American Studies: The Sixties
American Studies: The Sixties is a Humanities course in the CTY program. Its course code is AMST, and it is only offered at Carlisle.
Course Description
This course gave an in-depth perspective on the decade of the 1960s. After providing some history of the '50s for background, the course debunked the nostalgia that clouded the decade. The course included art projects, simulated in-era debates, politics, and various contemporary texts.
Class History
American Studies ran during Second Session at Carlisle during '04 and '05, but was pulled from the curriculum the following year. It was taught by Cory and TA'd by Pat, and the two went on to teach Dissent at CAR.06.2.
At Carlisle '04, when students were given the assignment of conducting their own 60s style protest, a rally was held to protest the contraband status of flashlights. Signatures were collected, and a group of ~50 students marched back and forth singing 'This Little Light of Mine." The rule persisted unchanged.