Intro to Organic Chemistry

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Intro to Organic Chemistry
Science Course
Course CodeORGO
Years of Operation2015-2019
Sites OfferedHKU, LAN, LOS
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Intro to Organic Chemistry

Course Description

The course's prerequisite is successful completion of CTYOnline's Honors Chemistry, CTY's Fast Paced High School Chemistry, or at least a B in first-year high school chemistry. There is no sample syllabus on CTY's website for this course.

In lab, students learn important organic chemistry techniques. Beyond simple and fractional distillations to isolate products, students also separate products by crystallization and extraction. To demonstrate acetylation, for example, students may synthesize aspirin; to demonstrate hydrolysis, they may synthesize soap. In addition, students learn to apply different techniques for confirming the identity or relative purity of a product, such as Infrared spectroscopy (IR) or melting point determination. Students complete the course with a deeper understanding of the chemistry of carbon compounds and are better prepared for college organic chemistry.

Class History

At LAN 16.2, the class was taught by Ramu Mallarappu, who quickly and unknowingly gained a following for his epic shade. This began with him telling Isaac to go drink some acid, which he did not actually mean as an insult. The class also decided that Aidan strongly resembled Edward Snowden and eschewed his real name in favor of calling him Edward, or Snowden, or occasionally Snowdie. There was also Garyk's infamous "hi daddy" snapchat (which led to his receiving a "daddy loves you" birthday card) and Peter's (whose name was actually Matthew) couples song, which he sang whenever one of the three couples of the class (Cindyk, Apardon, or Isalyn) was in sight. They almost had a fourth couple, until Issy made it clear she had no interest in Liam, going so far as to create a fake boyfriend, Spencer (based on Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds). The class's groupchat grew into a massive hot mess, from which originated the Groupxhat movie franchise starring Edward Snowden and created by Nina, the ongoing grill jokes, "staggered conformations", and of course "like butt." ORGO.LAN.16.2 also had the best drag day of all time due to almost the entire class participating along with the computer science girls who shared a hall with the ORGO girls. The class's official motto was "gotta b nice," although it grew many variations, such as "gotta nice" (courtesy of Issy) and "gotta b knife" (courtesy of Isaac). One of the class's earliest memes was Lauren's socks and flip-flops, which persisted until she wowed people at the dances with her somewhat sexual dancing with Nina. Their dancing led to endless couple jokes, which the two embraced until Nina decided she'd had enough, saying that she was "straight with exceptions," which everyone took to mean bisexual (which she is NOT). The earliest ship was Garyk and Isaac, leading to stalker shots and constant sexual jokes, at least until Garyk asked Cindy out. From Aparna's momming to Sophia's death stares at Matthew S to the constant Lamborghini video quotes, ORGO.LAN.16.2 was crazy and wonderful, and all of its Nomores and Nevermores will always be grateful for this second family.