91.1, 92.1, 93.2, 94.1, 94.2

Sarah Milkovich 91.1, 93.1

Tony Smith-Grieco 91.1

Ian Viemeister 91.1, 92.2, 93.1, 93.2, 94.1, 94.2

Seth Baker 91.2

Keith Berman 91.2, 92.2, 93.2, 94.2

Karin Caifa 91.2, 92.2, 93.1, 93.2, 94.1, 94.2

Brad Carnell 91.2, 92.1, 93.1, 93.2

Oeindrila Dube 91.2, 92.2

Aaron Filner 91.2, 92.1, 93.1

Christina Granato 91.2, 92.2

Flynn Heiss 91.2

Nancy Houghton 91.2, 92.2, 93.2

Joshua Kagan 91.2, 92.1, 93.2, 94.1

Christopher Keetly 91.2, 92.2, 93.2, 94.2

Pamela Palladino 91.2, 92.1

Zhi-Peng Shen 91.2, 92.2, 93.2, 94.2

Ninian Stein 91.2, 92.2, 93.1

Joe Vornehm 91.2, 92.2, 93.2

Sher Kr 91.?, 92.?, 93.?, 94.?

Milhae Yun 91.2

David Chen 92.1

Paul Chi 92.1, 92.2

Elise Collins 92.1, 93.1, 94.1, 94.2, 95.1

Rebecca Dorn 92.1, 93.1, 94.1

Raj Doshi 92.1

Diana Ecker 92.1, 93.1, 94.1, 94.2

Mark Fermann 92.1

Katherine Fleming 92.1, 93.1

Jonathan Goldberg 92.1, 93.1, 94.1, 94.2

Samantha Gross 92.1, 93.1, 94.1

Clara Kim 92.1, 93.1

Randy Locklair 92.1, 93.1, 94.1, 94.2

Rajeev Muttreja 92.1

Jonathan Wachter 92.1

Jeffrey Wasserman 92.1

Julie Black 92.2, 93.2

Arvin Cang 92.2, 93.1, 93.2

John Cloudman 92.2

Colleen Hallett 92.2, 93.2

Nirad Jain 92.2

Shioka Kudo 92.2

Michael Lee 92.2

Katie Lukas 92.2

Emily Mason 92.2, 94.2, 95.2

Matt Nociti 92.2, 93.2, 94.2, 95.2

Elliot Oxman 92.2, 94.2, 95.2

Patrick Park 92.2

Kiemanh Pham 92.2

Vishala Rao 92.2

Leaor Schwartz 92.2

Neal Scoones 92.2, 93.1, 93.2, 94.1, 94.2, 95.1

Amishi Shah 92.2, 93.1, 93.2

Maureen Thyne 92.2, 93.2, 94.2

Erick Viorritto 92.2

Vanessa Adriance 93.1, 94.1, 94.2, 95.2

Arthur Ahn 93.1

Joshua Alder 93.1

Ellen Eischen 93.1

Flannery Denny 93.1, 95.2

Sanket Desai 93.1

Joel Fristrom 93.1, 95.2

David Gold 93.1, 93.2, 94.2

Aaron Kane 93.1, 94.2, 95.2, 96.1, 96.2

Jordan Kraemer 93.1

Susan Lee 93.1, 94.1

Elizabeth Loeb 93.1, 94.1, 94.2

Paul Melnikow 93.1, 94.1, 95.2, 96.2

Deepa Ranganathan 93.1, 94.2, 95.1, 95.2

Mike Riley 93.1, 95.1

Shayna Strom 93.1, 94.2, 95.2

Jillian Wallis 93.1

Justin Weiner 93.1

Nicole Mercedes 93.?, 94.?, 95.?

Ellen Williams 93.?, 94.?, 96.?

Mark Yun 93.1, 93.2, 94.1, 94.2, 95.1

Andrew Ahn 93.2, 94.2, 95.2

Arvind Bakhru 93.2

Neil Chungfat 93.2

Meghan Concra 93.2, 94.2

Sarah Elder 93.2, 94.2

Katie Hetsko 93.2, 94.2, 96.2

Robert Howell 93.2, 94.2

Anne Kelly 93.2, 94.2, 95.2

Alyssa LaRoche 93.2, 94.2, 95.2

Alexandra Mattis 93.2, 94.1, 94.2, 95.1, 95.2

Larissa Ranbom 93.2, 94.1, 96.1

Brian Smolarz 93.2, 94.2

Chris Wong 93.2, 94.2, 95.2

Zev Balsen 94.1, 95.2

Matthew Brown 94.1

Jeffrey Colen 94.1, 95.2

Jenne Connell 94.1, 95.1, 95.2

Carolyn Fredericks 94.1, 95.1

Elizabeth Gorinsky 94.1, 95.1

Emily Hall 94.1, 95.1, 95.2

Jesse Himmelstein 94.1

Kate Jordan 94.1

Atul Joshi 94.1

Benjamin Ledsham 94.1, 95.1

Destiny Dawn Long 94.1, 95.1, 96.1

Alyssa Michelle 94.1, 94.2, 95.2

Morgan Mirvis 94.1, 95.1, 95.2

Michael Montanye 94.1, 95.1, 95.2, 96.1, 97.1, 97.2

Aine O'Connor 94.1, 95.1

Jenny Olmstead 94.1, 95.2

Kim Reivik 94.1, 96.1

Raja Sambasivan 94.1, 95.1, 96.1, 97.1

Jonathan Shapiro 94.1, 94.2

Scott Siera 94.1, 95.1

Mary Stone 94.1, 95.1

Donald Sullivan 94.1, 95.2, 96.1, 96.2

Richard Allan 94.2

Michelle Andelman 94.2, 95.2, 96.2

Jonathan Barnes 94.2, 95.1, 96.1, 96.2, 97.1, 97.2

Liz Bender 94.2, 95.2

Jeff Berman 94.2, 95.2, 96.1, 96.2

Matt Bleich 94.2

Jennifer Braun 94.2

Lisa Brizen 94.2, 95.2

Matthew Dana 94.2 Laurel Grodman 94.2, 95.2, 96.2, 97.2

Liz Groleau 94.2

Adam Juda 94.2

Lauren Kennedy 94.2, 95.2, 96.2

Min-Yang Lee 94.2, 95.2

Howard Megdal 94.2

David Merillat 94.2

David Moore 94.2, 95.2

Jason Ng 94.2

Daniel Schleifer 94.2, 95.2

Deborah Yoon 94.2, 95.1

Lelac Almagor 95.1, 96.1

Brendan Anthony 95.1, 96.1, 97.1, 98.1

Mikaila Arthur 95.1, 95.2, 96.1, 96.2

Alan Bell 95.1

Laura Bennet 95.1

Andrew Chin 95.1, 95.2

Tanya Colburn 95.1, 96.1, 97.1

Dominique Coote 95.1

Siri Daulaire 95.1

Greg Elinson 95.1, 96.2, 97.1

Linette Gatmaitan 95.1

Margaret Hsiung 95.1

Hannseul Kang 95.1

Seth Kleinerman 95.1

Garmay Leung 95.1, 96.1

Christina Oran 95.1

Ellie Powell 95.1, 96.1, 97.1, 98.1

Katherine Pruzan 95.1

Philip Sandifer 95.1

Courtney Shea 95.1

Ian Struckhoff 95.1

Daniel Terry 95.1, 96.1, 97.1

Veena Thomas 95.1

Mike Tolan 95.1, 96.1

Sonja Tonnesen 95.1, 96.1, 97.1

Emily Walton 95.1

Jill Weidner 95.1

Joanne Yun 95.1

Sharms Hemant 95.?

Robin Aase 95.2

Joseph Adelman 95.2

Ira Allen 95.2

Elizabeth Blake 95.2, 96.2, 97.2, 98.2

Stephanie Bonner 95.2

Dian Chen 95.2

Jonathan Heifetz 95.2, 96.2, 97.2

Lucy Kaufman 95.2

Terri Lee 95.2

Jaemi Loeb 95.2

Adrian Periz 95.2

Maya Roberts 95.2

Dave Silverstone 95.2

Jessica Terwilliger 95.2

Elizabeth Tossell 95.2, 96.1

Esther Twery 95.2

Zoe Vanderwolk 95.2

Emily White 95.2

Matthew White 95.2

Irene Yoon 95.2

Sylva Zander 95.2

Michael Avella 96.1, 97.2, 98.2

Lauren Chiang 96.1, 97.1, 97.2

Shira Feldman 96.1, 97.1

Peter Hasegawa 96.1, 97.1

Edward Hsieh 96.1

David Kwak 96.1, 97.1

Zach Leiwant 96.1

Mary Kate Locantore 96.1

Mimi Mayer 96.1

Aviva Pittle 96.1, 96.2

Jeremiah Pond 96.1, 97.1, 98.1

Mary Ross 96.1

Avi Silterra 96.1, 97.1

Lawrence Wang 96.1, 97.1

Melissa Wu 96.1

Connie Yeh 96.1

Danny Brome 96.2, 97.1, 98.2, 99.2

Tyler Drake 96.2

Jill Feingold 96.2, 97.2, 98.2

Jim Fenner 96.2

Acacia Gaski 96.2

Meredith Jones 96.2

Bonnie Lee 96.2

James Marceda 96.2

Alissa Nelson 96.2

Raja Reddy 96.2

Lauren Schiff 96.2, 97.1, 97.2, 98.2

Ian Schneider 96.2, 97.2

Stephan Segal 96.2

Leslie Stickler 96.2

Neheet Trivedi 96.2

Kevin Der 97.1, 98.1, 99.1, 99.2

Claire Ho 97.1, 97.2

Farin Loeb 97.1, 98.2, 99.1, 00.1, 00.2

Cassandra Wolos 97.1, 98.1, 99.1

Jessamine Winer-Jones 97.?, 98.?, 99.?

Richard Barry 97.2, 99.2, 00.1, 00.2

Michael Bolin 97.2

Kathy Chan 97.2, 98.1, 98.2

Grace Chang 97.2, 98.2

Jennifer Fuller 97.2, 98.2

Andrew Marantz 97.2, 98.2

Amy Allen 98.1

James Li 98.1, 99.1, 99.2, 00.1

Vik Cicvara 98.?, 99.?, 00.?

Molly Adair 98.2, 99.2, 00.2

Dana Feingold 98.2

Ashira Greene 98.2

Colleen Mackey 98.2

Jason Pan 98.2, 99.2, 00.2, 01.2

Trevor Rogas 98.2

Sean Dyer 99.1, 00.1, 01.1, 02.1

Meghan Muldowney 99.1, 00.1, 01.2

Ricki O'Neill 99.1, 00.1

Julie Adams 99.2

Tracy Cheung 99.2

Noam Lerer 99.?, 00.?

Matt Mackwood 00.1, 01.2, 02.2, 03.2

Kathryn McDermott 00.1, 01.1

Steph Wu 00.1, 02.2, 03.2

Marina Burke 00.2, 02.2

James Li 00.?

Allison Paige 00.?, 01.?, 02.?, 03.?

Mandy Lobel 01.1, 02.1, 03.2, 04.2

Eli Aghassi 01.2

Alex Ameen 01.2, 02.2

Caroline Harrison 01.2, 02.2, 03.2, 04.2

Eric Hidalgo 01.?, 02.?, 03.?

Willie Sze 02.1

Jeff Chou 02.2, 03.1, 04.2

Timmy Li 02.2

Emily VanWyk 02.2, 03.2, 04.2, 05.2

Jane Zhao 02.2

Gina Bee 02.?, 04.?

Maria Petty 02.?

Adam Thompson 02.?, 03.?, 04.?

Christine Lee 03.1, 04.1

Chris Newhouse 03.1, 04.1, 05.1

David Bronfman 03.2, 04.1

Zara Stern-Frazier 03.2, 04.2

Lizzie Jacevicius 03.2, 04.2

Andy Jordan 03.2, 04.2

David Kwan 03.2, 05.2

Lynn Leopard 03.2, 04.2

Jessamyn Lidasan 03.2, 04.1

Neil James McCormack 03.2, 04.2, 05.2, 06.2

Kim Vanderbeck 03.2

Liz Wojnar 03.2, 05.2

Vicky Chu 04.1

Molly Huerster 04.1

Edwin Ma 04.1, 04.2, 05.1, 06.1

Swati Prasad 04.1

TK Swan 04.1, 06.2

Caroline Figgatt 04.2

Liz Simon 04.2, 05.2, 07.2

Grant Kozak 04.2, 05.2

Michael Behr 05.1, 06.1

Lauren McGurrin 05.1

Bill Landis 05.2, 06.2, 07.2, 08.2

Lana Lingbo Li 05.2

Wendy Lin 05.2

Lane Kisonak 05.?, 06.?, 07.?

Kiri Cinnamon 06.1

Theodore Strack-Grose 06.1

Isabel Sen 06.1

James Bourne 06.2

Chris Chen 06.2, 07.2, 08.2

Christine Maroti 06.2, 07.2, 08.2

Alex Olkovsky 06.2

AJ Langevin 07.1, 08.1, 09.1

Connor Harris 07.2

Phil Lowe 07.2, 08.2, 09.2, 10.2

Matt Simon 07.2, 08.2, 09.2, 10.2

Sara Lu 07.2, 08.2, 09.2

Sarah Woolf 07.?, 08.?, 09.?, 10.?

Neil He 08.1, 09.1, 10.1

Natalie Belkov 09.2, 10.2

Michael Hu 09.2

Sonya Wang 10.1, 11.1, 12.1, 13.1

Amy Brown 10.2, 12.1, 12.2

Jaeho Lee 10.2

Charlotte Murphy 13.1, 14.1, 15.1, 16.1, 17.1

Nelson Lin 14.1, 15.1, 16.1, 17.1, 18.1

Enyo Adoboe 14.2, 15.2, 16.2, 17.2

Chloe Hanson 14.2, 15.2, 16.2, 17.2

Luke Farrell SHD 13.2, 14.2, 15.2, 16.2, 17.2

Viky Filippou 15.1, 15.2, 16.1

Alexander Velikanov 15.1, 16.1

Sophie Barth BRI.15.2, SCZ.16.2, SUN.17.2, 18.2

Daisy Fernandez BRI 15.2, SAR 16.2, 17.2, 18.1

Kaiya Vicioso 16.1, 17.1

Hudson Jakubowicz LAN 16.1, 16.2, LAN 17.1, 17.2, LAN 18.1, 18.2

Spencer Wood 16.1, 17.1, 18.1

Jacob Grimm 16.1, 17.1, 18.1

Kaiti Filippou UCSC 15.1, 15.2, SAR 16.1, 16.2, 17.1, 17.2, 18.1

Alice Zhang 16.2 17.2 18.2

Sarah Woo SUN 16.2 SAR 17.1

Ella Feinberg 17.2 18.2

Yaurie Hwang 17.2 18.2

Iris Jiang 17.2, 18.2

Olivia Ren 17.2, 18.2

Angie Zhong 17.2 18.2

Nastia Polina 18.2

Milo Kron 18.2, 19.2

Jacob Casper 18.2, 19.2

GiaRamos CHS 14.1, SAR 16.1, 17.1, 18.1, 19.1

Nikhil Bahal EST 15.2, 16.1 SAR 17.1, 18.1, 19.1

Robert Sheng 17.1, 18.1, 19.1

Noor Singh 17.1, 18.1, 19.1

Imroze Singh 17.1, 18.1, 19.1

Ben Kim 17.1, 18.1, 19.1

Kayla Lang 17.1, 18.1, 19.1

Katie Mowry 17.2, 18.1, 19.1

Katelyn Ma CHS 15.2, BRI 16.2, SCZ 17.1, SAR 18.1, 19.1

Alexis Robles 18.1, 19.1

Maya Laufer 17.1, 18.1, 19.1

Alex Stange 17.1, 18.1, 19.1

Isadora Polish 19.1

Toby Zheng 19.1

Isabella Gastel-Alejandre 19.1

Georgia Levine CGV 18.1, SAR 19.1, 19.2

Jacob Tong 17.2, 18.1, 19.1

Catrina Matasar 19.1

Chris Zhang JHU 17.1, SAR 18.2, 19.2

Max Samroengraja EST 16.2, EST 17.1, BRI 18.1, SAR 19.2

Grace Zheng 19.2, 20.2

Ronie Sokolin-Maimon 19.2

Megan Li 20.2

Keegan Balster LOS 17.1, LOS 18.1, LOS 19.1, SAR 20.2

David Liao SAR 22.1, BRI 23.1, BRI 24.1

Adelyne Liu SAR 22.1, BRI 23.1

Riyah Myrie SAR 19.2, 22.2

Caroline Vernon CHS 15.1, 16.1, 17.1, CGV 18.1, CAR 19.1, SAR 22.2

Rebecca Sherber STP 14.1, 15.1, 16.1, GIL 18.1, LAN 19.2, SAR 22.2

Logan Spaleta BRI 17.1, 18.2, SAR 19.1, 19.2, 22.1, 22.2

Elliott Nozaki SAR 22.1, JHU 23.1, JHU 24.1