Macroeconomics and the Global Economy

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Macroeconomics and the Global Economy
Economics Course
Course CodeMACR
Year Opened2010
Sites OfferedBRI
Previously OfferedCAR, HKU, JHU, LAN, LOS, SAR
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Course Description

From the CTY Catalog:

What are the key indicators of an economy’s performance? How do governments craft policies that promote economic growth? What does it mean for a country to have a trade deficit? Analyzing economies at an aggregate level, macroeconomics explores questions such as these, providing a bird’s-eye view of economic activity. This course surveys fundamental concepts in macroeconomics, including money, banking, inflation, employment, national income, economic growth, financial markets, and the role of public policy. Building upon this foundation, you’ll consider the global economy and issues in international trade and finance; and examine the comparative advantage and balance of payments, exchange rates, and foreign currencies. By applying mathematical concepts to theory, you’ll learn how professionals in the field analyze and predict changes in the economy. Through lectures, readings, discussions, simulations, and research, you’ll gain a firm grounding in macroeconomics, an introduction to central concepts in international trade and finance, and a deeper understanding of the state of the U.S. and world economies today.

It has the same prerequisite as Fundamentals of Microeconomics

Class History

At JHU 16.1, MACR-A was taught by Señor Jorge Sanchez, and TA'd by Zeeshan (Mr. TA). Remember, Chair Yellen locks her 17 husbands behind a glass screen. This class was able to convince Mr. Sanchez and Mr. Zeeshan to let them run around campus on several occasions. ¡Les amamos!

At SAR 16.1, Macro was a legendary class. it consisted of many nevermores, including Polina Whitehouse, Adam Garrity, Duncan Freeman, Quin Koether, Bingbing Zhang, Rachel Xiang, Libby Owen, Isabel Wallgren, Natasha Stange, and Hailey Horowitz. Its teacher, the magnificent Jun Lou, did not speak English or know anything about Macroeconomics. On the first day of class he informed everyone that all white people looked the same and proceeded to go around the room and force each student to share his or her class ranking. One time he drew a graph on the board intending for it to measure the consumption of Ice Cream vs. Frozen Yogurt but instead of writing yogurt he wrote "yoga" and continued to confuse the two words. Nobody really ever understood him. The TA, Yolanda, was super chill and wore a hat that read "Good Vibes Only," a "gift" from her friend. Yolanda sat in the back of the classroom and giggled quietly to herself about the dysfunctional class. Most students spent time either sleeping or playing evil apples beneath the table, and many times these students were caught because they forgot to turn their volume off. The students spent most nights in the Academic Counselor's office talking about all of the problems with macro. Towards the end of the session, an administrative figure, most likely on drugs, came to sit in on the class in an attempt to control the chaos. In summary, this class was insanely lit and will go down in CTY history.